TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

Posted by cccp1014 on 6/1/2018 2:27:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 6/1/2018 2:09:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 6/1/2018 1:41:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 6/1/2018 12:55:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 6/1/2018 10:02:00 AM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 6/1/2018 9:56:00 AM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 6/1/2018 9:45:00 AM (view original):
OK so this has been going back and forth. Let me speak on this.

Both of my kids are in middle school. They have friends from all sorts of races, genders and beliefs. One of my daughter's friends has two mothers. In their eyes everyone is the same and they truly don't see it any differently. They have two kids in their school who are transitioning, gender neutral bathrooms and busing from poorer areas.

They have no biases. Their kids will have no biases. Why? Because my wife and I don't have biases. They are taught to treat each person on their own merits. This is my opinion how it should be.

Tangplay and bad luck immediately label and I don't want my kids around these types of people so I attack them pretty harshly because to me they are the problem not the solution. Rightly or wrongly, that is my stance.
See, here’s the deal. Someone says “institutional racism is still a thing and it’s a problem,” and you take it personally.

It doesn’t have anything to do with you, you have no power. You can’t impact the problems in the justice system or employment trends.

But, regarding biases, everyone has them and they aren’t always aware of them. I doubt most hiring managers say I won’t hire that guy because he’s black. But when it comes time to make a decision and there aren’t any hard metrics to evaluate similarly qualified candidates, they go with their gut. And their gut usually points them in the direction of the person they relate best to.
That is fair and logical and I agree.
I mean, that's what I have been trying to say for about 6 months now.
There is a difference between white privilege and black disadvantage. I have been trying to tell you that for six months now.
Wait what?

It’s two sides of the same coin.
No..I thought you meant companies outwardly were conspiring against black people. That is not true but I agree that certain people in those institutions may have biases. I would be naive to think otherwise.
Are you under the impression that institutional racism requires some sort of official policy or grand conspiracy?
6/1/2018 2:53 PM
Posted by gomiami1972 on 6/1/2018 1:00:00 PM (view original):
Posted by laramiebob on 6/1/2018 11:54:00 AM (view original):
WOW...... there is way too much agreement around here today..........time to stir in some ****..............

Warriors sweep.......... as long as the officials/NBA allow it. The NBA is ALL about how the game is called.
IF the refs allow Lebron to just bull his way to the hoop without concern for offensive fouls, he (alone) can keep the Cavs in the game.
If not, the Warriors will just play D on him (with Andre I. and others), and force James to work too hard for his points...... which weakens him on the defensive end, and then the Warriors can exploit the Cavs with ball movement. Curry and Durant and Thompson can just pick their time and place.

Now as to this GOAT BS................

That would HAVE to be Dennis Johnson.......... for years as a Seattle Supersonic, he'd go head to head with BOTH Magic and Jordan, and he (DJ) almost always totally outplayed Magic, and he played Jordan to a standstill but MJ's cast was better. Seattle had Sikma as a center and while he could score he couldn't really keep up when the pace became up and down the court.

DJ----------- G.O.A.T.

That's why it will go to six games, fool.

The refs WILL allow LeBronze to bull his way to the hoop in a couple of games to stretch the series.
Likely true.......... except for that part about the refs WILL......... their will probably has a lot less to do with things than HOW the NBA officiating "committee" instructs them to call/emphasize/ignore. The RULE is 1 and a half steps....... the minute you 2nd foot hits the ground (after pulling the ball into the air) you're traveling. Every superstar (and about 3/4ths of the rest of the league) gets at least one extra step and guys like Magic, LBJ, and MJ, get 2 +.

Still, I thought GS was just toying with the Cavs at times, trying to maintain some sort of watchable ballgame.
Losing focus for periods of time, etc. When Iguadala returns and things get serious I just think they have an extra gear----------- AS LONG as Curry, KD, and Thompson are stroking it. Thus, it may just be that not even the NBA through the refs can really elevate the Cavs into a win in this one.
After all, after LBJ--------- ???? T. Thompson, JR WHO? Give me a break. The Warrior lineup is loaded clear down to #'s 8 and 9.
As long as they play unselfish basketball, I don't think they can be touched.
6/1/2018 2:59 PM
Posted by laramiebob on 6/1/2018 2:59:00 PM (view original):
Posted by gomiami1972 on 6/1/2018 1:00:00 PM (view original):
Posted by laramiebob on 6/1/2018 11:54:00 AM (view original):
WOW...... there is way too much agreement around here today..........time to stir in some ****..............

