TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

Absolutely........... acknowledge the truth, accept the facts, understand why things happened (as much as possible) blame NO one alive for the sins of us all (society), teach your children well, and yes acknowledge that in our society a 2 parent home works far more successfully than a single parent/provider home does.

Now, we can then argue about whether it's a GOOD thing that it TAKES 2 parent households to properly provide for today's children.
Could it be we WANT too much, and prioritize our time too poorly?
Blow up your TV is now passe, an antique phrase.........

Now it's pull your head out of your smart phone!!!

Tweets are for Twits!
5/29/2018 12:22 PM
tangplay from 11:32am

"Both were kept in place, and slavery only happens in a capitalistic society. I also proved that the average income of a black person with a degree is the same as the average white income, meaning that for a black person to become equal to a white person in today's society, they must get a degree. This proves the inequality point."

The Greeks, Egyptians, Romans, Ottoman Empire, Chinese Empire, India, Czarist Russia, indigenous North/Central/South American nations and tribes, African nations and tribes (are you getting the drift?) all had slavery.

None of them were capitalistic societies.
5/29/2018 12:25 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/29/2018 11:55:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/29/2018 11:33:00 AM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/29/2018 8:55:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/28/2018 10:32:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/28/2018 5:35:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/28/2018 5:14:00 PM (view original):
Posted by gomiami1972 on 5/28/2018 12:47:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/28/2018 12:41:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/28/2018 12:08:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/28/2018 11:46:00 AM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/28/2018 8:20:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/27/2018 11:44:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/27/2018 9:33:00 PM (view original):
How do you know they're happier? Based on this one report? If they are happier, why are people begging to move to the US?
Who is begging to move to the US? The only Swedish person I know that recently moved to the USA was Zlatan Ibrahimovic and it was against his will.
I'm not sure if you've noticed or not, but the debate over immigration in the US stems from too many people wanting to move in, not from too many people wanting to leave. I never said the Swedes were begging to come, but plenty of people from other countries are. And yeah, I actually have a friend who's a neurosurgeon that moved from Sweden. She had to go through medical school twice.
Other countries, sure, but I doubt from the Nordic ones. You have to prove to me that the Nordic countries are not happy.

BTW, the USA is still 18th, so way above a lot of countries.
They may be happy. Good for them. A lot of people in America are happy too. What I don't understand is why the one's who aren't stay. It makes no sense to me.

By the way, I don't have to prove anything to you in terms of happiness. That is subjective to the individual.
How many people immigrate to the USA from Nordic countries per year?
More than Americans immigrate to Scandinavia, lol.
There are more Americans than Scandinavians.
There are more Muslims than Americans. Care to name some of their great inventions?
Coffee, Clocks, Cameras, Colleges, better surgical techniques and instruments, better cleanliness, etc. Shall I go on?
I said RECENT?!?!?!

None of those are recent inventions. LMAO. But even so you lied yet again. You are a professional liar.

Coffee - invented in 9th century Ethiopia
Clocks - Christiaan Huygens
Camera - Who invented camera? Johann Zahn designed the first camera in 1685. But the first photograph was clicked by Joseph Nicephore Niepce in the year 1814.
Colleges - Ancient Vedic Indians invented the residential university system. Taxila University, a seat of Hinduism and Buddhist philosophical learning, was the world's oldest university. Founded more than 2700 years ago, the university hosted more than 10,000 students from across the world.

"There are more Muslims than Americans. Care to name some of their great inventions?"

Lol you never said recent.
LOL - this dude is reaching. Again. Recent.

Like UBER....
I mean, you called me a liar for not reading your mind.
5/29/2018 12:31 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/29/2018 11:57:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/29/2018 11:32:00 AM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/29/2018 8:51:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/28/2018 10:29:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/28/2018 5:34:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/28/2018 5:29:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/28/2018 4:39:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 5/28/2018 4:19:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/28/2018 3:54:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 5/28/2018 3:07:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/28/2018 2:17:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 5/28/2018 2:14:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/28/2018 11:11:00 AM (view original):
I am a Libertarian.

