Posted by mixtroy on 6/8/2018 12:58:00 AM (view original):
Posted by moy23 on 6/7/2018 10:15:00 PM (view original):
Posted by mixtroy on 6/7/2018 9:59:00 PM (view original):
Only an idiot wpuld vpte for him again. I remember his campaign speeches about how he would only hire the best of the best for his administration, but so far I've seen nothing but serial liars, criminals, money launderers, women beaters, etc.
Let me ask you... forget all the TMZ ****... what has Trump done to ACTUALLY hurt you or any other legal citizen in the US?
Did we go to war? Did we not stop ISIS? Did you lose your job? Did your pay go down? Did the economy collapse?
Tell me... without your liberal emotional bias..... what has Trump done to ACTUALLY hurt you or any other legal citizen in the US? Be specific.
It's not that he's done anything specific to actually "hurt" me, but he's an embarrassment, along with, it seems like damn near every person he hires, to the office of the President, and in actuality, he's done nothing to help me either.
Same could be said of Oblunder. The only difference is the media tried to make Obama look good.
Going around the world on an apology tour. Getting caught spying on Germany and Spain. Getting caught with fast and furious. Getting caught tampering with Israel's elections. Getting caught dropping $1.3 billion at night over Iran. Let isis grow from 700 soldiers to 30,000. Passed only one piece of major regulation in 8 years. Pretty embarrassing.
What has Trump done to ACTUALLY hurt anyone who is a legal US citizen? Be specific.
BTW - are you one of the 5% of people that make so much money his tax cut doesn't help you? I doubt it. Do you live in a blue state like CA or NY where the tax cut is bringing in billions more in revenue than the states projected? Are you a veteran who can now benefit from the VA mission act, a bipartisan deal btw? Are you not happy that isis is no longer a major threat?
6/8/2018 6:27 AM (edited)