Posted by cccp1014 on 6/6/2018 2:08:00 PM (view original):
#1) Economy
#2) Military
#3) Entitlements
#4) Terrorism
#5) Healthcare
#6) Supreme Court
#7) Education
#9) Trade Deals
#9) Environment
#10) Israel vs. Palestine
#1) idk if the president actually plays a part in controlling it.
#2) I disagree but that's OK.
#3) OK
#4) Idk how big a role the Pres. plays in controlling it.
#5) OK
#6) What about it?
#7) OK.
#8) OK
#9) OK
#10) Specifically what do you want a President to do?
Mine (in a loose order) are:
1. Education
2. Healthcare
3. North Korea
4. Environment
5. Budget
6. Treatment of social issues in the USA like race and class.
7. All other foreign policy.
8. Following of constitution.
9. Economy/Trade deals
10. Good leader/good representation of the USA on a global scale.
To me Trump fails on all of this except for #3 (maybe) and #9.