I don't think I am "Right"

I am pro life, I think the 2nd Amendment is outdated and I believe in a $$ cap for CEOs of companies if those companies have layoffs. I don't like tangplay because his rhetoric is racist. Saying "white privilege" really means "black disadvantage" and I find that abhorrent. Saying institutional racism while quoting random stats further promotes this divisive rhetoric. People like dino are equally bad. They preach hatred and if you disagree they redline you. Pathetic. Sounds like communist Russia to me.

They state this rhetoric while having zero knowledge of how finance works, how defense is funded, how our court system works. This is what divides this country and it annoys me. BHO was the worst president for the military in recent memory, maybe ever. He artificially inflated the stock market by keeping rates low, he never addressed entitlements and he lied when he said "HRC was the most qualified candidate ever". Under his watch the hate group BLM rose and police and the people had a horrible relationship. Under his leadership ISIS arose and North Korea became even more of a pariah. Shall we even mention Syria and Russia?

Yet I heard nothing. DJT has been in office for a year and tangplay acts as if he is Attila the Hun. I find that mind boggling and hypocritical.
I’m surprised you have enough brain cells to make your fingers move in order to type that idiocy.
You'd never say that to my face. Internet tough guy. Chill. This is an opinion. You don't have to agree.
And my opinion is that you are a moron.

Only a moron would say that Obama controlled BLM. Only a moron would think it's racist to acknowledge the fact that whites are privileged in America. Only a moron would think it's divisive to point out institutional racism.
I am OK with you thinking I am a moron. I am not the one who called Ben Shapiro a white supremacist. LOL. You are.

#1) I never said he controlled it. I said it rose on his watch
#2) Whites are not privileged. Even wylie, your fellow Liberal agrees that blacks have athletic advantages. And if they have two parents they are on par with any race. Maybe if you treated them as equals vs. disadvantaged we would all be better off? Hmmm....
#3) It is divisive because you have not named one specific private institution that is racist.

You mad bro? You seem angry? Want a kiss? MWA
Not mad, just tired of you repeating the same lies over and over again.

Blacks in two parent households have much higher poverty rates than whites in two parent households.

The justice system is racist. Blacks get longer jail sentences than whites for the same crimes. Blacks are stopped, arrested, and charged with drug crimes at a higher rate than whites despite the same usage rates.
#1) Blacks who graduate from college are on par in terms of earnings as whites. It is getting better. Chill bro.
#2) Justice system in general needs an overhaul for all races. If you are rich it serves you just fine. See OJ. See Kobe Bryant. If you can afford a good attorney you are ahead of the game. That needs to be fixed. I agree. FOR ALL RACES.

Maybe if you were less pessimistic and more optimistic we'd all be better off?
#1) I already disproved this. That isn't true. Black people who graduate are on par with the average white person, yes, but that accounts for ALL white people, even the ones who don't graduate.

#2) Why do innocent black people get convicted more than innocent white people?

#3) How would we be better off by ignoring the problem?
#1) You did not

#2) Poor lawyers

#3) Allow capitalism to run its course

#1) OK, according to the charts you and Strikeout put out, the average income(or net worth, I forget) for black people with a degree and the average white person is the same.

#2) No, because the split holds true regardless of income.

#3) We have tried doing that for, let's see, 250 years? Slavery was due to capitalistic beliefs partially. So was Jim Crow. Capitalism has already run its course.

