Posted by cccp1014 on 6/6/2018 8:01:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 6/6/2018 6:58:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 6/6/2018 5:14:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 6/6/2018 4:25:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 6/6/2018 2:08:00 PM (view original):
#1) Economy
#2) Military
#3) Entitlements
#4) Terrorism
#5) Healthcare
#6) Supreme Court
#7) Education
#9) Trade Deals
#9) Environment
#10) Israel vs. Palestine
#1) idk if the president actually plays a part in controlling it.
#2) I disagree but that's OK.
#3) OK
#4) Idk how big a role the Pres. plays in controlling it.
#5) OK
#6) What about it?
#7) OK.
#8) OK
#9) OK
#10) Specifically what do you want a President to do?
Mine (in a loose order) are:
1. Education
2. Healthcare
3. North Korea
4. Environment
5. Budget
6. Treatment of social issues in the USA like race and class.
7. All other foreign policy.
8. Following of constitution.
9. Economy/Trade deals
10. Good leader/good representation of the USA on a global scale.
To me Trump fails on all of this except for #3 (maybe) and #9.
What did you score Obama as on those 10?
Failed on #1, 3, and 5.
And 2 and 10 and 4 and 9....Not easy being POTUS.
2: Passed ObamaCare, which is SOMETHING and helps my family have decent healthcare, without it we would have struggled. Could have been better but not failing.
4: Again, could have done more, I wish he did more, but he faced strong resistance in Congress and at least he attempted to address the problems and made it a big issue in America.... unfortunately politicized it as well but that wasn't his fault. This would be a B. Trump would get an F.
9: As far as I could tell the economy was doing pretty well, especially compared to someone like Bush, who would be failing. A failing grade is basically a depression or something actually awful in my book.
10: This was one of Obama's best things in my book. He was pretty universally respected around the world, and he was a pretty good leader and a charismatic guy. From what I have gathered, he is a top-class person, even when the cameras are off. Compared to Trump, who is almost universally hated, NOT charismatic and an iffy at best moral compass, and Obama looks pretty good.
If I were to grade Obama/Trump:
1. Education D/D-
2. Healthcare B/F
3. North Korea D/B+
4. Environment B/F
5. Budget D-/D-
6. Treatment of social issues in the USA like race and class. C/F
7. All other foreign policy. C+/D
8. Following of constitution. A/C
9. Economy/Trade deals C/A
10. Good leader/good representation of the USA on a global scale. A+/F