TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

I'm sure I will once again regret giving-in to the temptation of reading a tang post, (and it may be the 1 time today, so forgive future non-replies) but here goes:

NFL (or NBA or whatever) players have millions of dollars. They can donate some of that to their causes, they can attach their name and/or image to those causes for more attention, they can pretty much book an appearance on talk shows and sport's shows at will.

I'm not getting back into the whole intent discussion. Rapists will tell you they don't mean to disrespect the women they rape, child-beaters will tell you they don't mean to disrespect their kids, adulterers will tell you they don't mean to disrespect their spouse - does that make those things ok? It's just like the people who immigrate illegally - it may be well meaning and "necessary" to them, but illegal is illegal, just like disrespectful is disrespectful.
5/26/2018 11:40 AM
really? are you comparing rape and child beating to kneeling for the anthem? That's pretty stupid.
5/26/2018 11:50 AM

"I'm not getting back into the whole intent discussion. Rapists will tell you they don't mean to disrespect the women they rape, child-beaters will tell you they don't mean to disrespect their kids, adulterers will tell you they don't mean to disrespect their spouse - does that make those things ok? It's just like the people who immigrate illegally - it may be well meaning and "necessary" to them, but illegal is illegal, just like disrespectful is disrespectful."

Except for that little bitty FACT that respect (and disrespect) and what is, or is not, respectful is subjective. It depends on the viewpoint of the person making the determination (of respect or disrespect) and the very fact that some behavior attracted his/her attention lends itself to a tad of disfavor.

There is no subjectivity in illegal. Illegal IS illegal just as you stated because a behavior (an act) is prohibited by law. It is codified. NO subjectivity.

Kaepernick (my recollection tells me) CHANGED his "protest" to kneeling at the recommendation of another party (a veteran) in an attempt to be more respectful. It obviously didn't work for some folks.

Speaking just for me (personally)......... as I was raised attending church, I don't find kneeling disrespectful, at ALL! I look at it as an expression of humility and a nod to a higher power. I DO find group sheep-like actions abhorrent, and tend NOT to stand just because others are doing so. I'd like to OFF the idiot that invented the wave.
5/26/2018 11:59 AM (edited)
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/26/2018 11:18:00 AM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 5/25/2018 6:58:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/25/2018 6:42:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 5/25/2018 5:19:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/25/2018 4:15:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/25/2018 12:46:00 PM (view original):
Also, I think it is a little funny that the same people who hate PC culture and try to 'troll' the liberal 'snowflakes' get so butthurt over players kneeling. Do you need a safe space? lol.
Butthurt? Its disrespectful. The anthem is a military salute. And don't say it is not because they always come out with color guard and military personnel. Then again you're a pacifist so why do you even care about the military? If you saw two hooligans beating a stray dog you would just yell at them and not intervene. Coward. I don't care what players do btw. If you love America so much, why do you want to eliminate the Electoral College? Lastly, Trump's rating was poor before the election too. It did not matter.

It’s disrespectful to do a lot of non-PC things.

The anthem is not a military salute. It’s an anthem.
Really? Then why do they say "Please stand as we honor those who served and our nations colors?"

Your leftist views are insane
Because the US government pays them to. My son’s little league had a girl come sing the national anthem. No one said anything about the military.
Did you just compare pro sports to little league? Seriously?
Don't forget, B_L lives in the state that hates America and has threatened to secede. The military is honored all the time during youth sports in more patriotic parts of the country.
5/26/2018 11:53 AM
Posted by all3 on 5/26/2018 11:40:00 AM (view original):
I'm sure I will once again regret giving-in to the temptation of reading a tang post, (and it may be the 1 time today, so forgive future non-replies) but here goes:

NFL (or NBA or whatever) players have millions of dollars. They can donate some of that to their causes, they can attach their name and/or image to those causes for more attention, they can pretty much book an appearance on talk shows and sport's shows at will.

I'm not getting back into the whole intent discussion. Rapists will tell you they don't mean to disrespect the women they rape, child-beaters will tell you they don't mean to disrespect their kids, adulterers will tell you they don't mean to disrespect their spouse - does that make those things ok? It's just like the people who immigrate illegally - it may be well meaning and "necessary" to them, but illegal is illegal, just like disrespectful is disrespectful.
It's amazing how a league with a good commissioner, the NBA, doesn't have these issues of disrespect that Goodell has had. What a joke that man is. He has no backbone. Silver cut it off from the start and the players respect him, so they have listened.
5/26/2018 11:57 AM
I irony of all the lefties who seem to hate America and want to complain about all of the many "injustices" is that the immigration debate stems from too many people wanting to get in, not from a mass exodus. Sounds like people in other countries think that we have a pretty good country as-is.
5/26/2018 12:04 PM
Here's how I see it.

1.)Players have a right to express themselves as long as they don't break the law.
2.)Owners have the right to make rules.
3.)Fans have the right to not attend games.
4.)The protest is not against the military.

Here's how I figure it.

1.)Players are ******** if they kneel at a game. It doesn't belong there.
2.)Owners are ******** if they make stupid rules like no kneeling.
3.)Fans are wrong to think this is against the military or to allow a bunch of ******** with microphones and cameras stir up crap and preach to them that this giant non-issue is suddenly important and you need to pick a side because they gotta stir things up and jack those ratings so they can buy mamma a new pair of shoes.
4.)This protest will not solve anything. Police are people and some are gonna crack under pressure and some are racists. We have existing laws that punish criminals and cops who break the law. You know what hate crimes are? CRIMES! You don't have to put the word hate in front of it. Right now white farmers are being murdered in South Africa just like they were murdered years before in Zimbabwe. I don't see anybody kneeling for that or black gangs beating up whites. You can't wish away bad behavior. It is human nature. You can only punish it. And we do.