Warriors sweep.......... as long as the officials/NBA allow it. The NBA is ALL about how the game is called.
IF the refs allow Lebron to just bull his way to the hoop without concern for offensive fouls, he (alone) can keep the Cavs in the game.
If not, the Warriors will just play D on him (with Andre I. and others), and force James to work too hard for his points...... which weakens him on the defensive end, and then the Warriors can exploit the Cavs with ball movement. Curry and Durant and Thompson can just pick their time and place.

Now as to this GOAT BS................

That would HAVE to be Dennis Johnson.......... for years as a Seattle Supersonic, he'd go head to head with BOTH Magic and Jordan, and he (DJ) almost always totally outplayed Magic, and he played Jordan to a standstill but MJ's cast was better. Seattle had Sikma as a center and while he could score he couldn't really keep up when the pace became up and down the court.

DJ----------- G.O.A.T.

That's why it will go to six games, fool.

The refs WILL allow LeBronze to bull his way to the hoop in a couple of games to stretch the series.
Likely true.......... except for that part about the refs WILL......... their will probably has a lot less to do with things than HOW the NBA officiating "committee" instructs them to call/emphasize/ignore. The RULE is 1 and a half steps....... the minute you 2nd foot hits the ground (after pulling the ball into the air) you're traveling. Every superstar (and about 3/4ths of the rest of the league) gets at least one extra step and guys like Magic, LBJ, and MJ, get 2 +.

Still, I thought GS was just toying with the Cavs at times, trying to maintain some sort of watchable ballgame.
Losing focus for periods of time, etc. When Iguadala returns and things get serious I just think they have an extra gear----------- AS LONG as Curry, KD, and Thompson are stroking it. Thus, it may just be that not even the NBA through the refs can really elevate the Cavs into a win in this one.
After all, after LBJ--------- ???? T. Thompson, JR WHO? Give me a break. The Warrior lineup is loaded clear down to #'s 8 and 9.
As long as they play unselfish basketball, I don't think they can be touched.
That's too true to argue. I concede.
6/1/2018 3:00 PM
lol......... no need to concede. It's good to have another voice around here. Particularly one that expresses some logic from time to time.
Welcome to the zoo. Or should I say Jungle?

Just so you know, I pretty much stopped following the NBA at all (I found it BORING) about the time DJ retired (AFTER winning a Championship as a Celtic!) for a long long time. Until I saw GS play following the implementation of Kerr's "system" (if it's fair to call it that).

Side point------ Did you notice Kerr's halftime adjustment that resulted in a 2nd half starting lineup change---------and a HUGE lift for GS?
He's a GREAT coach.

2nd Side point. Larry Bird (one of the better white BB players of recent memory lol) called DJ the "best teammate I ever played with".
High enough praise for me plus I saw what happened in Seattle when he was inserted into a starting role. It's BB history. And why Bill Russell doesn't coach anymore.......... well, that and age...... lol.

6/1/2018 3:09 PM
True story, I stopped watching the NBA when my wife and I dropped cable/satellite in 2005. I maybe catch 10 games a year when ABC shows the occasional I didn't see Kerr's halftime adjustment. I see much more of the college game than I do the pros.

I like DJ. What he did during his tenure with the Sonics (as brief as it was) almost makes him HOF worthy by itself. For me, however, if we are talking about GOAT-like players, Bill Russell is hard to top.
6/1/2018 3:19 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 6/1/2018 1:59:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 6/1/2018 1:45:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 6/1/2018 1:41:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 6/1/2018 12:55:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 6/1/2018 10:02:00 AM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 6/1/2018 9:56:00 AM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 6/1/2018 9:45:00 AM (view original):
OK so this has been going back and forth. Let me speak on this.

Both of my kids are in middle school. They have friends from all sorts of races, genders and beliefs. One of my daughter's friends has two mothers. In their eyes everyone is the same and they truly don't see it any differently. They have two kids in their school who are transitioning, gender neutral bathrooms and busing from poorer areas.

They have no biases. Their kids will have no biases. Why? Because my wife and I don't have biases. They are taught to treat each person on their own merits. This is my opinion how it should be.

Tangplay and bad luck immediately label and I don't want my kids around these types of people so I attack them pretty harshly because to me they are the problem not the solution. Rightly or wrongly, that is my stance.
See, here’s the deal. Someone says “institutional racism is still a thing and it’s a problem,” and you take it personally.

