ODL67 Completed Trades & Commentary Topic

Posted by milest on 3/21/2018 7:53:00 PM (view original):
3 picks made today.. Pretty exciting
I’m ready to roll. Have been the last couple hours. But now I am getting ready to board a flight in. 20 minutes. After that it is dicey.

I will try and send a proxy if needed.
3/21/2018 8:00 PM
Posted by milest on 3/21/2018 7:45:00 PM (view original):
Posted by ashamael on 3/21/2018 5:26:00 PM (view original):
Posted by milest on 3/21/2018 12:03:00 PM (view original):
Posted by jkaye24 on 3/21/2018 6:52:00 AM (view original):
Posted by milest on 3/21/2018 12:37:00 AM (view original):
He drafted Mason for the frontcourt ast% needed when drafting Klay at SG. He's 96% at SF, so I assume he'll be at PF since Worm will play SF...
I'm not saying whether I agree or disagree with the pick, but I understand it.
Yes, Mason ties the whole thing together with assists and for 39 minutes to boot. Brings the starters to about 65%. Low fouls and good D didn’t hurt the cause.

Alternative was to get more dimes from PG, and there are some options for that but with a major scoring and defense sacrifice. But I totally get the issues with Mason at the 4.
Mason wasn't a bad selection for you. He's also a low TO guy, and gets to the line a decent amount of times for his usage and hits at a decent rate. I think he's kind of underrated, tbh-- it depends on the team around him- but I don't think your selection warranted the ridicule from the peanut gallery. Don't worry- Every time my team gets **** on in the evals and forums, including from King Ash, i usually make the conference finals at least...
You got a problem with me?

I don't consider responding to someone and agreeing with what they said was ridicule:
Posted by jkaye24 on 3/20/2018 9:53:00 PM (view original):
Probably put together the worst 4 rebounders in the league around Rodman: Cheeks, Klay, Mase and Zo. Elite defense, enough assists, solid eFG, need 3s off the bench. Not sure if this works. Man, the ODL is hard.

Mason is the worst part of that, unless you're planning on using Worm as a 4. I really like the squad otherwise (well, I hate Cheeks, too, but he's acceptable)

Well, u conveniently left out 'being on the same wavelength as copernicus'- but ok.. and no. No problem. I'm telling JK that my team has been evaluated as sucking many times, and I ended up doing pretty well.. even if the poor eval was by you, who knows everything about the SIM, I still did well... It looked like, even if u say not, that u and copernicus hated the Mason pick and didnt understand it.. u guys have that right... I stated that I do understand it and don't think it was as bad as copernicus made it seem to be, and that u were 'on the same wavelength' as--- but... I get **** on again for just saying what I think... it's ok tho.
I didn't conveniently leave out anything. He expounded on why I didn't love the pick. I never said I didn't understand the pick. I hated the Cheeks pick, because it made the Mason pick necessary. I think Cheeks is one of the worst best point guards in the sim... you grab him if you have good assists already at the other positions & good threes somewhere other than SG. If you don't (or you know you won't be able to make a rotation out of the 6th/undrafted players), then I think he's a bad fit. Others disagree, and there have been good teams using him. Jkaye is a fantastic owner and will probably make the whole thing work! You yourself know that I'm not always right. I never claimed to be. These (and any) evaluations are really, really difficult to get right. For one thing, you often don't know what seasons people are going to use. You suspect based on history & what you know works, but then people pull some **** and you're like - what the ****? Why are you using that season? Then there's the fact that you don't know what undrafted players they are going to use.

A little secret about these draft leagues... it's not about who you draft, it's about who you don't draft but use. Almost everybody here has drafted a solid starting 5 and will probably draft 2 good subs. This happens almost every season. You can see that by the parity of the regular season standings. When 20 games separate #1 from #20, you have a good league. Unfortunately, the closer to parity your league is, the more effect randomness & outliers can have on results. This adds to the difficulty in prediction, but this is sidetracking from the point I was trying to make. You don't take "Player X in the 4th" because they have a lot of value and are falling. You don't take "Player Y" in the 2nd because other people think he's great. You don't NOT take "Player Z" in the 2nd because some people think he'll be there in round 3 or 4. You take Player Z because you know that you can pair him up with who WILL be there in rounds 4,5, and 6, and who WILL be undrafted & you can use as a core part of your rotation.

