TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

Posted by bad_luck on 5/19/2018 3:27:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/19/2018 1:30:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 5/19/2018 9:57:00 AM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/19/2018 7:48:00 AM (view original):
I have proven to the Leftists here that African American kids with two parents are a lot more successful than white kids with one parent. I have further proven that if people graduate HS, get a job and don't become single parents they will 98% of the time not be poor. I am not sure what else they want to see to end their needless racist rants.

Someone needs to please logically explain this to me.

Thank you
Ok, I’ll try.

You compare black kids from two parent houses to white kids from single parent households, but what about rates of success between black and white kids from households with the same number of parents, are they the same? (Hint: I’d bet they aren’t)
Hint: I have no idea but I bet they are fairly equal and I bet you are a moron.
Haha you have no idea. Betting that they’re fairly equal is probably a bad idea.
Calling Ben Shapiro a white supremacist is a bad idea. Maybe that should be your new moniker?
5/19/2018 3:30 PM
He was the editor at a white supremacy website.
5/19/2018 3:31 PM
Keep telling yourself that. You sound more and more like an idiot every time you do.
5/19/2018 3:33 PM
Posted by tangplay on 5/19/2018 2:55:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/19/2018 1:40:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/19/2018 10:57:00 AM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/19/2018 7:39:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/18/2018 5:46:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/18/2018 4:31:00 PM (view original):
So politics is dirty? You don't say?

Dumbass. It is a free country are we not free to believe whatever it is we want to?
Yes, it is. Does that make it right? Knowingly lying about an opponent? Especially when that lie is race-based?

You can believe whatever you want. It is still false.
Obama was not his opponent. You are so stupid OMG!
The Obama faction? Obama is his political opponent. He lied about Clinton too.
The Democrat Party was and still is his opponent. Look politics often goes into the muck. Look what happened with WJC and Lewinsky. It is not because BHO was black it was because he was the opponent. This is what irritates me about politics and why I don't watch CNN or Fox anymore. I read the WSJ and listen to my boy Ben (I agree he is biased to the Right but he is not a Trump supporter...of course dumbass bad luck said he was a white supremacist).

I think talking about race all the time just creates more racism but maybe thats just me.
Exactly. But again, it is hard to make the case that the Kenya stuff wasn't race-based. Trump would never say that Ted Cruz was born in Kenya. He wouldn't say that Cruz was a Muslim. Both of those things, that Trump helped make mainstream and that Fox peddled on the air, hurt Obama and the Democrats. Over half of Republicans believe that Obama is not American and not a Christian. Isn't that despicable? That's totally race-based, and it's not OK.

On the news, it is a good idea not to watch CNN and Fox. WSJ is good, Ben is a good source but I feel that you rely on him too much. It's really hard to find any opinions of yours that DON'T agree with Ben. IMO, you need a little more balance or analysis. I would suggest 538, maybe watching clips of John Stewart or John Oliver on some issues, maybe some Palestinian News. You don't have to agree with everything they say, but it is good to hear another smart argument. Shapiro is a really smart guy, that's why I watch some of his stuff, because I want to hear both sides and make a logical decision. I don't just hear one source and defer to him or her.

BTW, I feel the complete opposite way. IMO, what's really racist is to ignore everything we have done and pretend like there are no race-fueled conflicts in America. We need to have discussions on these issues and fix the injustices. It's more racist to pretend like you don't see race.

(It's also pretty ironic that you do the exact same thing with Muslims but I digress)
#1) I addressed this. Learn to read. He attacked Cruz mercilessly and even hinted that his dad was involved in the JFK assassination. Trump is ruthless. Meanwhile he came to Ben Carson's aid when Cruz spread lies that he was dropping out of the race in order to win Iowa. Trump is an arrogant SOB but he attacks everyone equally. "Lying Ted"; "Crooked Hillary"; "Crazy Bernie". Half the Democrats believe Russia controlled Trump. Identity politics suck. Hell your boyfriend bad luck believes Ben Shapiro is a white supremacist. Don't preach at me.

#2) Palestine is a terror and corrupt state. If you don't see that then you should open your eyes. Can you find one mostly Muslim country with a gay bar? No. Because they kill gays. Israel has em. I am not gay but if I were and I lived in the Middle East, I'd run to Israel. Not to mention how Muslims treat women and dogs. Not radical Muslims but your every day law abiding Muslims. Their creed is not like that of the West. Hence I am very apprehensive.

#3) There are racists. I F*CKING hate racists. I am not sure how much more clearly I can say that to you. But I hate people who feel badly for people because of their color almost as much. I have faced discrimination and bigotry many times. I laugh it off and move on. I embrace it.

You need to learn the difference between race, color, gender and creed.
5/19/2018 3:39 PM
Posted by bad_luck on 5/19/2018 3:27:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/19/2018 1:30:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 5/19/2018 9:57:00 AM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/19/2018 7:48:00 AM (view original):
I have proven to the Leftists here that African American kids with two parents are a lot more successful than white kids with one parent. I have further proven that if people graduate HS, get a job and don't become single parents they will 98% of the time not be poor. I am not sure what else they want to see to end their needless racist rants.

