ODL67 Completed Trades & Commentary Topic

Posted by ashamael on 3/21/2018 11:04:00 PM (view original):
Posted by robusk on 3/21/2018 10:57:00 PM (view original):
Posted by milest on 3/21/2018 10:49:00 PM (view original):
Posted by benhoidal on 3/21/2018 10:20:00 PM (view original):
Posted by milest on 3/21/2018 10:19:00 PM (view original):
One more thing... By the end of the draft that the evaluator told me I drafted my players too high, I was ultimately given a favorable eval--- which i disagreed with.. I stated that I screwed up and despite having the players I had, I will not be as strong as it appeared on the boards and that I had spent too much on usage (ooops, I did it again this draft)... So, while I did call out the evaluator for not being accurate about the draft positions of my players-- I openly told him that he was being too favorable to my team in the evals (nobody ever mentions that when they claim I'm so sensitive to bad evals).. in the end, he was basically right.. I won 45-46 games as predicted....
Is this about Hinrich? Haha
Well he's undrafted & shouldn't be mentioned- but him along with 1 more guy in particular... but I think every pick from the 3rd round on was 'too high'. I ultimately didn't like my team, so I obviously made mistakes in the draft- but I couldn't have drafted the guys I did- or even similar players 'later' as claimed.. I accurated stated that-- and got some heat for it... u were right about my team in your eval. U were.. but not so much on when i could have gotten my guys.. i don't want to have that discussion again. At all. Bc I know I'll just get accused of **** that isn't true. I'm guilty of having a good memory when it comes to these things- it doesn't mean that I hold grudges with them or anything else.... just pointing out that I agree with Ash, that inaccuracies in owners comments are what really irritates me-- not 'opinions'... an opinion is 'the guys u drafted won't fit together and u will lose'-- that's fine. Bring it if u think it.. but when there are 60+ previous seasons (however many since the salary change- and the influx of new players changes things each year) there is data to determine whether stating a player can be had a round or even 2 later is accurate or not- meaning it isn't an opinion, and disputing it with facts shouldn't be looked down upon...
Look... this is going to come off like an ******* statement. I need to know though: why do you write like this? Why can’t you just use proper words, case, spacing, indentation, etc.

I mean I am far from the grammar police. I often don’t proofread. I post drunk on wine sometimes. Your posts though... they are impossible to read. If you did something simple, like spelled you instead of u even, that would go a long way.

Just my personal opinion as someone pseudo on the spectrum: it would go a long way to helping your case.
Maybe he's posting on a phone. That **** is exponentially more annoying to type on a phone. I, too, am a fan of (somewhat) proper grammar & spelling, but ****, man, I hate typing on my phone. I hate it with the hatred that monkee has for seble. Maybe more.
I just posted my request via a phone. I post at least half of my posts via phone.

There is posting via a phone and posting via... I don’t know wtf man. I mean he can do whatever he wants. I know I personally read the post with more **** and vinegar when I have to spend twice the time trying to decrypt it.
3/21/2018 11:10 PM
I miss bandit. Not only was he entertaining, he didn’t say anything.
3/21/2018 11:27 PM
Posted by bds9992 on 3/21/2018 11:27:00 PM (view original):
I miss bandit. Not only was he entertaining, he didn’t say anything.
You're the 1 who started the whole thing...

Robusk... I read my statement. 1 word, 'accurated' instead of 'accurately' was incorrectly spelled or used. I am on my phone. Auto-correct is a b1tch for one thing. I've had to go back and change 'stayed' to 'stated' more than once, even though, i typed 'stated' to begin with. If you don't like the way i type on my phone, then so be it. I don't care.

I also should have put an apostrophe after 'owners'. Maybe I did and didnt catch the 'auto-correct'. But that's 2 'misused' words in a statement that you can't decipher.

Why should I take the time on my phone to type 'you' instead of 'u' when any intelligent person knows what 'u' means? Yes, it is difficult for me to type on a phone that corrects correctly spelled words, on a small keyboard with fat fingers. It takes me forever to type 1 statement- the faster I can do it with the fewer strokes, the better.. If u can't understand my comment and it read with such '****' and vinegar, that's a problem u may want to address.
3/21/2018 11:57 PM (edited)
“He started it!”

When’s recess?
3/21/2018 11:51 PM
Posted by milest on 3/21/2018 11:50:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bds9992 on 3/21/2018 11:27:00 PM (view original):
I miss bandit. Not only was he entertaining, he didn’t say anything.
You're the 1 who started the whole thing...

