TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

Posted by laramiebob on 5/27/2018 12:40:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/26/2018 9:59:00 PM (view original):
Posted by The Taint on 5/26/2018 8:22:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/26/2018 7:32:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/26/2018 7:05:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/26/2018 3:27:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 5/26/2018 11:50:00 AM (view original):
really? are you comparing rape and child beating to kneeling for the anthem? That's pretty stupid.
I am saying its stupid for millionaires to complain about anything.
And you and Strikeout moan about a potential tax increase for millionaires? Hypocrite much?
Don't lump my name into this. You obviously don't understand personal finance well enough to talk about tax hikes on the rich, so you may want to avoid that subject. Heck, you didn't even realize that in some states, they pay as much as 60% in taxes already.
Your family makes it's money off the government and you ***** about entitlements and freeloaders.
Yep, my Great Grandfather was poor as dirt, but worked his *** off to become successful. A lot of money does come from Medicare/Medicaid, but that money was still earned. Nothing is earned with EBT. That's like comparing a government employee to someone on social welfare. You can't do it. They both receive money from the government. One works for it. One doesn't.

And by the way, courtesy of Mr. Trump, we have had record profits this year. We have built 3 new rehab centers, which means many more jobs. I still don't like the guy, but I would definitely say his policies are working. I see it first hand.
I'm not so sure your "record profits" are "courtesy of Mr. Trump"............Building more rehab centers may be....... this whiner residing in the WH is likely driving more and more folks onto drugs and a certain pct. of those folks end up in your rehab centers........I think I read somewhere recently that THAT industry (rehabbing folks) was the fastest growing industry in America! Still, I don't think it's fair to blame all that on Trump. His whining about his own persecution is enough to annoy us all right now, don't need any other extra reasons.........

The other likely notion I have as to WHY you are having those "record profits" might have something to do with the aging (baby boomer) population and their individual SS benefits. You should thank FDR and the Dems........... seems they've made your family a fortune Coach.

BTW. Trump's BIG-DEAL "Tax cut" (His "policies") that Boris' (and others) like to trumpet all the time???
The REALITY (for my average family) was/is a $25.00 increase/mo. in pay vs. a $1.00/gal. (and rising!) increase in gas prices........ NOT a win for the middle and poor working class that need to commute to earn their pay, is it now??

Folks with their eyes open and their heads OUT of the sand are just awaiting the conclusion of all the dominoes toppling and WHAT they (the individual dominoes testimony) reveals. COULD be that many millions of Americans were duped into voting for a criminal. WE already KNOW he's an inveterate liar.
And it's not name calling when it's the TRUTH. I could list 100's of outright LIES, not hype or exaggerations, LIES!
Yeah, I really wasn't defending the tax plan. I am actually against it. I believe in cutting taxes, but I don't believe in doing it without cutting spending. There are many factors as to why the nursing homes are doing well right now. Saying that, the economy is doing well right now. It may not be due to Trump. None of us really know, but it has been customary for a long time that the sitting president take the credit or blame for the economy.
5/27/2018 12:43 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/27/2018 11:49:00 AM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 5/27/2018 9:18:00 AM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/26/2018 11:50:00 PM (view original):
Posted by The Taint on 5/26/2018 11:49:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/26/2018 11:29:00 PM (view original):
You have yet to prove that the tax rate is 60% in some places. I will believe it when I see it. (Also I was referring to the envy part)

I have never complained that rich people have money, and I rarely complain about income gaps. I don't care that people are rich. I care when rich people get systemic advantages to basic human rights over others, and I care about this countries economy and well being.

There's no places in the country that the tax rates are that high. NONe.
Come man. Don't play stupid. 39.6%+13.3%+local taxes. You can do simple math.
That’s the top marginal rate. No one pays effective rates that high.
NO ONE?!?!? I know at least one person that does. So it is not "no one". Try again.
Literally no one pays the top rate as their effective rate. It’s impossible.
5/27/2018 12:44 PM
Posted by laramiebob on 5/27/2018 12:40:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/26/2018 9:59:00 PM (view original):
Posted by The Taint on 5/26/2018 8:22:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/26/2018 7:32:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/26/2018 7:05:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/26/2018 3:27:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 5/26/2018 11:50:00 AM (view original):
really? are you comparing rape and child beating to kneeling for the anthem? That's pretty stupid.
I am saying its stupid for millionaires to complain about anything.
And you and Strikeout moan about a potential tax increase for millionaires? Hypocrite much?
Don't lump my name into this. You obviously don't understand personal finance well enough to talk about tax hikes on the rich, so you may want to avoid that subject. Heck, you didn't even realize that in some states, they pay as much as 60% in taxes already.
Your family makes it's money off the government and you ***** about entitlements and freeloaders.
Yep, my Great Grandfather was poor as dirt, but worked his *** off to become successful. A lot of money does come from Medicare/Medicaid, but that money was still earned. Nothing is earned with EBT. That's like comparing a government employee to someone on social welfare. You can't do it. They both receive money from the government. One works for it. One doesn't.