Someone needs to please logically explain this to me.

Thank you
Ok, I’ll try.

You compare black kids from two parent houses to white kids from single parent households, but what about rates of success between black and white kids from households with the same number of parents, are they the same? (Hint: I’d bet they aren’t)
Hint: I have no idea but I bet they are fairly equal and I bet you are a moron.
Haha you have no idea. Betting that they’re fairly equal is probably a bad idea.
Also, you’re wrong, they aren’t equal. Single white households have a significantly lower poverty rate than single black households.
5/19/2018 3:40 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/19/2018 3:33:00 PM (view original):
Keep telling yourself that. You sound more and more like an idiot every time you do.
Breitbart is a white supremacy website.

Shapiro was the editor of Breitbart.

So...what’s the issue?
5/19/2018 3:41 PM
Really? Not all. I am pretty sure Ben Carson is wealthier than you and me combined. LeBron :James is not poor. Billy King is not poor. Whites also have more generational wealth but black families are catching up. In 50 years the wealth numbers will be much more closely aligned. I know you feel that you are superior to African American people and need to somehow help them but you are not and they don't need your help. They need you to treat them as you would anyone else. Try to get that through your Leftist pea brain.
5/19/2018 3:46 PM (edited)
Posted by bad_luck on 5/19/2018 3:41:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/19/2018 3:33:00 PM (view original):
Keep telling yourself that. You sound more and more like an idiot every time you do.
Breitbart is a white supremacy website.

Shapiro was the editor of Breitbart.

So...what’s the issue?
Under Andrew Breitbart it was a conservative site. When Bannon arrived it began leaning Alt Rightish but never a white supremacist site and Shapiro quit once it started moving that way. Do you realize he was the #1 target of white supremacists on social media? Man you are one stupid person, eh bad idea? And that is your new name, embrace it. Bad Idea.

I've never seen anyone spread as much vitriol on boards as you do. Congratulations to you.
5/19/2018 3:45 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/19/2018 3:46:00 PM (view original):
Really? Not all. I am pretty sure Ben Carson is wealthier than you and me combined. LeBron :James is not poor. Billy King is not poor. Whites also have more generational wealth but black families are catching up. In 50 years the wealth numbers will be much more closely aligned. I know you feel that you are superior to African American people and need to somehow help them but you are not and they don't need your help. They need you to treat them as you would anyone else. Try to get that through your Leftist pea brain.
LOL, you’re short circuiting. Citing two wealthy black people as counter-evidence when told that black single parent households have a 47% poverty rate compared to 30% for white single parent households. Yikes.

You’re nuts. You cite one stat (two parent blacks vs one parent whites) as evidence that blacks aren’t at a disadvantage and then dismiss every other statistic that shows that they actually are.
5/19/2018 3:47 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/19/2018 3:45:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 5/19/2018 3:41:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/19/2018 3:33:00 PM (view original):
Keep telling yourself that. You sound more and more like an idiot every time you do.
Breitbart is a white supremacy website.

Shapiro was the editor of Breitbart.

So...what’s the issue?
Under Andrew Breitbart it was a conservative site. When Bannon arrived it began leaning Alt Rightish but never a white supremacist site and Shapiro quit once it started moving that way. Do you realize he was the #1 target of white supremacists on social media? Man you are one stupid person, eh bad idea? And that is your new name, embrace it. Bad Idea.

I've never seen anyone spread as much vitriol on boards as you do. Congratulations to you.
So the website got too white power for Shapiro and he left. Interesting. He was cool with it when it had an entire page called “Black Crime” but when the Anti-semites took over he bailed. How convenient.
5/19/2018 3:49 PM
Posted by tangplay on 5/19/2018 11:27:00 AM (view original):
You just proved my point. We all label. We all group. We all have bias.

It's racist to discriminate. But it isn't racist to group.

You label as attractive or ugly, but you also see race.

It's WAYYYY more racist to argue that you don't see race.
I seriously hope you are not truly this stupid.
5/19/2018 3:53 PM
Posted by bad_luck on 5/19/2018 3:49:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/19/2018 3:45:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 5/19/2018 3:41:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/19/2018 3:33:00 PM (view original):
Keep telling yourself that. You sound more and more like an idiot every time you do.
Breitbart is a white supremacy website.

Shapiro was the editor of Breitbart.

So...what’s the issue?
Under Andrew Breitbart it was a conservative site. When Bannon arrived it began leaning Alt Rightish but never a white supremacist site and Shapiro quit once it started moving that way. Do you realize he was the #1 target of white supremacists on social media? Man you are one stupid person, eh bad idea? And that is your new name, embrace it. Bad Idea.

