TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

Posted by tangplay on 5/8/2018 1:48:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/8/2018 1:24:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/8/2018 1:07:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/8/2018 12:35:00 PM (view original):
When you put one race above another that is hate speech. In your narrative African American persons are inferior and lack "privilege". You point at some stupid stats. The NBA is 75% black. The NBA is not racist at all. Sometimes stats are just misleading. For a while RBs in the NFL were not very good. That position is coming back. This doesn't mean RBs are useless. Stats again can be misleading.

This country has made significant progress but the morality has declined and hence the rise of single parenthood. This afflicts all races. But some more than others. Jews, Indians, Asian Americans generally stay as families and raise kids in two parent households as a result these kids become successful adults.

You are so deranged in your worthless crusade that you cannot see that. You just jump to racism each and every time. You call Bibi a criminal but I have not seen you once denounce Iran, Lybia, Syria, Iraq, Taliban, Hamas, Hezbollah. Not once. You really think Bibi is more corrupt than the heads of those regimes?

Your stupidity and ignorance is dangerous. And the fact that you cannot see that is mind boggling.
I don't put one race above another. African Americans are not inferior. This is my entire point. You say that they struggle because their culture is inferior. This is the true dangerous argument. I already refuted the 75% black stuff, and RBs were never useless, but for a time, they were undervalued and underused. Every stat tells a story.

Yeah, but why? Are those cultures just superior?

Dude. Pay attention please. In my last post I just said that Israel is better than every other country around them. Please keep up.

#1) Single parenthood is more acceptable. Stats regarding the impact on children have not really come to light til now as these children reach adulthood and are not as successful. Similar to cigarettes. Ones the news got out people paid more attention. Perhaps if your crusade was to dual parenting vs. fake racism we would all be better off. You did not refute anything.

#2) No those cultures don't value the dual parent household as much.I am not sure why as I am a Jew and came from one. My wife came from a single parent household but only because her dad died when she was 2. Still they struggled mightily.

#3) If so then why do you side with the UN who clearly favors those other countries?

#2) So you cannot explain it?

#3) The UN does not. Some countries in the UN do.
#2) I just explained it?

#3) Most not some. Otherwise the US would not always have to veto.
5/8/2018 2:07 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/8/2018 2:07:00 PM (view original):
#1) Oh well. I am an atheist I may disagree. You mad?
#2) Yes you do. So you never had a BM. Thank you for sharing.
#3) Nope
#4) So your mom converted to Christianity before she had you? So you are not Jewish. Thanks for clarifying.
#5) Semantics. So you think Bibi is doing his best for Israel that is surrounded by evil nations. We agree. Good.

#1) If you disagree with the bible, you are not Jewish. 100%. Unless you are Jewish in heritage like me. DUH.

#2) No, you do not. I had a BM.


#5) I don't know enough about him, but I would assume so
5/8/2018 2:16 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/8/2018 2:07:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/8/2018 1:48:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/8/2018 1:24:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/8/2018 1:07:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/8/2018 12:35:00 PM (view original):
When you put one race above another that is hate speech. In your narrative African American persons are inferior and lack "privilege". You point at some stupid stats. The NBA is 75% black. The NBA is not racist at all. Sometimes stats are just misleading. For a while RBs in the NFL were not very good. That position is coming back. This doesn't mean RBs are useless. Stats again can be misleading.

This country has made significant progress but the morality has declined and hence the rise of single parenthood. This afflicts all races. But some more than others. Jews, Indians, Asian Americans generally stay as families and raise kids in two parent households as a result these kids become successful adults.

You are so deranged in your worthless crusade that you cannot see that. You just jump to racism each and every time. You call Bibi a criminal but I have not seen you once denounce Iran, Lybia, Syria, Iraq, Taliban, Hamas, Hezbollah. Not once. You really think Bibi is more corrupt than the heads of those regimes?

Your stupidity and ignorance is dangerous. And the fact that you cannot see that is mind boggling.
I don't put one race above another. African Americans are not inferior. This is my entire point. You say that they struggle because their culture is inferior. This is the true dangerous argument. I already refuted the 75% black stuff, and RBs were never useless, but for a time, they were undervalued and underused. Every stat tells a story.

