RUSH: I’ll tell you what all of these people are missing.Trump’s numbers are getting better. Democrats are not going to be able to work on this impeach, impeach, impeach stuff. What people in the Drive-By Media are forgetting — if they’ve ever known it — is Trump’s base is still there. I’m convinced they truly believe that they have dented Trump’s support base.
I mean, these Democrats in the Drive-By Media. They haven’t the slightest idea why people voted for Trump. They think they do, but they don’t know. There are a lot of Democrats in the Trump coalition. And, remember, in November of 2011, when it was announced by the Democrat campaign, the Obama campaign and the New York Times they were abandoning the white working class vote? That’s blue-collar, union people, Reagan Democrats.
Those people know the Democrat Party has abandoned them. The Democrat Party’s in pursuit of minority here, minority there, this grand coalition of all these minorities. Those people — a slew of them — voted for Trump, and they are still with him. Because the mistake they are making — and Salena Zito points this out in here book tomorrow called The Great Revolt — is Trump did not start any of this. This sentiment has been out there since the Tea Party and probably before.
Trump is the guy who is the recipient of this energy and this support because he came along and gave voice to it. But he didn’t create it. Meaning they can get rid of Trump — although they’re not gonna be able to. But if they did, it wouldn’t get rid of Trumpism, and they’re missing the point of why Trump got elected and how he’s gonna get reelected. Because they live in this dreamworld where they’ve destroyed the Trump coalition or will by the time the next election comes up. They’re misjudging this so magnanimously or profoundly, it’s incredible.
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