I've never seen anyone spread as much vitriol on boards as you do. Congratulations to you.
So the website got too white power for Shapiro and he left. Interesting. He was cool with it when it had an entire page called “Black Crime” but when the Anti-semites took over he bailed. How convenient.
What are you talking about? I have Never seen that on that site. Keep doubling down on your idiotic statement.
5/19/2018 3:56 PM
Posted by bad_luck on 5/19/2018 3:47:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/19/2018 3:46:00 PM (view original):
Really? Not all. I am pretty sure Ben Carson is wealthier than you and me combined. LeBron :James is not poor. Billy King is not poor. Whites also have more generational wealth but black families are catching up. In 50 years the wealth numbers will be much more closely aligned. I know you feel that you are superior to African American people and need to somehow help them but you are not and they don't need your help. They need you to treat them as you would anyone else. Try to get that through your Leftist pea brain.
LOL, you’re short circuiting. Citing two wealthy black people as counter-evidence when told that black single parent households have a 47% poverty rate compared to 30% for white single parent households. Yikes.

You’re nuts. You cite one stat (two parent blacks vs one parent whites) as evidence that blacks aren’t at a disadvantage and then dismiss every other statistic that shows that they actually are.
I can name many more. Generational wealth is another reason. Do you disagree with that too? Do black people who work in Boston earn less than white people? I bet not.

5/19/2018 3:58 PM
Posted by all3 on 5/19/2018 3:53:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/19/2018 11:27:00 AM (view original):
You just proved my point. We all label. We all group. We all have bias.

It's racist to discriminate. But it isn't racist to group.

You label as attractive or ugly, but you also see race.

It's WAYYYY more racist to argue that you don't see race.
I seriously hope you are not truly this stupid.
You know he is
5/19/2018 3:59 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/19/2018 3:29:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/19/2018 2:48:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/19/2018 1:36:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/19/2018 10:59:00 AM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/19/2018 7:48:00 AM (view original):
I have proven to the Leftists here that African American kids with two parents are a lot more successful than white kids with one parent. I have further proven that if people graduate HS, get a job and don't become single parents they will 98% of the time not be poor. I am not sure what else they want to see to end their needless racist rants.

Someone needs to please logically explain this to me.

Thank you
I mean, I just gave you three things to prove to me, and you decided not to do one of those three things.

1. Yes, but this does not mean that institutional racism does not exist. White kids with one parent are more successful than African American kids with one parent.
2. Correct, however half of the time people do that, they won't even break middle class. If a black person does all of those things, they earn about as much money on average as the average white person, even counting the white people who DON'T do those things.

Please respond to this without ad hominem.

Thank you.
#1) It does because there is no private institution that practices racism and a black POTUS was elected 2x over millionaire privileged white guys. That is indisputable. He also received 4mil more votes than HRC, who last I checked was white. Again indisputable. There are RACIST PEOPLE out there of course. But there are not racist institutions.If there are name one specific one. Don't say the "justice dept or police dept." show me specific people in those departments who are racist because let's face it those "departments" are made up of people.

#2) Where do you see that half the time they won't break middle class? What do you define as middle class? Don't fight me with stats. Give me concrete examples.

#3) Explain to me why 70% of the African American kids grow up with one parent. How is that due to racism? Explain why people like bad luck refuse to even discuss that topic. Heck even you won't discuss this topic.

70%!!! It was 20% in the 60s. Are we more racist now than we were in the 60s?

#1) Yeah there is. We already proved that plenty of institutions discriminate or have bias. Institutional racism doesn't mean that all black people lose. Obama would have won by more if he were white. How many people need to be 'racist' for you to say institutional racism exists? 1? 7? 1000000000000000000? You are missing the point. The point isn't that certain people are racist and holding all black people back, the point is that plenty of institutions in this country (like housing, banks, police, justice, education) have deep, systemic histories of policy that are discriminatory. Not that individual people are racist.

#2) According to your own study (Brookings): "Our research shows that of American adults who followed these three simple rules, only about 2?percent are in poverty and nearly 75?percent have joined the middle class (defined as earning around $55,000 or more per year). There are surely influences other than these principles at play, but following them guides a young adult away from poverty and toward the middle class." I was incorrect about the 50% part but 25% is still substantial. Also we are comparing people where everything else is equal. The fact that black people with two parents do better than white people with one parent is irrelevant. INSTITUTIONAL RACISM MEANS THAT ALL OTHER THINGS EQUAL, THE WHITE PERSON WILL BE BETTER OFF THAN THE BLACK PERSON ON AVERAGE.

#3) I don't know. I asked you that question (and why 30% of white kids grow up with one parent) and you said that the divide between those rates was due to generational wealth and cultural issues.

Again, I asked you why the disparate rate is there. If you truly believe that the ONLY reason for the divide is because of single parent rates, which could be a fair argument, you need to explain why there is such a big gap between white and black single parent rates and why the black two-parent poverty rate is similar to the overall white poverty rate. If you can explain that away, you have a pretty good argument. But let's debate on the same terms here. You seem to keep pushing the idea that some black people are better off than white people, which all of us agree on. But I cannot say enough that what I am trying to prove is that all other things equal, a white person is better off than a black person on average, and it is due to our deep history of systemic racism and discrimination that, in some ways, we still practice or at least feel the effects from today.
What if the person wants to play in the NBA or NFL? Do black people have an advantage?
Probably some.
5/19/2018 4:00 PM
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TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

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