Because these later guys & undrafted guys are so important, predicting anything off of 3 players in a vacuum is silly. Even off of 5, 6 or 7 is extremely difficult. But it's typically not a vacuum. You get to know owners' styles & capabilities. When you see Dwight Howard & Bill Walton in Ben's hands after round 2, you know that's going to be lethal. When you see the same pair in ... someone who tends to draft at the top of these leagues regularly ... you're less worried, and typically, by round 4 or 5, they screw it up. Even if they didn't, they wouldn't put together the bench that really supports it.

This is a really, really long way of saying that when I do my evals, I take what I know of the owner into account when making my evaluation. If I don't know someone well, or have very little experience in leagues with them would be a more accurate way of saying that, then that comes through in my eval. Pair this up with only seeing like 70-75% of the team picture, the sim parity/randomness effect, the likelihood of using different seasons than you expect, and the fact that nobody really sees the coaching stuff behind the scenes, and it becomes really, really difficult to evaluate anything, even for someone that does know the sim really well. They're somewhat educated guesses, but they're still guesses. So whatever I said about whatever team you had that you proved me wrong with, that's why I said it. I have very little idea who you were, assumed you would do some stupid ****, and you didn't. And, of course, I could have just been wrong! I'm not infallible. I honestly have no idea what I said or when I said it, but you obviously do, and the whole "King Ash" thing makes you sound really bitter about it. I'm sorry that I **** on your team however long ago it was. Sounds like it didn't matter, though, and you're a successful owner whether I like your teams or not, so who the **** cares what I think?!

P.s. I'm not sure how saying what I said was shitting on you. I know this is the pot calling the kettle black, but you are acting awfully sensitive in these posts. Because I am the pot, I recognize these things. I get as worked up (or more) than anybody that I've ever played this sim with, so I get the irony in me pointing it out. That doesn't make it untrue. I've also ****** off or been ****** off by almost every owner that's ever played here for any real length at all, but we almost always get past it. I don't hold grudges. Often. For very long. :D

Gonna make a long post a little longer. About the whole "King Ash" thing... well, yeah. I know a lot about the sim. That's not a boast. I do know a lot about the sim. I learned a lot from other owners and did a lot of experimentation/testing on my own from there. I have helped more owners understand the sim than probably anybody else in my time here. That's not a boast. I don't take credit for their victories or anything. Some people took what I shared, added their own experience to it & grew from there. I didn't win those 80-something rings for Ben; he won them. At one time, I believed I was the best owner in the sim, and there really wasn't anybody that had a good argument otherwise, but that is the spirit of competition. I was super cocky. I was super confident. I was extremely arrogant. That's (mostly) in the past. I still know I'm one of the best, and if I really put the time/effort into it that I used to, I think that I could be the best again. But I don't, and I'm okay with that. If that makes me cocky and unliked, well, so be it. I'm not going to be falsely humble; I know I'm not a better person than anybody else here, but I'm a pretty damn good WISNBA sim owner even still. If my talking/debating mechanics is a problem for you (or anybody), I don't know what to say other than: pay attention. Whether I'm 100% right or 100% wrong, you can learn something from any mechanics discussion, and learning is almost never a bad thing.

And that's the main reason I get flustered & argumentative around here: I get irritated when someone with limited experience begins telling me something I know to be untrue or gives false advice to people. I also (still) ******* love this thing (the sim), and whenever I'm passionate about something, I don't half *** it. In any case, theres's almost always something to learn from almost every debate or conversation, even for King Ash, so keep this **** coming!
3/21/2018 9:32 PM (edited)
where is old smokey when you need him?
3/21/2018 9:00 PM
I won’t quote it due to its length, but that is a good post by ash. It hits on a lot on sentiments I agree with in a well thought out line of dialogue.
3/21/2018 9:04 PM
You’re going to say I’m reading too far into your post.

Sometimes we wait until the schedule is ready to see our evals. I didn’t want to take that chance, which is why I decided to chime in.

i have learned my lesson. This is the very last time I do evals. Worry not
3/21/2018 9:30 PM
Posted by bds9992 on 3/21/2018 9:30:00 PM (view original):
You’re going to say I’m reading too far into your post.

