Posted by strikeout26 on 6/7/2018 4:13:00 PM (view original):
You do realize that abortion is killing a baby, right? You are quite heartless to support the death of children. You can try to sugarcoat it any way you want, but it still makes you a heartless bastard.
look, you are fully entitled to your beliefs regarding abortion, just as anyone else is. Just because they are your views does not mean they are everyone's views. Personally, I would never want to abort a child and my wife would not either, but I do believe that women should have the right to choose. Why does the unborn child override the mother's rights. There should be a limit as far as how late in pregnancy an abortion is allowed, but my opinion is it should be allowed. You can think I am a "heartless bastard" if it makes you feel better. I know I am not.