And by the way, courtesy of Mr. Trump, we have had record profits this year. We have built 3 new rehab centers, which means many more jobs. I still don't like the guy, but I would definitely say his policies are working. I see it first hand.
I'm not so sure your "record profits" are "courtesy of Mr. Trump"............Building more rehab centers may be....... this whiner residing in the WH is likely driving more and more folks onto drugs and a certain pct. of those folks end up in your rehab centers........I think I read somewhere recently that THAT industry (rehabbing folks) was the fastest growing industry in America! Still, I don't think it's fair to blame all that on Trump. His whining about his own persecution is enough to annoy us all right now, don't need any other extra reasons.........

The other likely notion I have as to WHY you are having those "record profits" might have something to do with the aging (baby boomer) population and their individual SS benefits. You should thank FDR and the Dems........... seems they've made your family a fortune Coach.

BTW. Trump's BIG-DEAL "Tax cut" (His "policies") that Boris' (and others) like to trumpet all the time???
The REALITY (for my average family) was/is a $25.00 increase/mo. in pay vs. a $1.00/gal. (and rising!) increase in gas prices........ NOT a win for the middle and poor working class that need to commute to earn their pay, is it now??

Folks with their eyes open and their heads OUT of the sand are just awaiting the conclusion of all the dominoes toppling and WHAT they (the individual dominoes testimony) reveals. COULD be that many millions of Americans were duped into voting for a criminal. WE already KNOW he's an inveterate liar.
And it's not name calling when it's the TRUTH. I could list 100's of outright LIES, not hype or exaggerations, LIES!
5/27/2018 12:45 PM
Posted by bad_luck on 5/27/2018 12:44:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/27/2018 11:49:00 AM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 5/27/2018 9:18:00 AM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/26/2018 11:50:00 PM (view original):
Posted by The Taint on 5/26/2018 11:49:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/26/2018 11:29:00 PM (view original):
You have yet to prove that the tax rate is 60% in some places. I will believe it when I see it. (Also I was referring to the envy part)

I have never complained that rich people have money, and I rarely complain about income gaps. I don't care that people are rich. I care when rich people get systemic advantages to basic human rights over others, and I care about this countries economy and well being.

There's no places in the country that the tax rates are that high. NONe.
Come man. Don't play stupid. 39.6%+13.3%+local taxes. You can do simple math.
That’s the top marginal rate. No one pays effective rates that high.
NO ONE?!?!? I know at least one person that does. So it is not "no one". Try again.
Literally no one pays the top rate as their effective rate. It’s impossible.
Double bingo.
5/27/2018 12:46 PM
Enlighten me, Taint, since i'm so "blinded". What does racism running rampant look like? I have lived here a long time and from what I see, people get along. Do we have old-timers who are still racist? Of course, but so does the west. There will always be racism everywhere, but it sure as hell doesn't run rampant down here.
5/27/2018 12:47 PM
To be frank, it's a waste of my time to try and enlighten you.

Where is the furthest you have ever traveled to?
5/27/2018 12:50 PM
Also, i'm guessing you were stationed in Fort McClennan over 25 years ago. A lot changes in 25 years.
5/27/2018 12:50 PM
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/27/2018 12:26:00 PM (view original):
Posted by all3 on 5/27/2018 12:09:00 PM (view original):
If anyone thinks that dino doesn't call the Leaders of this Country names and/or otherwise defame them in his posts and his thread Titles, they are either blind or stupid.
What does his Thread title right now say? Is that not defaming the VPOTUS?
That isn't hypocritical for someone who complains about and red lines other WIS posters who call each other stupid and idiot?
He has a right to his opinion, and WIS has decided to give him free reign in his thread, but let's not pretend he's not a hypocritical extremist.
If you will look back, I have admitted Trump has handled some things badly and done some silly things. You'll never find someone like dino admitting he's done anything good. The daily witch-hunt posts of unproven BS are nothing short of slandering our Leaders. When / if any of those are ever found to be true, then they should be held accountable. Isn't it "Innocent until PROVEN Guilty" in the US?
You let that guy get under your skin too much. He is, as you said, an extremist. Just ignore the man. It is sad that he sucks in sensible people like Taint and Wylie and distorts their sense of logic, but it is what it is.
not sure how he has "sucked me in". I mentioned this before, but there was a time dino was redlining most of my posts in this thread because I disagreed with his redlining policy. I still think he redlines too much, but its his thread. Personally I don't care if he calls Trump names. As Taint said, Trump has derogatory names for everyone he doesn't like.
5/27/2018 12:50 PM
Posted by The Taint on 5/27/2018 12:50:00 PM (view original):
To be frank, it's a waste of my time to try and enlighten you.

