Posted by tangplay on 5/2/2018 2:05:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/2/2018 1:07:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/2/2018 11:20:00 AM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/2/2018 9:59:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/1/2018 7:11:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/1/2018 7:03:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/1/2018 6:54:00 PM (view original):
1. First off, yes. If police were the only indicator, men would be better off than women. Also, it is proportionate. The rate is accounted for crimes. It is also hard to explain away the fact that black people are arrested falsely way more.
2. It's overall. Why would the certain drug matter?
3. Males commit more crimes. Now, if males committed, say, 60% of crimes, and made up 75% of the prison population, then that is a mirror of the race situation.
4. Redlining 100% existed, and 100% still affects us. This is not up for debate. It is a fact. Redlining also was 100% based on race.
5. What? This is a well-known fact.
Yes. You are. You can be privileged by multiple things, lol.
This is pointless. I gave you facts you gave me feelings. My facts don't care about your feelings.
WHAT? What 'facts' did you give me? What feelings did I give?
Wow you need professional help. Honestly. You keep talking about the past. You must be a Steelers fan.
#1) I told you that incarceration 100% mirrors arrests in crimes. African Americans commit more crimes. Police aren't racist. Men commit more crimes so men are arrested more frequently. Police are not sexist.
#2) I don't do drugs but stats say it does. Meth is a white man's drug.
#3) Nope. Already addressed in point #1.
#4) Exited = past. It was based on $$ not race. Dr. J had no problem getting financing.
#5) Nope. I am privileged because I had two parents. You are privileged to be educated by me.
I am a Chiefs fan. Fuckin hate the Steelers.
#1) Yeah but that isn't true.
- Between 2005 and 2008, 80% of NYPD stops were of blacks and Latinos. Only 10% of stops were of whites.
- 85% of those frisked were black; only 8% were white. (Blacks and Latinos were frisked 50% of the time; whites, only 34%.)
- Under the NYPD’s controversial “stop-and-frisk” program, in every year since 2009, 87% of those stopped-and-frisked were black or Latino. 10% were white.[5
Also you ignored the point that innocent black people are arrested more. Explain that away please.
#2) Again, why does it matter? We are talking about drugs overall. We don't have to deal in absolutes.
#3) No, you said that the crimes and the prison lines up, but again it does not. % crimes and %of prison population are not equal. Black people commit 40-50% of crimes and account for over 60% of the prison population.
#4) Existed, not Exited. And it was based on race. The creator of it specifically said it was about race.
#5) Way to ignore the question. Now show me a statistic that says that on average, black people are wealthier than white people.
#1) If you commit crimes you'll be arrested more and with more arrests come more errors. NY is a Liberal state. Maybe you Leftists are racist?
#2) I don't do drugs but Meth is a white man's choice. If I did drugs I could tell you why.
#3) They do line up. Google it.
#4) Existed is in the past. And it was because those races lived in less affluent areas. Again, do you think Marcus Allen had a tough time getting a loan?
#5) I never said that. I take every person and situation on its own. LeBron is wealthier than me. Bill Gates is wealthier than LeBron.
#1) OK, so arresting more people just because others of the same race commit more crimes is the definition of institutional racism. More arrests = more errors does not line up. Give me an example of your logic please.
#2) Yeah, but again, why does this matter to the discussion?
#3) I literally did as I was writing the post and I shared what I found. I have provided evidence, if you disagree, please dispute.
#4) Well, yeah. But again, white privilege means that all other things even, white people have an advantage. Again, we are not dealing in absolutes. It’s crazy talk to suggest that all white people are better off than black people. And it still affects us. That reminds me of that scene in the Lion King where Rafiki hits Simba and Simba is like, ‘What was that for,’ and Rafiki is like ‘It doesn’t matter. It’s in the past,’ and Simba is like, ‘Yeah but it still hurts.’
#5) OK. Yes. PLEASE, let me clarify one more time. MY ARGUMENT is that white people have a systematic advantage. All other things being equal, white people are better off. You seem to think that I am arguing that all white people are better off and that no black person has it good. NO. THAT IS NOT MY ARGUMENT.
#1) If you commit more crimes there will be more arrests. What part of that math is beyond you?
#2) What?
#3) Fake News. Stats correlate almost exactly with arrests and prison sentences.
#4) I disagree, 100%. People with two parents have an advantage. I have told you this 100x. Black people with two parents have a significant advantage over white people with one parent. Learn English.
#5) I 100% disagree with you. See #4. By that line of thinking Jewish people have a distinct advantage over non-Jews. It is just not true. But Jewish people for the most part have two parents and hence more are successful. Same with Asian Americans.
Instead of blaming race and skin tone, concentrate on culture.