Posted by cccp1014 on 6/7/2018 2:02:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 6/7/2018 1:56:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 6/7/2018 1:51:00 PM (view original):
TP's logic:
- Supports the constitution but wants to eliminate the electoral college and is pro sanctuary cities.
- Says he is Jewish when both his parents are Christian.
- Says he is a pacifist and devout Christian but is pro choice.
- Wants to cut the military budget but does not want to address entitlements.
- Say he is a sports journalist but considers KC at Seattle (football) to be a guaranteed win for KC with a young QB.
- Does not believe that most Palestinians and actually likely Muslims want all the Jews eviscerated. Needs "proof"
- Does not comprehend that the entities that benefited most from the ACA were the insurance companies.
- Says the world respected the US more with BHO at the helm. As in Benghazi, rise of Isis, Syria, Russia taking "respect" I believe he means "lack of fear".
- All for Big Gov't except for when the Gov't tells people who they can or cannot marry. Then he wants the Gov't to stay out of it.
- Thinks the POTUS has very little to do with the economy but ignores the new tax bill that was signed and pushed for by the POTUS, which clearly impacted the economy. Ignores Reaganomics.
Yep, this is the typical new age Democrat.
1. I am not pro sanctuary cities.
2. I am Jewish and so is my mother.
3. I am a moderate on abortion, I think there are no good answers.
4. IDK about entitlements. I didn't say we shouldn't address it.
5. That was a homer joke.
6. Yes, you need to prove your claims.
7. Why is this relevant?
8. What was Obama's global popularity rating? Far ahead of Trump? How many foreigners have you talked to?
9. I am not pro-big Gov't as a principle. You may say that I am, but that isn't an ideology of mine, thus no hypocrisy.
10. I don't know if the tax bill impacted the economy.
- So you agree that those mayors are breaking the law?
- You said your mom is Christian.
- Not a typical devout Christian answer.
- What don't you know?
- Was it?
- We breathe air. Do I need to show you air?
- Because that was why Trump was so against it. It only benefits big corp., and not the middle class.
- You missed the point. It was high because he was a pushover. If you are a teacher and your class is easy and everyone gets As but learns nothing that teacher may get high ratings. If the teacher is tough and grades harshly but the kids learn, he'll likely get lower ratings.
- You said on multiple occasions that you were. Big Gov't to help the poor. What changed your mind?
- You think it had ZERO impact? I never said positive, I just said it had impact.
1. Yes
2. She is Christian in religion and Jewish in heritage. Her mom is also Jewish.
3. So?
4. I don't have a strong opinion on it.
5. Yes.
6. If you say that we breathe air, you would need to prove that claim.
7. It benefited my family.
8. Obama was more of a pushover than I would have liked, but the global popularity is among our allies, not our enemies.
9. I never said that I was pro-big Gov. I said that I was not anti-big Gov. There's a difference. I am fine with big government, but big government isn't my goal.
10. It may have.