TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

Posted by all3 on 5/30/2018 8:30:00 AM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 5/29/2018 7:29:00 PM (view original):
Posted by DoctorKz on 5/29/2018 7:23:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 5/29/2018 7:06:00 PM (view original):
Nobody asked you to write a check. Its easy for you (or me, for that matter) to say get over it, since we didn't go through it. As a Jew should I get over what happen in WWII? It was over 70 years ago.
You are right. It is easy for me to say that. I hadn't considered that. And if people encountered more people like myself regarding race, they would know we are rooting for them. That there is hope. I have good friends that get profiled. A lot. It ****** me off.

True. There are many people out there who don't see color, or gender, religion or sexual preference when looking at a person, just the person. It sounds like you are one of them. I like to think I'm one too. The problem is, while it is getting better, there are still far too many people who only see race, or gender, religion or sexual preference and judge people based on that.
When I argued this to a certain someone on this site a while back, he said everyone sees color and called me a liar for claiming I didn't.
Looks like it has a different effect on him coming from his own side of thinking.

Absolutely love the idea of a No Single Mothering campaign.
I have two daughters in middle school and they don't hear one iota on that topic. I find that ridiculous. Of course they hear it from my wife and me all the time. DON'T BE A SINGLE PARENT. We pound that table as loudly as we do with DON'T DO DRUGS.
5/30/2018 8:36 AM
Posted by wylie715 on 5/29/2018 10:29:00 PM (view original):
Posted by gomiami1972 on 5/29/2018 8:19:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 5/29/2018 7:06:00 PM (view original):
Nobody asked you to write a check. Its easy for you (or me, for that matter) to say get over it, since we didn't go through it. As a Jew should I get over what happen in WWII? It was over 70 years ago.
No, but if you hold onto the past too tightly, all you will ever see are Nazis...even where there aren't any.
Those who forget the past are bound to repeat it.....who said that?
I don't see Nazis everywhere.. hardly anywhere for that matter. Mainly I just get ****** at idiots who say the Holocaust never happened. That would be like someone saying to a black guy that slavery never happened.
Nobody said that but Santayana did express something similar. :)
5/30/2018 10:16 AM
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/30/2018 8:25:00 AM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 5/29/2018 6:46:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/29/2018 2:48:00 PM (view original):
Posted by laramiebob on 5/29/2018 2:47:00 PM (view original):
Boris, your premise is flawed........ you don't DECIDE to become a single Mom........... You decide to fornicate unwisely and end up alone and without a male partner. THAT occurs for a whole shitload of reasons..... from deadbeat maledom to crazy females who can't "nest",-------- among others..........
You have made my point. We need to address this first and foremost not race relations. Single parenthood is slowly killing this country.
you may be right, but I don't see how that can be fixed? Do e make it illegal to have sex if you are not married? Who has to enforce that law....and how would they know? You keep bringing up single parent households as being the major part of the problem. I'm not sure I agree with that. That's neither here nor there. I don't see any way to fix it. Sex education in schools doesn't do it. I think we both agree there's no way you're going to stop people from having sex, whether they are married or not. So, how do we do it? How about a suggestion for fixing it instead of just saying it needs to be fixed.
I'd spend $10bn on education starting in middle school. Maybe provide incentives to kids who graduate HS and don't have a kid by giving them $5k per year for college. Now it won't pay for a lot but it will pay for some state schooling community college. Again my kids are in middle school and NO ONE is talking to them about the dangers of single parenthood.

That is how I would attack it. Similar to the "Just Say No" campaign vs. drugs in the 80s. I'd do the same thing for single motherhood now. I would also make welfare programs a lot less attractive. Rather than giving welfare stamps, that they sell for other sh*t, I'd deliver actual food. This way they have to eat what I provide vs. what they want to eat. So they won't go hungry but they won't get to choose necessarily what they like.

This is what I would do wylie.
This is neither capitalism nor libertarianism, FWIW.
5/30/2018 10:19 AM
Posted by gomiami1972 on 5/30/2018 10:19:00 AM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/30/2018 8:25:00 AM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 5/29/2018 6:46:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/29/2018 2:48:00 PM (view original):
Posted by laramiebob on 5/29/2018 2:47:00 PM (view original):
Boris, your premise is flawed........ you don't DECIDE to become a single Mom........... You decide to fornicate unwisely and end up alone and without a male partner. THAT occurs for a whole shitload of reasons..... from deadbeat maledom to crazy females who can't "nest",-------- among others..........
You have made my point. We need to address this first and foremost not race relations. Single parenthood is slowly killing this country.
you may be right, but I don't see how that can be fixed? Do e make it illegal to have sex if you are not married? Who has to enforce that law....and how would they know? You keep bringing up single parent households as being the major part of the problem. I'm not sure I agree with that. That's neither here nor there. I don't see any way to fix it. Sex education in schools doesn't do it. I think we both agree there's no way you're going to stop people from having sex, whether they are married or not. So, how do we do it? How about a suggestion for fixing it instead of just saying it needs to be fixed.
I'd spend $10bn on education starting in middle school. Maybe provide incentives to kids who graduate HS and don't have a kid by giving them $5k per year for college. Now it won't pay for a lot but it will pay for some state schooling community college. Again my kids are in middle school and NO ONE is talking to them about the dangers of single parenthood.

That is how I would attack it. Similar to the "Just Say No" campaign vs. drugs in the 80s. I'd do the same thing for single motherhood now. I would also make welfare programs a lot less attractive. Rather than giving welfare stamps, that they sell for other sh*t, I'd deliver actual food. This way they have to eat what I provide vs. what they want to eat. So they won't go hungry but they won't get to choose necessarily what they like.