These protests are a joke because 10 - 20 - 50 years from now and forevermore there will be racists and bigots of all color and kind.
5/26/2018 12:06 PM
Posted by wylie715 on 5/26/2018 11:50:00 AM (view original):
really? are you comparing rape and child beating to kneeling for the anthem? That's pretty stupid.
Thanks for your well thought-out, constructive input.
Maybe you should now resume whining and complaining about others' name-calling.
Hypocritical much?
5/26/2018 12:20 PM
Posted by tangplay on 5/26/2018 11:28:00 AM (view original):
Posted by all3 on 5/26/2018 11:20:00 AM (view original):
The National Anthem, like the American Flag, like the Pledge of Allegiance, are symbols of this Country: disrespecting them is disrespecting this Country.
How is the kneeling disrespectful? Because people are asked to stand and they know the reason is to show respect. That question shouldn't even be asked.
Protesting is an American Right - an important one, but doing it in a disrespectful manner should not be tolerated. Players have plenty of time and plenty of available platforms to protest if they really want to, but heck, they can't even agree on what they are protesting.
What also bothers me about it is the players saying the NFL can't stop them. They are on-the-clock as NFL employees, on World-wide media, acting as representatives of the NFL - the NFL can, and should stop them.
You are missing the point. The point of protests isn't to be respectful. The Selma protest wasn't 'respectful.' The sit-ins weren't 'respectful.' Protests are supposed to cause a stir.

So if you were an NFL player, how would you protest?
I would not. I would be thankful.
5/26/2018 3:26 PM
Posted by wylie715 on 5/26/2018 11:50:00 AM (view original):
really? are you comparing rape and child beating to kneeling for the anthem? That's pretty stupid.
I am saying its stupid for millionaires to complain about anything.
5/26/2018 3:27 PM
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/26/2018 11:53:00 AM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/26/2018 11:18:00 AM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 5/25/2018 6:58:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/25/2018 6:42:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 5/25/2018 5:19:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/25/2018 4:15:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/25/2018 12:46:00 PM (view original):
Also, I think it is a little funny that the same people who hate PC culture and try to 'troll' the liberal 'snowflakes' get so butthurt over players kneeling. Do you need a safe space? lol.
Butthurt? Its disrespectful. The anthem is a military salute. And don't say it is not because they always come out with color guard and military personnel. Then again you're a pacifist so why do you even care about the military? If you saw two hooligans beating a stray dog you would just yell at them and not intervene. Coward. I don't care what players do btw. If you love America so much, why do you want to eliminate the Electoral College? Lastly, Trump's rating was poor before the election too. It did not matter.

It’s disrespectful to do a lot of non-PC things.

The anthem is not a military salute. It’s an anthem.
Really? Then why do they say "Please stand as we honor those who served and our nations colors?"

Your leftist views are insane
Because the US government pays them to. My son’s little league had a girl come sing the national anthem. No one said anything about the military.
Did you just compare pro sports to little league? Seriously?
Don't forget, B_L lives in the state that hates America and has threatened to secede. The military is honored all the time during youth sports in more patriotic parts of the country.
That is unfair. Some people in that states are morons. Kamala Harris being one. Others are just normal people who want to live peacefully and not be preached to by the lunatic Left. I don't mind bad_luck's opinions except that he is a total hypocrite.
5/26/2018 3:29 PM
I'll give you that. There are many good people in CA. They are just over-shadowed by the loud mouth leftists.
5/26/2018 3:32 PM
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/26/2018 11:53:00 AM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/26/2018 11:18:00 AM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 5/25/2018 6:58:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/25/2018 6:42:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 5/25/2018 5:19:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/25/2018 4:15:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/25/2018 12:46:00 PM (view original):
Also, I think it is a little funny that the same people who hate PC culture and try to 'troll' the liberal 'snowflakes' get so butthurt over players kneeling. Do you need a safe space? lol.
Butthurt? Its disrespectful. The anthem is a military salute. And don't say it is not because they always come out with color guard and military personnel. Then again you're a pacifist so why do you even care about the military? If you saw two hooligans beating a stray dog you would just yell at them and not intervene. Coward. I don't care what players do btw. If you love America so much, why do you want to eliminate the Electoral College? Lastly, Trump's rating was poor before the election too. It did not matter.

It’s disrespectful to do a lot of non-PC things.

The anthem is not a military salute. It’s an anthem.
Really? Then why do they say "Please stand as we honor those who served and our nations colors?"

Your leftist views are insane
Because the US government pays them to. My son’s little league had a girl come sing the national anthem. No one said anything about the military.
Did you just compare pro sports to little league? Seriously?
Don't forget, B_L lives in the state that hates America and has threatened to secede. The military is honored all the time during youth sports in more patriotic parts of the country.
Don’t forget, strikeout lives in a state that literally did secede because it wanted to continue to own black people.
5/26/2018 3:32 PM
Let's see. Georgia tried to secede in 1861. CA in 2016. Pretty positive that no one from 1861 is still alive. Shows how stupid lefties are. They can't get over a war from 150 years ago.
5/26/2018 3:50 PM
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