TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

Posted by tangplay on 5/27/2018 9:26:00 PM (view original):
Wylie has been here.
are you implying I am logical?? that's not very nice.

I don't know if it shows, but I typed that in my sarcasm font.
5/28/2018 1:21 AM
Posted by tangplay on 5/27/2018 11:44:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/27/2018 9:33:00 PM (view original):
How do you know they're happier? Based on this one report? If they are happier, why are people begging to move to the US?
Who is begging to move to the US? The only Swedish person I know that recently moved to the USA was Zlatan Ibrahimovic and it was against his will.
I'm not sure if you've noticed or not, but the debate over immigration in the US stems from too many people wanting to move in, not from too many people wanting to leave. I never said the Swedes were begging to come, but plenty of people from other countries are. And yeah, I actually have a friend who's a neurosurgeon that moved from Sweden. She had to go through medical school twice.
5/28/2018 8:20 AM
Posted by tangplay on 5/27/2018 11:49:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/27/2018 10:10:00 PM (view original):
You're not going to be able to break through. There are few on here that are so politically extreme that it's not worth discussing politics with them. You will figure out who they are. Actually, i'm sure you are already figuring it out.




Yep, that's about right. Bob is actually probably moderately left.
5/28/2018 8:22 AM
5/28/2018 8:42 AM
This post has a rating of , which is below the default threshold.
I am a Libertarian.

I don't think I am "Right"

I am pro life, I think the 2nd Amendment is outdated and I believe in a $$ cap for CEOs of companies if those companies have layoffs. I don't like tangplay because his rhetoric is racist. Saying "white privilege" really means "black disadvantage" and I find that abhorrent. Saying institutional racism while quoting random stats further promotes this divisive rhetoric. People like dino are equally bad. They preach hatred and if you disagree they redline you. Pathetic. Sounds like communist Russia to me.

They state this rhetoric while having zero knowledge of how finance works, how defense is funded, how our court system works. This is what divides this country and it annoys me. BHO was the worst president for the military in recent memory, maybe ever. He artificially inflated the stock market by keeping rates low, he never addressed entitlements and he lied when he said "HRC was the most qualified candidate ever". Under his watch the hate group BLM rose and police and the people had a horrible relationship. Under his leadership ISIS arose and North Korea became even more of a pariah. Shall we even mention Syria and Russia?

Yet I heard nothing. DJT has been in office for a year and tangplay acts as if he is Attila the Hun. I find that mind boggling and hypocritical.
5/28/2018 11:10 AM
Posted by bad_luck on 5/27/2018 9:42:00 PM (view original):
Posted by gomiami1972 on 5/27/2018 6:15:00 PM (view original):
Sorry, bad_luck, I wasn't ignoring you. By creating a hard cap on income, you create a hard cap on motivation to achieve (for most.) We live in a money economy. Only a saint would continue to reach upward once they reach that $10M level.

Most of us are not saints. What you propose is a great utopian ideal. In reality, it would breed retardation and mediocrity.
It doesn’t create a cap on motivation. $10m is an unbelievably large amount of money. Anyone starting a business would be happy to personally make $10m once, let alone more than $10m annually.

In reality, it would create an incentive to reinvest. We know, for a fact, that cutting upper income tax rates doesn’t encourage owners to reinvest the money back into the business.

But if, for example, you’re a business owner and you project $12m in personal income for a year, you have a choice. You can hang on to the additional $20k and give an extra $1.98m to the feds or you can put that entire $2m back into the company—pay your employees more, buy new equipment, etc. The tax caps the amount large shareholders can extract from the business.
$10mil to you is a lot. $10mil to a hedge fund manager is a week's pay. Subjective. Worry about yourself not what your neighbor makes. Why not just have a flat tax? Why are you punishing someone else's success?
5/28/2018 11:13 AM
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/28/2018 8:22:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/27/2018 11:49:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/27/2018 10:10:00 PM (view original):
You're not going to be able to break through. There are few on here that are so politically extreme that it's not worth discussing politics with them. You will figure out who they are. Actually, i'm sure you are already figuring it out.




Yep, that's about right. Bob is actually probably moderately left.
Labels are just ridiculously other words pure bullshit.

I, too, consider myself A Classic liberal........... as I believe in the purpose and the protections enshrined in our founding documents...... which are clearly LIBERAL governing principles. The word liberal should NOT be considered a negative, neither should the word Conservative. It isn't the word's (or the principle's) fault that the current/modern era Repugnants have co-opted the word and made it as negative and ugly as they have.

The truth about me is that politically I can't be defined or pigeonholed by the issues that folks usually use. AND, I am probably inconsistent within my general philosophy depending on my present attitude and the issue I am attacking............. but given all those disclaimers....... I fall into the same general area as strikeout, I think it was, I have disdain for BOTH major parties....... the amount varies based on whom you're referring to........... generally I'm a social "lefty" and a fiscal "righty" and I completely understood Reagan's appeal when he said the words Americans fear the most are "...I'm from the Government and I'm here to help you"..............

I also believe it should NOT be that way and when we give in to that much cynicism and distrust of our OWN government.......... we lose.
And, we end up with the KINDS of candidates we've had over the last several decades............ you know choices like HRC vs. "The King of Debt",


Bush vs. Clinton


Bush vs. Dukakis, etc and etc...........

I could keep listing our election choices but you ought to be able to get the point...........
If you haven't go look at the list of major party candidates JUST 1960 and beyond.......... you'll see.

