TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

Posted by tangplay on 5/9/2018 4:18:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/9/2018 3:35:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/9/2018 3:22:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/9/2018 3:02:00 PM (view original):
Wait. I just told you that I got the interview but not the job. Is that not equalizing opportunity and not outcomes?
Then what do you consider that?
Equalizing outcomes. Getting the interview is an outcome.
It is? Isn't getting the job an outcome? Anyone can get an interview at Home Depot. Just apply.
5/9/2018 4:22 PM
Posted by wylie715 on 5/9/2018 4:14:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/9/2018 2:36:00 PM (view original):
I said probably. I don't have that evidence. It is my guess.

Let's say you're right. There are too many racists. Can you prove that there are too many racists? No. But let's say there are. How do you make them less racist? By giving certain groups privileges or by treating everyone equally?

Again I cannot speak for African Americans as I am not one. But I can speak for myself and I choose to believe that the world is a good place and getting better every day. I also see Muslims as equals. They see me the same way because I am male. If I were a female. NFW.

Do you disagree?
well, do you admit there are racists out there, because one racist is too many. As far as how you make them less racist, I don't think you or I or anyone else can. They have to come to that decision themselves. Treating everyone equally is the answer in a perfect world, but we don't live in one. While I don't agree with affirmative action, I do see how it was needed originally. Now, not so much.

As far as the world being a good place, I find that harder and harder to believe all the time.

As far as Muslims, I don't know enough to form any kind of opinion. The ones I have met seemed nice enough and did not treat women as second class citizens. That being said, I do know that is the prevalent feeling in the Muslim world. However, when I meet a Muslim, or anyone else, I will not assume they are sexist or racist until they prove they are.
We are on the same page.
5/9/2018 4:23 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/9/2018 3:50:00 PM (view original): I agreed that policing needs to be fixed. I've been pulled over too and cops are not super friendly. Unfortunately I cannot speak for African Americans because I am not one. But I think policing needs to be revamped all around. I think they need to pull the elderly over more because they are terrible drivers (not all but many).

While your example is valid I don't think this happens as frequently as the media has us believe. But I agree that policing needs to be revamped. Some of the dumbest kids in my HS are now cops. That is nuts.
Don't sleep in your own dorm common room if you're black!

A white person voices suspicions about an innocuous person of color. Police are summoned. And the encounter is posted on social media, sparking outrage about racial profiling.

In what is becoming an all-too familiar episode, a black Yale University graduate student was interrogated by campus police officers early Tuesday morning after a white student found her sleeping in a common room of their dorm and called police.
The black student, Lolade Siyonbola, posted two videos of the encounter to Facebook, where they have been widely viewed and drawn thousands of comments.
"I deserve to be here. I pay tuition like everybody else," an annoyed Siyonbola told responding officers in one video after they asked for her ID. "I'm not going to justify my existence here."
The incident is one of several in recent weeks in which police have been called on people of color for seemingly harmless acts. In one of the most recent, three black women were detained while leaving their California Airbnb after a neighbor called police, thinking they were burglars. Last month two black men were arrested at a Starbucks in Philadelphia after a manager called 911 on them because they didn't order anything.
5/9/2018 4:49 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/9/2018 4:21:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 5/9/2018 4:15:00 PM (view original):
“If it is there at all”

It is. That’s the point. You’re refusing to acknowledge that white privilege exists.
Then how do you explain the fact that black kids from two parent households are more successful than white kids from one parent households?
How do you explain the fact that white kids from two parent households are more successful than black kids from two parent households?
5/9/2018 4:51 PM
Did you just answer my question with a question? Seriously? That is so rude.

Show stats that they are.
5/9/2018 4:52 PM
Posted by The Taint on 5/9/2018 4:49:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/9/2018 3:50:00 PM (view original): I agreed that policing needs to be fixed. I've been pulled over too and cops are not super friendly. Unfortunately I cannot speak for African Americans because I am not one. But I think policing needs to be revamped all around. I think they need to pull the elderly over more because they are terrible drivers (not all but many).

While your example is valid I don't think this happens as frequently as the media has us believe. But I agree that policing needs to be revamped. Some of the dumbest kids in my HS are now cops. That is nuts.
Don't sleep in your own dorm common room if you're black!

A white person voices suspicions about an innocuous person of color. Police are summoned. And the encounter is posted on social media, sparking outrage about racial profiling.

In what is becoming an all-too familiar episode, a black Yale University graduate student was interrogated by campus police officers early Tuesday morning after a white student found her sleeping in a common room of their dorm and called police.
The black student, Lolade Siyonbola, posted two videos of the encounter to Facebook, where they have been widely viewed and drawn thousands of comments.
"I deserve to be here. I pay tuition like everybody else," an annoyed Siyonbola told responding officers in one video after they asked for her ID. "I'm not going to justify my existence here."
The incident is one of several in recent weeks in which police have been called on people of color for seemingly harmless acts. In one of the most recent, three black women were detained while leaving their California Airbnb after a neighbor called police, thinking they were burglars. Last month two black men were arrested at a Starbucks in Philadelphia after a manager called 911 on them because they didn't order anything.
Three incidents. We have 330 million people?