This is what I would do wylie.
This is neither capitalism nor libertarianism, FWIW.
It is called desperatioanism. LOL
5/30/2018 10:20 AM
That one I had to look up...
5/30/2018 10:23 AM
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/30/2018 8:28:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/29/2018 11:48:00 AM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/29/2018 10:23:00 AM (view original):
Answer my question. There is racism everywhere as there is anti semitism but I believe it is a lot less now than it was in the 60s? Again how does a racist in Boston impact a lady in Boston deciding to become a single mom? Forget the race. We need to educate kids that being a single parent is likely going to cause them and their child to start behind the 8 Ball and be at a disadvantage. I NEVER hear anyone talk about that sans Ben Shapiro.
I will step in and take a shot.

You are missing the point. The point isn't that individual racist people are racist and those people negatively affect black people. The point is that longstanding institutional practices like slavery, Jim Crow, and redlining still have discernible effects on the black populace, with the generational wealth and everything. You are correct that individual people are making bad choices and that we need to make attempts to fix that, but if you believe that just fixing the single parent problem will close the race gap then you would be naive and incorrect. BL, Taint, Wylie, Bob, and I have all proved that even with all other things equal, black people are still at a disadvantage, due to generational wealth, redlining, justice/police systems, and that we hold the poor in general in this country down. You even agreed on this. There is more nuance in this issue than one side or the other, all black people succeeding or all black people failing. If you keep resorting to hyperbole, you will never get the point.
You have proven nothing. I have proven that single parenthood is the #1 problem period.

I have proved 100% that all your theories are false.

There, I answered you.
LOL. I know English is your second language but you really haven’t proven anything.

Even if we agree for the sake of the argument that the number of parents in the household is the number one factor, race is still a big factor when comparing households with he same number of parents. Blacks are at a disadvantage because of racism.
5/30/2018 10:24 AM
Disadvantaged how?

Black two-parent families earned 87% of what white two-parent families earned. Also distorting the median is the disproportionate number of blacks who live in the South, where wages are lower overall. If you look only at specific areas rather than at the nation as a whole, black household earnings exceeded whites’ in 130 cities and counties across the nation.
5/30/2018 10:36 AM (edited)
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/30/2018 10:36:00 AM (view original):
Disadvantaged how?

Black two-parent families earned 87% of what white two-parent families earned. Also distorting the median is the disproportionate number of blacks who live in the South, where wages are lower overall. If you look only at specific areas rather than at the nation as a whole, black household earnings exceeded whites’ in 130 cities and counties across the nation.
Disadvantaged how?

Black two-parent families earn less than white two parent families.
5/30/2018 11:11 AM
Did you not read what I just posted? Do you not speak English? Black household earnings exceeded whites’ in 130 cities and counties across the nation.

5/30/2018 11:15 AM
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/30/2018 11:15:00 AM (view original):
Did you not read what I just posted? Do you not speak English? Black household earnings exceeded whites’ in 130 cities and counties across the nation.

There are THIRTY SEVEN THOUSAND cities and counties in the US. Pointing out 130 is like saying, “see John Smith is black and a lawyer, must not be any racism.”
5/30/2018 11:18 AM
Could it possibly be that the difference in average earnings between the two races have to do with the number of people that have college degrees? Don't let logic get in the way, B_L. I've already proven to you that the wage gap narrows drastically when comparing blacks and whites with college degrees. Remember, black women with degrees actually make more than white women with degrees. Once again, I would hate for logic to get in the way for you.
5/30/2018 11:19 AM
Yes and overall they are at 87%. Considering the generational wealth issue that is not terrible at all. In 50 years it will be close to equal. This stat is also from 1995. I bet there are a lot more counties now.

  • Many live in the South and wages in the South are lower for EVERYONE
  • 87% is not terrible given the generational wealth issue
  • This was 1995 and things have gotten better so it is likely even more now.
  • Asians make more than whites. So are Asians advantaged?
Your argument is flawed.
5/30/2018 11:22 AM
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/30/2018 11:19:00 AM (view original):
Could it possibly be that the difference in average earnings between the two races have to do with the number of people that have college degrees? Don't let logic get in the way, B_L. I've already proven to you that the wage gap narrows drastically when comparing blacks and whites with college degrees. Remember, black women with degrees actually make more than white women with degrees. Once again, I would hate for logic to get in the way for you.
Hmmm I wonder if racism could play a role in someone's access to college?
5/30/2018 11:23 AM
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/30/2018 11:19:00 AM (view original):
Could it possibly be that the difference in average earnings between the two races have to do with the number of people that have college degrees? Don't let logic get in the way, B_L. I've already proven to you that the wage gap narrows drastically when comparing blacks and whites with college degrees. Remember, black women with degrees actually make more than white women with degrees. Once again, I would hate for logic to get in the way for you.
Right and due to generational wealth some cannot go to the same universities as wealthier white people. OK. But that gap is closing.
5/30/2018 11:24 AM
Posted by bad_luck on 5/30/2018 11:23:00 AM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/30/2018 11:19:00 AM (view original):
Could it possibly be that the difference in average earnings between the two races have to do with the number of people that have college degrees? Don't let logic get in the way, B_L. I've already proven to you that the wage gap narrows drastically when comparing blacks and whites with college degrees. Remember, black women with degrees actually make more than white women with degrees. Once again, I would hate for logic to get in the way for you.
Hmmm I wonder if racism could play a role in someone's access to college?
It is $$$$....colleges are $$$$ driven. Except Harvard. LOL

Nothing to do with race. This is not the 30s. Try again.
5/30/2018 11:25 AM
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TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

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