Posted by bad_luck on 5/3/2018 9:29:00 PM (view original):
Posted by moy23 on 5/3/2018 6:24:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 5/3/2018 1:04:00 PM (view original):
Wonder what the wiretap on Cohen’s phone picked up? At least one whitehouse call captured.
How about a whole lotta FAKE NEWS with a side of libs falling for it?!?!?
NBC News and ABC News are walking back earlier reports that claimed federal investigators had wiretapped President Donald Trump’s longtime personal attorney Michael Cohen.
NBC first reported on Thursday that feds in New York City had conducted surveillance on Cohen’s phone lines via wiretapping “in the weeks leading up to the search warrant that occurred several weeks ago,” referring to federal authorities raiding his home, hotel room and office in April.
Hours later, NBC News issued a correction on air, saying Cohen was not wiretapped, citing three senior U.S. officials. ABC News issued a correction as well.
It’s not fake news if they issue a correction.
That's the only way those slimeballs survive.
TRUMP is walking down the street with an aide and a reporter from the New York Times.
TRUMP sees a homeless man. He reaches in his pocket and hands his aide $500 and instructs him to give it to the homeless man.
The next day the headline in the NYT reads TRUMP IGNORES HOMELESS!
The first paragraph describes how Trump walked past the man without acknowledging him or stoping to shake his hand.
The second paragraph alludes to former HUD employees who suggest Trump might have cut cut back on resources to the poor.
Paragraph 3 points to unnamed sources suggesting there may be economists who have undisputibal evidence his tax cuts are hurting the least able among us. Poor people may be dying as a direct result of Republican greed.
And so it goes throughout the piece until you get to the final paragraph.
Only then does the reporter reveal a partial truth when he admits TRUMP reached into his trouser for some "pocket change" for the homeless man.
I personally learned of this over 30 years ago. I learned how the liberal media works and how it was propaganda. Prior to that, I believed them.
This is not an exaggeration. Happens everyday. FAKE NEWS headline followed by nameless faceless fact-less smear, only to have the actual truth, or a portion of it, revealed in the last paragraph of the story. TOO LITTLE TOO LATE. and it's done by design.
Most people only gleam the headline which is a lie.
Others read a paragraph or 2 which either confirm the headline or pile on alleged misdeeds and so forth.
NOBODY bothers to get to the thirteenth paragraph on page 18.
It's propaganda kids.
Don't believe me? Fine.
Check out tomorrows paper. Look at the headlines. Do it for a week. Read through the complete article.
You'll be surprised how the last paragraph has nothing to do with the headline.
5/4/2018 11:51 PM (edited)