Come on.
5/9/2018 4:53 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/9/2018 4:52:00 PM (view original):
Did you just answer my question with a question? Seriously? That is so rude.

Show stats that they are.
Did you show the stats for your claim?
5/9/2018 5:00 PM

A huge one is Two-Parent Privilege. If you are raised by a father and mother, you enter adulthood with more privileges than anyone else in American society, irrespective of race, ethnicity, or sex. That’s why the poverty rate among two-parent black families is only 7 percent.

Compare that with a 22 percent poverty rate among whites in single-parent homes. Obviously the two-parent home is the decisive “privilege.”

5/9/2018 5:03 PM
Great. But control for that. Do whites do better than blacks when they are in households with the same number of parents?
5/9/2018 5:05 PM
No. What hurts the black community is lack of generational wealth. Because of slavery and Jim Crow, they did not gather the generational wealth of white people. I am in the same boat as I am 2nd generation so for example my wife (comes from a single parent household) did not get a gift from my folks to put down on a house, etc.

As far as income if both graduate say from U Michigan with the same degree, it will be equal +/- 2-3%.

There is a difference between income and wealth.
5/9/2018 5:10 PM
Posted by bad_luck on 5/9/2018 5:05:00 PM (view original):
Great. But control for that. Do whites do better than blacks when they are in households with the same number of parents?
Why do black kids from two parent households do better than white kids from one parent households? Are you going to answer me or keep dodging the question?

5/9/2018 5:12 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/9/2018 5:10:00 PM (view original):
No. What hurts the black community is lack of generational wealth. Because of slavery and Jim Crow, they did not gather the generational wealth of white people. I am in the same boat as I am 2nd generation so for example my wife (comes from a single parent household) did not get a gift from my folks to put down on a house, etc.

As far as income if both graduate say from U Michigan with the same degree, it will be equal +/- 2-3%.

There is a difference between income and wealth.
So you're saying blacks are at a disadvantage because of racism?
5/9/2018 5:13 PM
Prior racism yes. Just as Jews are from the Holocaust. They lost all their wealth as well and had to rebuild. They are just a generation ahead. In 25 years the black community will be much better off.

Are you ever going to answer my question or is this a one way conversation? And you wonder why people on these boards think you are a terrible person? Stop being rude.
5/9/2018 5:16 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/9/2018 4:53:00 PM (view original):
Posted by The Taint on 5/9/2018 4:49:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/9/2018 3:50:00 PM (view original): I agreed that policing needs to be fixed. I've been pulled over too and cops are not super friendly. Unfortunately I cannot speak for African Americans because I am not one. But I think policing needs to be revamped all around. I think they need to pull the elderly over more because they are terrible drivers (not all but many).

While your example is valid I don't think this happens as frequently as the media has us believe. But I agree that policing needs to be revamped. Some of the dumbest kids in my HS are now cops. That is nuts.
Don't sleep in your own dorm common room if you're black!

A white person voices suspicions about an innocuous person of color. Police are summoned. And the encounter is posted on social media, sparking outrage about racial profiling.

In what is becoming an all-too familiar episode, a black Yale University graduate student was interrogated by campus police officers early Tuesday morning after a white student found her sleeping in a common room of their dorm and called police.
The black student, Lolade Siyonbola, posted two videos of the encounter to Facebook, where they have been widely viewed and drawn thousands of comments.
"I deserve to be here. I pay tuition like everybody else," an annoyed Siyonbola told responding officers in one video after they asked for her ID. "I'm not going to justify my existence here."
The incident is one of several in recent weeks in which police have been called on people of color for seemingly harmless acts. In one of the most recent, three black women were detained while leaving their California Airbnb after a neighbor called police, thinking they were burglars. Last month two black men were arrested at a Starbucks in Philadelphia after a manager called 911 on them because they didn't order anything.
Three incidents. We have 330 million people?

Come on.
yeah, the only three incidents ever. my bad
5/9/2018 5:18 PM
So you don't think there is racism that affects blacks now?

How does this still happen if blacks aren't affected by racism now:

The Sarasota Herald Tribune investigated sentencing in Florida and found:

African-American defendants get more time behind bars — sometimes twice the prison terms of whites with identical criminal histories — when they commit the same crimes under identical circumstances. It also shows how bias on the part of individual judges and prosecutors drives sentencing inequity.

This is from joint research by the University of South Carolina and Michigan State:

Although there were negligible differences among the racial groups in how frequently boys committed crimes, white boys were less likely to spend time in a facility than black and Hispanic boys

5/9/2018 5:19 PM
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