Modern republicans have lost their party and their way........... they're NOW the party of division and racism.
Modern democrats have lost their party, too........ to the left-wing extremists that the Dems welcomed into their party without challenge since Bubba Clinton's last gasp. Look at Boris' big issue for example... How is it that the Dem party have become so blind/tolerant that they allow some nutjob to prance around their convention waving a Palestinian flag without challenge or censor....... and how many VOTERS who would normally vote Dem. (like the Jewish banker Boris) were so angered (like Boris) that now they've resorted to supporting evil-doers like Trump and just attempting to turn a blind eye to ALL his "short-comings" (the NICEST word I could think of!)............ and voting Republican because it's the so-called only other choice to the Dems???

So, (most) real folks are left without any REAL representation.
We just argue without purpose because NONE of us count at all with ******** like Trump OR HRC!

5/28/2018 11:42 AM
Posted by wylie715 on 5/28/2018 1:21:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/27/2018 9:26:00 PM (view original):
Wylie has been here.
are you implying I am logical?? that's not very nice.

I don't know if it shows, but I typed that in my sarcasm font.
The most logical person on here is Dougout.

I typed that in my sarcasm font too.
5/28/2018 11:45 AM
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/28/2018 8:20:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/27/2018 11:44:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/27/2018 9:33:00 PM (view original):
How do you know they're happier? Based on this one report? If they are happier, why are people begging to move to the US?
Who is begging to move to the US? The only Swedish person I know that recently moved to the USA was Zlatan Ibrahimovic and it was against his will.
I'm not sure if you've noticed or not, but the debate over immigration in the US stems from too many people wanting to move in, not from too many people wanting to leave. I never said the Swedes were begging to come, but plenty of people from other countries are. And yeah, I actually have a friend who's a neurosurgeon that moved from Sweden. She had to go through medical school twice.
Other countries, sure, but I doubt from the Nordic ones. You have to prove to me that the Nordic countries are not happy.

BTW, the USA is still 18th, so way above a lot of countries.
5/28/2018 11:46 AM
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/28/2018 8:22:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/27/2018 11:49:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/27/2018 10:10:00 PM (view original):
You're not going to be able to break through. There are few on here that are so politically extreme that it's not worth discussing politics with them. You will figure out who they are. Actually, i'm sure you are already figuring it out.




Yep, that's about right. Bob is actually probably moderately left.
Bob is right on the bubble.
5/28/2018 11:47 AM
Posted by gomiami1972 on 5/28/2018 8:51:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/27/2018 11:43:00 PM (view original):
Posted by gomiami1972 on 5/27/2018 9:31:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/27/2018 9:21:00 PM (view original):
Glad to have you on board, gomiami. It's always nice to have some logical thinking for a change.
Appreciate it. I could probably come up with a set of questions that would catapult Syria to the #1 spot. All data is easily manipulated, especially when circular reasoning is employed from the get-go.
OK, so what questions would you ask to gather a true happiness index?
I wouldn't even try. Happiness is an individual state of being. There's no way of measuring it in a collective.

I'm happy, my son is happy but my wife is ****** off. Is the family happy because we win 2 out of 3? Come on...
OK, so taking it in a different direction, how would you define 'success' and 'failure' as pertaining to countries? How do we know who is doing well and who isn't?
5/28/2018 11:48 AM
This post has a rating of , which is below the default threshold.
This post has a rating of , which is below the default threshold.
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/28/2018 11:11:00 AM (view original):
I am a Libertarian.

I don't think I am "Right"

I am pro life, I think the 2nd Amendment is outdated and I believe in a $$ cap for CEOs of companies if those companies have layoffs. I don't like tangplay because his rhetoric is racist. Saying "white privilege" really means "black disadvantage" and I find that abhorrent. Saying institutional racism while quoting random stats further promotes this divisive rhetoric. People like dino are equally bad. They preach hatred and if you disagree they redline you. Pathetic. Sounds like communist Russia to me.

They state this rhetoric while having zero knowledge of how finance works, how defense is funded, how our court system works. This is what divides this country and it annoys me. BHO was the worst president for the military in recent memory, maybe ever. He artificially inflated the stock market by keeping rates low, he never addressed entitlements and he lied when he said "HRC was the most qualified candidate ever". Under his watch the hate group BLM rose and police and the people had a horrible relationship. Under his leadership ISIS arose and North Korea became even more of a pariah. Shall we even mention Syria and Russia?

Yet I heard nothing. DJT has been in office for a year and tangplay acts as if he is Attila the Hun. I find that mind boggling and hypocritical.
1. Not the worst pres. for our military. Not even close. He raised their budget.
2. HRC was up there. She was very qualified.
3. He had no control over BLM. He had no control over police.
4. ISIS was not his fault, lol. Bush was the one who planted the seeds for that.
5. OK, I will give you the North Korea one. But Trump hasn't been any better.
6. Syria: not his fault.
7. Russia: OK yeah he should have done better.

You have yet to mention one thing DJT has done that you disagree with. I don't think Trump is even close to the worst Pres of all time, and I don't hate him. He isn't a racist, bigot, antisemite, etc. He is not the smartest guy, though, and I disagree with him as a person and a lot of his ideas.

BTW, if you support Trump on basically everything, you are on the right. Sorry bud. Libertarians tend to be on the right.

And my rhetoric is racist. Yes, black people are at a systematic disadvantage. The rhetoric is only divisive because people like you have your head in the sand and cannot accept fact.
5/28/2018 11:54 AM
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TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

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