Robusk... I read my statement. 1 word, 'accurated' instead of 'accurately' was incorrectly spelled or used. I am on my phone. Auto-correct is a b1tch for one thing. I've had to go back and change 'stayed' to 'stated' more than once, even though, i typed 'stated' to begin with. If you don't like the way i type on my phone, then so be it. I don't care.

I also should have put an apostrophe after 'owners'. Maybe I did and didnt catch the 'auto-correct'. But that's 2 'misused' words in a statement that you can't decipher
Brah. There is no punctuation except for the last wed and a bunch of pseudo-abbrevaiation that isn’t real. Your takeaway after the re-read just reinforces that I woke up as an old man one day. I think I must be the problem, not you.
3/21/2018 11:52 PM
Either way, once I am arguing about form over function, you know things have gone massively off the rails.
3/21/2018 11:53 PM
No punctuation??? Lol!!! An overuse of punctuation is far more 'accurate' since that's what I've been foolishly arguing about the whole time.. and yes, when you are complaining about looks over function (about anything in life)- then, well you're right..

and by the way-- I do apologize for being a d1ck. I know that I come off that way when I don't intend, and sometimes, I do intend. Anyway...
3/22/2018 12:02 AM
Speaking of going off the rails...I am low on airway assists but I think Malone and the 850 3PM behind him will keep us competitive. Hopefully I'm not way off.
3/22/2018 12:03 AM
Posted by mikee1 on 3/22/2018 12:03:00 AM (view original):
Speaking of going off the rails...I am low on airway assists but I think Malone and the 850 3PM behind him will keep us competitive. Hopefully I'm not way off.
Back to evals... YAY!!!

my opinion that you'll be fine, and you'e team looks dang good...
3/22/2018 12:04 AM
New phone swypo. What's an airway assist?? Is that like CPR?

Thanks Milest. If anyone else wants to weigh in, I welcome the feedback.
3/22/2018 12:09 AM
Posted by mikee1 on 3/22/2018 12:09:00 AM (view original):
New phone swypo. What's an airway assist?? Is that like CPR?

Thanks Milest. If anyone else wants to weigh in, I welcome the feedback.
I'm glad I'm not the only 1 with new phone problems! Lol! Although I've had mine a few weeks.. still a pain in the butt sometimes...

3/22/2018 12:15 AM
Malone & Bogut make up for lack of backcourt assists. Paul George would look so much better with a 15 ast%, but, I do think you have enough assist overall. Your defense & defensive boards are plenty for this league. Plus it looks like you'll play a 'clean' game as far as TOs & fouls.
3/22/2018 12:20 AM
First thing I do with a new phone is figure out how to turn off the auto correct.

I say ****, ******, & ******* too much. Ain't nobody got time to repeatedly change duck, ducked, & ducking. Duck that ducking non-sense! Auto-correct can get ducked!
3/22/2018 12:23 AM
Posted by mikee1 on 3/22/2018 12:03:00 AM (view original):
Speaking of going off the rails...I am low on airway assists but I think Malone and the 850 3PM behind him will keep us competitive. Hopefully I'm not way off.
depending on the mookie/george seasons, I either like it, love it or merely meh it. If you're using the seasons I assume, I have the following thoughts:

nice dreb%, smidge lower oreb% than I typically like, but we're talking nuances here (like 4%)
ast% is fine; you won't see much/any bump but good defensive teams won't crush you. I'd say you'll likely see a decline in fg% of a few guys and an increase on a few, netting about even.
lots of usage - you won't have a possession penalty, I don't believe - and solid but not spectacular efg%. Good defense. average to low turnovers. Pretty low fouls, though no fta monsters on your team (mailman kinda is/was, but with his high usg%, those ftas are deceptive).

At 13.1k/19.3k picked & more than $11m to spend, it seems pretty solid to me. Having not broken down hardly any other teams this way, I wouldn't even hazard a prediction, but as long as you get ... well, I'm not gonna say, but you probably know already. Look like a good start, dude!

(mikee is someone else whose first team I remember evaluating I completely trashed. He won like 55 games and maybe even the ship. It made me re-evaluate some of the things I prioritized and directly led to me retesting usage, which led to the revamping of the usage post years ago. I literally just remember what inspired it right now)

3/22/2018 12:35 AM
Where do people who live in Hawaii go for a vacation?
3/22/2018 2:04 AM
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