Yeah, but why? Are those cultures just superior?

Dude. Pay attention please. In my last post I just said that Israel is better than every other country around them. Please keep up.

#1) Single parenthood is more acceptable. Stats regarding the impact on children have not really come to light til now as these children reach adulthood and are not as successful. Similar to cigarettes. Ones the news got out people paid more attention. Perhaps if your crusade was to dual parenting vs. fake racism we would all be better off. You did not refute anything.

#2) No those cultures don't value the dual parent household as much.I am not sure why as I am a Jew and came from one. My wife came from a single parent household but only because her dad died when she was 2. Still they struggled mightily.

#3) If so then why do you side with the UN who clearly favors those other countries?

#2) So you cannot explain it?

#3) The UN does not. Some countries in the UN do.
#2) I just explained it?

#3) Most not some. Otherwise the US would not always have to veto.
#2) You said you were not sure why the culture was different.

#3) If the US vetoes, then it isn't the UN in general. It will not pass.
5/8/2018 2:17 PM
We just have different operational definitions of what a Jew is. Thats fine.

So you can read Hebrew?
5/8/2018 2:19 PM
I studied it for my BM. Not really fluently though. It was a while back.

It really isn't btw. If someone's mother is Jewish in heritage, then that person is Jewish. If you disagree, you have a fundamental misunderstanding of what Judaism is.
5/8/2018 2:48 PM
If both your parents are Christians why did you want to have a BM?
5/8/2018 2:58 PM
5/8/2018 3:12 PM
Posted by tangplay on 5/8/2018 2:17:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/8/2018 2:07:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/8/2018 1:48:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/8/2018 1:24:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/8/2018 1:07:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/8/2018 12:35:00 PM (view original):
When you put one race above another that is hate speech. In your narrative African American persons are inferior and lack "privilege". You point at some stupid stats. The NBA is 75% black. The NBA is not racist at all. Sometimes stats are just misleading. For a while RBs in the NFL were not very good. That position is coming back. This doesn't mean RBs are useless. Stats again can be misleading.

This country has made significant progress but the morality has declined and hence the rise of single parenthood. This afflicts all races. But some more than others. Jews, Indians, Asian Americans generally stay as families and raise kids in two parent households as a result these kids become successful adults.

You are so deranged in your worthless crusade that you cannot see that. You just jump to racism each and every time. You call Bibi a criminal but I have not seen you once denounce Iran, Lybia, Syria, Iraq, Taliban, Hamas, Hezbollah. Not once. You really think Bibi is more corrupt than the heads of those regimes?

Your stupidity and ignorance is dangerous. And the fact that you cannot see that is mind boggling.
I don't put one race above another. African Americans are not inferior. This is my entire point. You say that they struggle because their culture is inferior. This is the true dangerous argument. I already refuted the 75% black stuff, and RBs were never useless, but for a time, they were undervalued and underused. Every stat tells a story.

Yeah, but why? Are those cultures just superior?

Dude. Pay attention please. In my last post I just said that Israel is better than every other country around them. Please keep up.

#1) Single parenthood is more acceptable. Stats regarding the impact on children have not really come to light til now as these children reach adulthood and are not as successful. Similar to cigarettes. Ones the news got out people paid more attention. Perhaps if your crusade was to dual parenting vs. fake racism we would all be better off. You did not refute anything.

#2) No those cultures don't value the dual parent household as much.I am not sure why as I am a Jew and came from one. My wife came from a single parent household but only because her dad died when she was 2. Still they struggled mightily.

#3) If so then why do you side with the UN who clearly favors those other countries?

#2) So you cannot explain it?

#3) The UN does not. Some countries in the UN do.
#2) I just explained it?

#3) Most not some. Otherwise the US would not always have to veto.
#2) You said you were not sure why the culture was different.

#3) If the US vetoes, then it isn't the UN in general. It will not pass.
I am Jewish. How can I speak for another culture when I was not immersed in it? My point is the US should not always have to veto.
5/8/2018 3:17 PM
Wow Boris.......... you don't know why somebody would want to take a dump? Crazy Man.........