Jim Crow was Gov't imposed. Slavery became obsolete post the invention of the cotton gin in the US. Strikeout proved that with college degrees the races are on par.
Both were kept in place, and slavery only happens in a capitalistic society. I also proved that the average income of a black person with a degree is the same as the average white income, meaning that for a black person to become equal to a white person in today's society, they must get a degree. This proves the inequality point.
Not at all. We just need to study blue collar job and compare them. I think those studies are skewed anyway.
5/29/2018 12:32 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/29/2018 11:58:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/29/2018 11:48:00 AM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/29/2018 10:23:00 AM (view original):
Answer my question. There is racism everywhere as there is anti semitism but I believe it is a lot less now than it was in the 60s? Again how does a racist in Boston impact a lady in Boston deciding to become a single mom? Forget the race. We need to educate kids that being a single parent is likely going to cause them and their child to start behind the 8 Ball and be at a disadvantage. I NEVER hear anyone talk about that sans Ben Shapiro.
I will step in and take a shot.

You are missing the point. The point isn't that individual racist people are racist and those people negatively affect black people. The point is that longstanding institutional practices like slavery, Jim Crow, and redlining still have discernible effects on the black populace, with the generational wealth and everything. You are correct that individual people are making bad choices and that we need to make attempts to fix that, but if you believe that just fixing the single parent problem will close the race gap then you would be naive and incorrect. BL, Taint, Wylie, Bob, and I have all proved that even with all other things equal, black people are still at a disadvantage, due to generational wealth, redlining, justice/police systems, and that we hold the poor in general in this country down. You even agreed on this. There is more nuance in this issue than one side or the other, all black people succeeding or all black people failing. If you keep resorting to hyperbole, you will never get the point.
My point is move forward.
And my point is that by just ignoring the problems and pretending like there is no inequity in America, you make those problems worse.
5/29/2018 12:33 PM
Posted by gomiami1972 on 5/29/2018 12:25:00 PM (view original):
tangplay from 11:32am

"Both were kept in place, and slavery only happens in a capitalistic society. I also proved that the average income of a black person with a degree is the same as the average white income, meaning that for a black person to become equal to a white person in today's society, they must get a degree. This proves the inequality point."

The Greeks, Egyptians, Romans, Ottoman Empire, Chinese Empire, India, Czarist Russia, indigenous North/Central/South American nations and tribes, African nations and tribes (are you getting the drift?) all had slavery.

None of them were capitalistic societies.
OK, good point.
5/29/2018 12:35 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/29/2018 10:23:00 AM (view original):
Answer my question. There is racism everywhere as there is anti semitism but I believe it is a lot less now than it was in the 60s? Again how does a racist in Boston impact a lady in Boston deciding to become a single mom? Forget the race. We need to educate kids that being a single parent is likely going to cause them and their child to start behind the 8 Ball and be at a disadvantage. I NEVER hear anyone talk about that sans Ben Shapiro.
So there is racism against blacks but you don’t think that racism makes their lives more difficult?
5/29/2018 12:53 PM
You are being an A HOLE. You expect me to answer your questions while ignoring mine. That is simply rude. As much as tang and I go at each other, we respect one another enough to answer the questions posed. Same for Taint and me. You have zero manners. Forget race. Were you raised by f*cking wolves? What is wrong with you? LOL

