Posted by tangplay on 6/5/2018 10:41:00 PM (view original):
Posted by gomiami1972 on 6/5/2018 10:37:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 6/5/2018 10:09:00 PM (view original):
Posted by gomiami1972 on 6/5/2018 8:22:00 PM (view original):
Posted by The Taint on 6/5/2018 8:07:00 PM (view original):
Against Trump, or in general? Because unlike Fast and Furious, Benghazi, VAGate, UraniumGAte, yaddayaddayaddagate, there's actually been plenty of indictments. Moving along at a nice clip. Mueller lining it up nice and easy like.
It's coming, just be patient. These clowns are too dumb not to have left digital traces of all their shenanigans. We've seen a ton of it already.
I can't wait until the Ritz-Carlton **** tape gets leaked by Putin. I will have the popcorn ready!
Not sure how to answer...I'm just getting a little tired of it all. Politically, I understand the drip, drip is to carry things through the midterm elections. Personally, I wish someone would charge someone else with a crime and let's get on with it.
We need some context here. In the grand scheme of things, this investigation is actually moving quite fast. It has more indictments than Watergate did at this time.
I agree that there are plenty of indictments but this whole process becomes a disaster for the Democrats if Trump is not the ultimate casualty. The Japanese were supremely confident of success before Midway. When you send your entire combined fleet to battle, you better win. I'm not saying the game is decided yet. I'm saying that the only indictments that matter will have Donald J. Trump's name on them and, so far, there are none.
I agree with this. All I am saying is to be patient. Watergate took almost a decade.
gomiami is spot on. In fact - trump is VERY good at baiting the media and the dems along so they should be using caution - but they aren't. Dems said the market would crash when trump got elected... It didn't. Dems said the tax cuts are stupid... they are working for the low/middle class. Dems said calling Un rocketman would cause WWIII... its not. Dems are scared of a trade war... It'll work with China.
Just look at the way Trump turned kneeling at the national anthem as a way to protest discrimination into an insult to all the soldiers who fought and lost lives fighting for freedom. Absolutely insane how fast he accomplished that.
Trump was written off in the primaries.... the general election.... the guy keeps winning.
Mueller has nothing on Trump - he's not even a TARGET of the investigation. Trump warned Comey he should check himself, and Comey didn't.... It's not going to work out well for Comey - just watch.... This is what Trump does - allow one enough rope to hang themselves and then he kicks the chair out from under them....
Dems better beware that they are attacking Trump on a non-issue.... Russiagate.