It doesn’t have anything to do with you, you have no power. You can’t impact the problems in the justice system or employment trends.

But, regarding biases, everyone has them and they aren’t always aware of them. I doubt most hiring managers say I won’t hire that guy because he’s black. But when it comes time to make a decision and there aren’t any hard metrics to evaluate similarly qualified candidates, they go with their gut. And their gut usually points them in the direction of the person they relate best to.
That is fair and logical and I agree.
I mean, that's what I have been trying to say for about 6 months now.
There is a difference between white privilege and black disadvantage. I have been trying to tell you that for six months now.
I agree with that? You said that there was no difference.
Incorrect. Find that post. Liar.

Doesn't mean I believe that someone is disadvantaged just because they are black but it could play a factor such as someone who is fat or short.
You repeatedly called me a racist because you said that white privilege = black disadvantage.
6/1/2018 3:42 PM
Posted by bad_luck on 6/1/2018 2:48:00 PM (view original):
Posted by gomiami1972 on 6/1/2018 2:30:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 6/1/2018 2:06:00 PM (view original):
Hey look, another Jewish white supremacist:
lol, why do you keep referencing these propaganda pieces? Can't you just tell us what you believe rather than have some activist, blogger, politician, journalist, academic, etc. do your talking or thinking for you?

You're a smart guy. State your own opinion.
It’s literally a story about a crazy person. It’s not an opinion. WTF are you talking about?
I am talking about expressing what is in your own mind rather than posting an article and saying "see, it's happened again." I don't want to talk to I would prefer to talk to you instead. When you post an article in this fashion, you simply become a conduit for another person's thoughts and ideas. Hopefully, that makes sense.
6/1/2018 4:00 PM
Maybe you need some context. In a prior discussion, I referred to Ben Shapiro as a white supremacist because he was the editor at Breitbart and Breitbart is a white supremacist website.

CCCP insisted that that was impossible because Shapiro is Jewish.
6/1/2018 4:23 PM
Posted by bad_luck on 6/1/2018 2:56:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 6/1/2018 2:26:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 6/1/2018 2:06:00 PM (view original):
Hey look, another Jewish white supremacist:
Anti Islam does not equate to white supremacy. Sorry. Otherwise most of Israel = white supremacist.
Read the story. She is a fan of holocaust deniers and white supremacy.


From the story:

In 2014, she also started using neo-Nazi terms like “cultural Marxism” and borrowing propaganda from white supremacists like Kenn Gividen, who runs a racist website and at one point was the presidential candidate for the white nationalist American Freedom Party. She encouraged her readers to follow Jared Wyand, a white supremacist and anti-Semite who openly praises Adolf Hitler and denies the Holocaust happened.
She is a whacked out loser then. Nothing like Ben Shapiro
6/1/2018 4:24 PM
Posted by bad_luck on 6/1/2018 2:53:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 6/1/2018 2:27:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 6/1/2018 2:09:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 6/1/2018 1:41:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 6/1/2018 12:55:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 6/1/2018 10:02:00 AM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 6/1/2018 9:56:00 AM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 6/1/2018 9:45:00 AM (view original):
OK so this has been going back and forth. Let me speak on this.

Both of my kids are in middle school. They have friends from all sorts of races, genders and beliefs. One of my daughter's friends has two mothers. In their eyes everyone is the same and they truly don't see it any differently. They have two kids in their school who are transitioning, gender neutral bathrooms and busing from poorer areas.

They have no biases. Their kids will have no biases. Why? Because my wife and I don't have biases. They are taught to treat each person on their own merits. This is my opinion how it should be.

Tangplay and bad luck immediately label and I don't want my kids around these types of people so I attack them pretty harshly because to me they are the problem not the solution. Rightly or wrongly, that is my stance.
See, here’s the deal. Someone says “institutional racism is still a thing and it’s a problem,” and you take it personally.

It doesn’t have anything to do with you, you have no power. You can’t impact the problems in the justice system or employment trends.

But, regarding biases, everyone has them and they aren’t always aware of them. I doubt most hiring managers say I won’t hire that guy because he’s black. But when it comes time to make a decision and there aren’t any hard metrics to evaluate similarly qualified candidates, they go with their gut. And their gut usually points them in the direction of the person they relate best to.
That is fair and logical and I agree.
I mean, that's what I have been trying to say for about 6 months now.
There is a difference between white privilege and black disadvantage. I have been trying to tell you that for six months now.
Wait what?

