On the topic of privilege/minority. Modern lawmakers (the Congress/Gov't) F'd everything up when they attempted to infuse race and sex into the definition of minority protections. They had NO place within a lawful definition of a Constitutional "minority". The U.S. Constitution offers NO protections on any such basis. The ONLY protection offered within our Constitution for "minorities" is for thought. The protection is for minority lifestyle/expression, the freedom to think and live differently without undue interference from the tyranny of democratic majority rule. Minority protection from the majority rule because the founders understood that democratic majority rule posed serious problems with FREE living. They intended nothing........when it comes to minority protections based on race or sexual identity/connotation. Thus, WHAT % of something one has to be to be a minority is irrelevant. Except when it comes to some modern law attempting to infuse race or sex into the equation/law. That specific law(s)' text should define the % requirement issue. If it doesn't then the law should be struck down for vagueness.
On another topic. Quoting Boris.
"I think kids with two parents have a HUGE advantage over those with just one. Forget their race, color or gender."
This is a fact NO ONE with a brain should contest. It used to be obvious and still should be. Problem is there are so many PARENTS who don't seem to know this, or prioritize their lifestyle in accordance with the reality. 2 Meth addicted parents tending children (for just one example) is going to produce just as many problems for society with their children as MANY of those single parent homes regardless of color.
In this respect (ONLY!) I agree with Boris......... RACE should just NOT be a factor (and in a few places, perhaps, racism's presence has vastly decreased)
But in fairness----Boris, you are just blind if you think those of us born into enough wealth and with lighter skinned complexion haven't experienced "privilege" living in the U S of A in the 20th century. It's just a fact we can't deny. Just like the fact of our Government's attempts at extermination of our red brothers happened......... or the holocaust. These things happen, they existed, and that most definitely includes racist treatment of non whites in our Country. As a (mostly) white person, I (and you) are privileged to have been born in the US. So are black and brown children THESE days. But, that wasn't always the case and thus white privilege did/does exist. To various levels in various regions of our Country. Savvy?