5/29/2018 1:10 PM
Posted by bad_luck on 5/29/2018 12:53:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/29/2018 10:23:00 AM (view original):
Answer my question. There is racism everywhere as there is anti semitism but I believe it is a lot less now than it was in the 60s? Again how does a racist in Boston impact a lady in Boston deciding to become a single mom? Forget the race. We need to educate kids that being a single parent is likely going to cause them and their child to start behind the 8 Ball and be at a disadvantage. I NEVER hear anyone talk about that sans Ben Shapiro.
So there is racism against blacks but you don’t think that racism makes their lives more difficult?
It does of course. There is anti semitism against Jews. There is racism vs. Asians. There is sexism vs. women and gays. There are negative views of fat people. There are a lot of crutches. What is your point? Mine is that racism is dying down and people are a lot more open minded. Broad brushing stuff is simply ridiculous. Are you going to answer my question or keep dodging it? Are you sure you played baseball in college and not dodge ball?
5/29/2018 1:15 PM
= bad_luck
5/29/2018 1:26 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/29/2018 1:15:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 5/29/2018 12:53:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/29/2018 10:23:00 AM (view original):
Answer my question. There is racism everywhere as there is anti semitism but I believe it is a lot less now than it was in the 60s? Again how does a racist in Boston impact a lady in Boston deciding to become a single mom? Forget the race. We need to educate kids that being a single parent is likely going to cause them and their child to start behind the 8 Ball and be at a disadvantage. I NEVER hear anyone talk about that sans Ben Shapiro.
So there is racism against blacks but you don’t think that racism makes their lives more difficult?
It does of course. There is anti semitism against Jews. There is racism vs. Asians. There is sexism vs. women and gays. There are negative views of fat people. There are a lot of crutches. What is your point? Mine is that racism is dying down and people are a lot more open minded. Broad brushing stuff is simply ridiculous. Are you going to answer my question or keep dodging it? Are you sure you played baseball in college and not dodge ball?
Yes of course it makes their lives more difficult?
5/29/2018 1:31 PM
In unrelated news, congrats to the Warriors for winning Game 7.
5/29/2018 1:32 PM
Posted by bad_luck on 5/29/2018 1:31:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/29/2018 1:15:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 5/29/2018 12:53:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/29/2018 10:23:00 AM (view original):
Answer my question. There is racism everywhere as there is anti semitism but I believe it is a lot less now than it was in the 60s? Again how does a racist in Boston impact a lady in Boston deciding to become a single mom? Forget the race. We need to educate kids that being a single parent is likely going to cause them and their child to start behind the 8 Ball and be at a disadvantage. I NEVER hear anyone talk about that sans Ben Shapiro.
So there is racism against blacks but you don’t think that racism makes their lives more difficult?
It does of course. There is anti semitism against Jews. There is racism vs. Asians. There is sexism vs. women and gays. There are negative views of fat people. There are a lot of crutches. What is your point? Mine is that racism is dying down and people are a lot more open minded. Broad brushing stuff is simply ridiculous. Are you going to answer my question or keep dodging it? Are you sure you played baseball in college and not dodge ball?
Yes of course it makes their lives more difficult?
NO! It does not make it any more difficult than that of a fat person. It makes it easier in some instances perhaps. IDK. I don't broad brush things. This is my last warning to you. Either you answer my questions or we are done conversing. English is my 2nd language so let me know if you don't understand me. Thank you.
5/29/2018 1:35 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/29/2018 1:35:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 5/29/2018 1:31:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/29/2018 1:15:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 5/29/2018 12:53:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/29/2018 10:23:00 AM (view original):
Answer my question. There is racism everywhere as there is anti semitism but I believe it is a lot less now than it was in the 60s? Again how does a racist in Boston impact a lady in Boston deciding to become a single mom? Forget the race. We need to educate kids that being a single parent is likely going to cause them and their child to start behind the 8 Ball and be at a disadvantage. I NEVER hear anyone talk about that sans Ben Shapiro.
So there is racism against blacks but you don’t think that racism makes their lives more difficult?
It does of course. There is anti semitism against Jews. There is racism vs. Asians. There is sexism vs. women and gays. There are negative views of fat people. There are a lot of crutches. What is your point? Mine is that racism is dying down and people are a lot more open minded. Broad brushing stuff is simply ridiculous. Are you going to answer my question or keep dodging it? Are you sure you played baseball in college and not dodge ball?
Yes of course it makes their lives more difficult?
NO! It does not make it any more difficult than that of a fat person. It makes it easier in some instances perhaps. IDK. I don't broad brush things. This is my last warning to you. Either you answer my questions or we are done conversing. English is my 2nd language so let me know if you don't understand me. Thank you.
What is your first?
5/29/2018 1:36 PM
So, racism again black people does not make their lives more difficult than the lives of white people?
5/29/2018 1:37 PM
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TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

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