It’s two sides of the same coin.
No..I thought you meant companies outwardly were conspiring against black people. That is not true but I agree that certain people in those institutions may have biases. I would be naive to think otherwise.
Are you under the impression that institutional racism requires some sort of official policy or grand conspiracy?
6/1/2018 4:25 PM
It doesn’t.

6/1/2018 4:27 PM
Posted by tangplay on 6/1/2018 3:42:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 6/1/2018 1:59:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 6/1/2018 1:45:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 6/1/2018 1:41:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 6/1/2018 12:55:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 6/1/2018 10:02:00 AM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 6/1/2018 9:56:00 AM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 6/1/2018 9:45:00 AM (view original):
OK so this has been going back and forth. Let me speak on this.

Both of my kids are in middle school. They have friends from all sorts of races, genders and beliefs. One of my daughter's friends has two mothers. In their eyes everyone is the same and they truly don't see it any differently. They have two kids in their school who are transitioning, gender neutral bathrooms and busing from poorer areas.

They have no biases. Their kids will have no biases. Why? Because my wife and I don't have biases. They are taught to treat each person on their own merits. This is my opinion how it should be.

Tangplay and bad luck immediately label and I don't want my kids around these types of people so I attack them pretty harshly because to me they are the problem not the solution. Rightly or wrongly, that is my stance.
See, here’s the deal. Someone says “institutional racism is still a thing and it’s a problem,” and you take it personally.

It doesn’t have anything to do with you, you have no power. You can’t impact the problems in the justice system or employment trends.

But, regarding biases, everyone has them and they aren’t always aware of them. I doubt most hiring managers say I won’t hire that guy because he’s black. But when it comes time to make a decision and there aren’t any hard metrics to evaluate similarly qualified candidates, they go with their gut. And their gut usually points them in the direction of the person they relate best to.
That is fair and logical and I agree.
I mean, that's what I have been trying to say for about 6 months now.
There is a difference between white privilege and black disadvantage. I have been trying to tell you that for six months now.
I agree with that? You said that there was no difference.
Incorrect. Find that post. Liar.

Doesn't mean I believe that someone is disadvantaged just because they are black but it could play a factor such as someone who is fat or short.
You repeatedly called me a racist because you said that white privilege = black disadvantage.
Not quite. I called you a racist because you are one.
6/1/2018 4:27 PM
Posted by bad_luck on 6/1/2018 4:27:00 PM (view original):
It doesn’t.

To me that is what I thought you meant. I agree there are definitely biases out there. Even the people who are the least racist probably want their kids to marry withing their own race. I won't argue human nature with you. My parents implored me to marry another Jew.
6/1/2018 4:28 PM
Posted by bad_luck on 6/1/2018 2:56:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 6/1/2018 2:26:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 6/1/2018 2:06:00 PM (view original):
Hey look, another Jewish white supremacist:
Anti Islam does not equate to white supremacy. Sorry. Otherwise most of Israel = white supremacist.
Read the story. She is a fan of holocaust deniers and white supremacy.


From the story:

In 2014, she also started using neo-Nazi terms like “cultural Marxism” and borrowing propaganda from white supremacists like Kenn Gividen, who runs a racist website and at one point was the presidential candidate for the white nationalist American Freedom Party. She encouraged her readers to follow Jared Wyand, a white supremacist and anti-Semite who openly praises Adolf Hitler and denies the Holocaust happened.
The Jew who is an anti-Semite...

My God, it's doublethink.
6/1/2018 4:29 PM
Posted by gomiami1972 on 6/1/2018 3:19:00 PM (view original):
True story, I stopped watching the NBA when my wife and I dropped cable/satellite in 2005. I maybe catch 10 games a year when ABC shows the occasional I didn't see Kerr's halftime adjustment. I see much more of the college game than I do the pros.

I like DJ. What he did during his tenure with the Sonics (as brief as it was) almost makes him HOF worthy by itself. For me, however, if we are talking about GOAT-like players, Bill Russell is hard to top.
Agreed. But Russell may have been the all time worst NBA coach. His Sonic team was 5 - 17 when he was fired. They hired Lenny Wilkins to replace him.......... and then went to the NBA finals Game 7 (which they should have won!).......... with the SAME roster!
6/1/2018 4:39 PM
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TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

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