Also, I suspect the person you need to worry much about "poisoning" your children isn't in Kansas...........more likely within your own household.
The world doesn't need any more rich banker types............. but some additional poets, songwriters, actors and actresses, dancers, historians, biologists, cardiologists, etc.......... we could use some more good ones in those almost every one of them the aspire e doesn't choose the career on the basis of money! But rather on the basis of a "calling", kinda like a minister, they DO what they love to do.
Most anyone will tell you that that is how to be successful.
Teachers are a good example. The GOOD ones do it because they love it.......... the poor teachers do it for money or some other BS notion.
My Bible (as a kid) taught me that Money was the root of all evil. Doesn't the Jewish dogma share that principle? Based on observation from afar my guess is no.
I see that as a problem. A MAJOR difference between a true Christian and a Jew. Hopefully you can set me straight and "teach" me that Jewish folks don't actually value money to such an extent because I'm pretty sure Greed is a sin.
5/8/2018 3:24 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/8/2018 1:37:00 PM (view original):
I care because people like him are poisoning this country for my kids.
how? How is tangplay identifying himself as jewish affecting your kids? your kids don't know him, have never met him and will never meet him. You want your kids to grow up to be good people, teach them right from wrong and responsibility. Don't blame someone else for how your kids turn out. That's like the argument that gay marriage will ruin the sanctity of marriage. How is someone else's marriage affecting my marriage (or anyone else's) one way or the other. As far as I can see tangplay may be somewhat naïve, but he doesn't want to hurt anyone. He believes what he believes what he believes. You disagree with him. That is one of the best things about America. Freedom to believe what we want to believe. Freedom to identify with whatever religion we choose. Freedom to say what we think, whether anyone agrees with it or not. Freedom to bring up our children however we see fit.
5/8/2018 3:37 PM
I'll also point out that to the best of my recollection, tangplay has never called anyone an idiot or a dumbass. You continuously call him names like that. That seems more hurtful than anything I've seen him say.
5/8/2018 3:42 PM
Not Jewish. His mantra of "You are white so you are privileged". You are mixing apples and oranges. I don't want my kids around those who tell them they are privileged to be white.
5/8/2018 3:42 PM
Posted by wylie715 on 5/8/2018 3:42:00 PM (view original):
I'll also point out that to the best of my recollection, tangplay has never called anyone an idiot or a dumbass. You continuously call him names like that. That seems more hurtful than anything I've seen him say.
No he just calls me privileged to be white and obtuse for not seeing things his way.
5/8/2018 3:43 PM
Posted by laramiebob on 5/8/2018 3:24:00 PM (view original):
Wow Boris.......... you don't know why somebody would want to take a dump? Crazy Man.........

Also, I suspect the person you need to worry much about "poisoning" your children isn't in Kansas...........more likely within your own household.
The world doesn't need any more rich banker types............. but some additional poets, songwriters, actors and actresses, dancers, historians, biologists, cardiologists, etc.......... we could use some more good ones in those almost every one of them the aspire e doesn't choose the career on the basis of money! But rather on the basis of a "calling", kinda like a minister, they DO what they love to do.
Most anyone will tell you that that is how to be successful.
Teachers are a good example. The GOOD ones do it because they love it.......... the poor teachers do it for money or some other BS notion.
My Bible (as a kid) taught me that Money was the root of all evil. Doesn't the Jewish dogma share that principle? Based on observation from afar my guess is no.
I see that as a problem. A MAJOR difference between a true Christian and a Jew. Hopefully you can set me straight and "teach" me that Jewish folks don't actually value money to such an extent because I'm pretty sure Greed is a sin.
He says I am privileged to be white, that Islam is peaceful and tolerant and that the US should abolish the electoral college. I don't want him around my kids. Sorry.

My choice.
5/8/2018 3:44 PM
I don't think that is what tangplay is saying. He said that being white may give you (or him or me for that matter) certain advantages that other non-whites may not get. He is not saying you, or anyone else is privileged to be white. he is not saying every single white person gets those advantages. Justrthat some do, and it is wrong. He is correct. No one should get an advantage or a disadvantage based on their color, religion or sexual preference. I don't think you disagree with that statement.
5/8/2018 3:46 PM
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TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

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