Where is the furthest you have ever traveled to?
5/27/2018 12:51 PM
Posted by wylie715 on 5/27/2018 12:50:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/27/2018 12:26:00 PM (view original):
Posted by all3 on 5/27/2018 12:09:00 PM (view original):
If anyone thinks that dino doesn't call the Leaders of this Country names and/or otherwise defame them in his posts and his thread Titles, they are either blind or stupid.
What does his Thread title right now say? Is that not defaming the VPOTUS?
That isn't hypocritical for someone who complains about and red lines other WIS posters who call each other stupid and idiot?
He has a right to his opinion, and WIS has decided to give him free reign in his thread, but let's not pretend he's not a hypocritical extremist.
If you will look back, I have admitted Trump has handled some things badly and done some silly things. You'll never find someone like dino admitting he's done anything good. The daily witch-hunt posts of unproven BS are nothing short of slandering our Leaders. When / if any of those are ever found to be true, then they should be held accountable. Isn't it "Innocent until PROVEN Guilty" in the US?
You let that guy get under your skin too much. He is, as you said, an extremist. Just ignore the man. It is sad that he sucks in sensible people like Taint and Wylie and distorts their sense of logic, but it is what it is.
not sure how he has "sucked me in". I mentioned this before, but there was a time dino was redlining most of my posts in this thread because I disagreed with his redlining policy. I still think he redlines too much, but its his thread. Personally I don't care if he calls Trump names. As Taint said, Trump has derogatory names for everyone he doesn't like.
Actually I said Trump has derogatory names for everyone he doesn't like.
5/27/2018 12:52 PM
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/27/2018 12:50:00 PM (view original):
Also, i'm guessing you were stationed in Fort McClennan over 25 years ago. A lot changes in 25 years.
Yup, but I also go back to South Carolina and Florida at least once a year.
5/27/2018 12:52 PM
And also, I have a tough time believing Georgia (as a whole state) doesn't possess large pockets of racist inhabitants. Likely, both pale and non-pale. To say Georgia is not racist when anyone who reads books (history OR otherwise) KNOWS about the rampant racism of the past is a real tough sell. I'm not calling you a liar Coach, but I believe pretty strongly that YOUR statement is a stretch of truth and also harms the Country by helping impressionable young people ignore the truth of OUR Country and human behavior. You see, I'm pretty convinced that MY great state (Arizona) is (likely) as a whole LESS racist than Georgia as we (AZ) have had many shades of inhabitants beyond paleskinners forever! Tuscon was a browntown before it was a territorial location. It's founders were hispanic! (mostly!) so I suspect Georgia to be way more racist........ and I can tell you......without any doubt, truthfully sworn on a stack of Bibles for you, that there are PLENTY of racists in Arizona. My personal opinion is the vast majority of them moved here rather recently......(since 1900) from other racist spots............. like Chicago, or Georgia............ lol
5/27/2018 12:53 PM
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/27/2018 12:51:00 PM (view original):
Posted by The Taint on 5/27/2018 12:50:00 PM (view original):
To be frank, it's a waste of my time to try and enlighten you.

Where is the furthest you have ever traveled to?
A great experience. Killer country.

Try Fiji sometime, if you're not married it's a great honeymoon.
5/27/2018 12:53 PM
Posted by The Taint on 5/27/2018 12:52:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/27/2018 12:50:00 PM (view original):
Also, i'm guessing you were stationed in Fort McClennan over 25 years ago. A lot changes in 25 years.
Yup, but I also go back to South Carolina and Florida at least once a year.
So, you spend a week a year in those states and that makes you an expert of racism in the south?
5/27/2018 12:54 PM
so, there's not much racism in the area you live in, that makes you an expert of racism in the south?
5/27/2018 12:55 PM
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TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

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