Posted by tangplay on 3/25/2018 7:00:00 PM (view original):
Posted by DougOut on 3/25/2018 4:27:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 3/25/2018 3:33:00 PM (view original):
Posted by DougOut on 3/25/2018 1:42:00 PM (view original):
Nope. She's 9 years old. I'm sure she's cute but she's 9 years old.
Are you 9 years old?
Nope. If I was, though, you should still respect my opinion.
And YOU should respect an elders authority and wisdom.
And when the DemoNazi Party borrows money to stay afloat while rigging elections...there is no respect.
I don't respect a Party organizing and funding a nationwide rally and poisoning the minds of children with your hatred.
Your money is spent and the magic never lasts because these kids will meet reality soon after graduation.
And by the time they turn 30, they have questioned your lies and ignorance or are lost forever.
Sorry you missed the boat. I can't give you directions. You're simply lost. And we both know it.
You give more weight to an unknown 9 year old than me. And I know you'll tear me up on that comment but I said it to make a point. She was never in Vietnam. Ronald Regan is a picture in a history book to her. She has NO CLUE what Chuck U. Schumer meant when he said "The era of austerity is over." She doesn't know what is in the last budget passed just days ago and I'm pretty sure she's not calculating the results in the mid-terms.
SHE'S 9 YEARS OLD! And I would never march that child out and use and abuse her for politics. She's a baby.
I was 9 years old when Kennedy was shot. Our teacher allowed us to pray. 2 years after prayer was removed from the classroom...we were allowed to PRAY for Kennedy. 9 years old. SHOCK! NUMB! Duck and cover.
And the smartest kid in the class could have said something that sounded intelligent but...WE'RE JUST KIDS! 9 YEAR OLD KIDS!
WE'RE not the ones telling you how to deal with it. We're LOOKING TO YOU ADULTS to get us through.
AND I CAN ASSURE YOU the media wasn't blaming the Republicans or the NRA.
So go ahead and try to believe this latest FAKE drummed up rally funded and supported by the LEFT, who have taken over the democrat party and are hiding within it, is anymore than just another fundraiser from the party who complains all the time about everything but never changes anything because they need to use it as a cause of injustice for the next fundraiser and election. The party that never fixes anything.
EVERYTHING YOU HAVE WITNESSED THE DEMOCRATS PROTESTING ABOUT SINCE TRUMP WAS ELECTED was protested about under EVERY Republican President since before Regan. NEVER TALKED ABOUT WHILE A DEMONAZI is in power. 50 YEARS of your BS and nothing has changed.
OBAMA HAD IT ALL!~ All 3 branches. He could have passed anything. BUT HE DIDN'T. WHY? Because the Dems never want to actually solve anything. ONLY USE IT to get re-elected.
AND I'M SORRY. I'm not 9 years old. But you would rather. And that's a sad state of affairs. IT is the end of the Republic.