Posted by cccp1014 on 4/30/2018 10:07:00 AM (view original):
- Support free market capitalism with some regulation
- My philosophy on politics mirrors that of the founding fathers. Such as Electoral College. By the People for the People.
- Private Property is a basic essence.
- Pro secularism, freedom of expression, speech, and the press.
- Small Government with heavy military spend.
- Promotes programs to help those in need to educate themselves and get out of poverty.
- Immigration is a privilege not a right.
- Supports free market capitalism with more regulations to stop income inequality. Aka Whites are too rich.
- Believes individual liberty must also require social justice and equality, with the government being the main tool to address these problems as such he is for Big Government.
- Private Property is a basic essence but you need to pay more if you live in a white community
- Wants to Eliminate the Electoral College
- Promotes welfare programs that act as safety nets for the poor.
- Open up the doors and help all who want to be helped.
- Promotes secularism, freedom of expression, speech, and the press unless he sees it as not adhering to numbers 1-6.
Yeah, no. 3-5 is wrong.
3. Private property is a basic essence.
4. Wants to adjust the electoral college.
5. Promotes programs that equalize opportunity.
7. Promotes secularism, freedom of expression, speech, and the press.
Also whites are not too rich.