Posted by all3 on 5/21/2018 11:38:00 AM (view original):
Posted by laramiebob on 5/21/2018 11:12:00 AM (view original):
Look, I AGREE that blaming race for failure is pure racist stupidity. But I also insist that claiming there is NO institutional racism in the Good Ol USA is equally nuts. I'll also state that in Boris' (limited) small circle (the rather wealthy elite bankers of the eastern metropolis') I'd likely figure that there is MUCH less difference between whites and blacks. But not so in the complete REAL world. Come VISIT Phoenix metropolis. You can tell what "type" folks live in the neighborhood you're driving thru just by looking out the window. It's freakin' OBVIOUS which neighborhoods are brown, which are black/mixed, which are lily white, which are rich, which are elite rich, etc. I could tell you myself by the names of the suburbs/communities and my limited experience of visiting the Phoenix metro area myself over the last 20 years. We must face reality. OUR culture is both violent and racist. It's the American sickness, a mass mental illness borne of our past and our delusional myths.
We ignore it at our peril. Corona says "find your beach"........... I say find your cave.......... you may need it.
So, do you think discussions like this thread, where only 1 side of things is allowed to be expressed, helps or hurts the issues that exist? (I'm not talking about the insults and/or personal comments, just the opinions and/or facts relative to the issues.)
If we could stop people from being hypocritical, close-minded extremists, imagine how many other issues could probably be greatly improved.
I will agree with you that Dino is very quick to redline/censor. I have been a victim of that in the past and responded (as most would) with vitriol and offensive attacks. They were all just redlined, of course, and whatever validity my words may have had......... they were wasted and vanished. I think that's crap, really, BUT it is what it is. The rules around here. Apparently, they allow the creator of a thread/topic to be king of the debate. They (Dino, in this case) can stop anyone, anytime from having a sayso in whatever discussion that is ensuing. It's a WIS screwup IMO.
Now, do
some people need banished to some OTHER place to sow their venom?? Absolutely and you bet!
But, folks should be a bit more open to consideration of others views and NOT redline IMO, unless the post is seriously offensive, factually CLEARLY ignorant, or blatantly threatening.
This seems like a good point to interject to you all3 (alt3 lol) that I apologize for calling you a russkie troll. Apparently, I must have over-reacted to some of your wrong headed right wing overstated hyperbole at that moment. I have, since then, noticed enough logic and common sense in SOME of your posts that I've concluded I was wrong and I therefore apologize to you. American, you likely are, even IF you be woefully misinformed and wrong on some serious troubling issues affecting our Country. :-)
Now, in all candor, as a fellow citizen desiring ONLY to improve the health of our Union how can I open up your mind (I'm quoting Wilco here and that's quite cooll!) to some of the truths you are unwilling to accept.
Such as, and for example, Climate change and the REALITY that our global conditions are changing
The LIKELIHOOD that the guy we just elected POTUS is a liar, a crook, and a traitor (in the common usage of the word, NOT the legal).
Just so you know, IF, and I mean IF, DJT ends up absolved of any and all crimes against OUR Nation and it's electoral process I will personally find a way to visit him, apologize publicly, kiss his tiny fingers and comb his hair(piece) for him!
5/21/2018 1:19 PM (edited)