Sometimes we wait until the schedule is ready to see our evals. I didn’t want to take that chance, which is why I decided to chime in.

i have learned my lesson. This is the very last time I do evals. Worry not
My honest advice is: don't let me or anybody be a deterrent from doing evals or expressing your opinions. In fact, I'd say you should spend even more time in the commentary thread! Say what you think about a team, player or pick. If someone says something different, ask them why they think that way. Listen to their answer, and - this is the most important part - then watch what happens. See how it actually plays out. Maybe keep a document with what you think will happen, what someone else says what will happen & then what actually happens. Store that information somewhere in your head if not documented. Do this over & over. Look at the top 25. Look and see what teams are winning. Look to see why they're winning. Ask questions of the owners of the best teams - "Why did you use that particular season of that particular guy? Why did you play these 2 guys instead of this 1? How did you have your depth chart set?" ETC. Then apply all that you learn to all of your teams, no matter what league. You can indeed learn much by observation & personal testing, but if you can stir the pot, get discussions going & just analyze everything you see in a somewhat controlled environment, you can learn much. And we all need to learn - from the worst owner to the best. The best don't stay the best for very long if they don't keep working hard once they reach that pinnacle. They stay the best because they work as hard or harder once they attain that level. This is true of pretty much any sport or competition.

(you can also look at it as dumb fun and not put any effort into it at all. No matter your goal, it's your money. It's your time. Spend it the way you want, as long as you're not hurting anyone!)
3/21/2018 9:42 PM
Ash, you are the king of the SIM- I wasn't trying to be a dick..not to sound arrogant myself but a lot of the SIM is common sense- but some things, like the usage% point system, are not... I've certainly built better teams using that chart, as opposed to just trying to have a cumulative percentage of 100... I think we all thank u for that and other things..... and I'm frustrated by the same things as you are... Again, I was told once that several of my players were drafted a round or 2, too early- which i could prove not true by going to previous draft boards... I pointed out the inaccuracies, just for the sake of being accurate, and not skewing reality... But, that was maybe the 1st of many times that i was accused of only complaining about a bad eval.. I was just pointing out that the evaluation was wrong, bc I actually drafted guys later than previous seasons- but was told that I could have waited to get them.... I just don't understand why I can't point that out without being accused of taking the evals personally and only complaining bc I got a bad eval. It just isn't reality. If an owner says 'team a is going to suck on the boards'--- it is ok for the owner of team a to say 'actually, I'll have 39%oreb & 94%dreb on the floor at most times'-- without being accused of being an *******... Maybe i misunderstood the comments from u & Copernicus--- but all I did was dispute them, and state why-- and while doing that--- called u the king in a joking manner, based on reality, and said even if the king gives u a bad eval, don't worry, it doesn't mean your team will suck (paraphrased)...
3/21/2018 10:07 PM
Btw, I totally agree with you about drafting a team and having a good bench.. That's the main reason I won 50 games last season... I was able to draft quality guys in the 6th, and the rest of my bench was very good. I actually started a guy that played 18 mins/G that was undrafted....
That's also the main reason I'm upset with myself about this team.. I've spent too much money already and I'm scrambling to not have too many ****** minutes-- so I'm with u 100% on that
3/21/2018 10:11 PM
One more thing... By the end of the draft that the evaluator told me I drafted my players too high, I was ultimately given a favorable eval--- which i disagreed with.. I stated that I screwed up and despite having the players I had, I will not be as strong as it appeared on the boards and that I had spent too much on usage (ooops, I did it again this draft)... So, while I did call out the evaluator for not being accurate about the draft positions of my players-- I openly told him that he was being too favorable to my team in the evals (nobody ever mentions that when they claim I'm so sensitive to bad evals).. in the end, he was basically right.. I won 45-46 games as predicted....
3/21/2018 10:18 PM
Posted by milest on 3/21/2018 10:19:00 PM (view original):
One more thing... By the end of the draft that the evaluator told me I drafted my players too high, I was ultimately given a favorable eval--- which i disagreed with.. I stated that I screwed up and despite having the players I had, I will not be as strong as it appeared on the boards and that I had spent too much on usage (ooops, I did it again this draft)... So, while I did call out the evaluator for not being accurate about the draft positions of my players-- I openly told him that he was being too favorable to my team in the evals (nobody ever mentions that when they claim I'm so sensitive to bad evals).. in the end, he was basically right.. I won 45-46 games as predicted....
Is this about Hinrich? Haha
3/21/2018 10:20 PM
Posted by benhoidal on 3/21/2018 10:20:00 PM (view original):
Posted by milest on 3/21/2018 10:19:00 PM (view original):
One more thing... By the end of the draft that the evaluator told me I drafted my players too high, I was ultimately given a favorable eval--- which i disagreed with.. I stated that I screwed up and despite having the players I had, I will not be as strong as it appeared on the boards and that I had spent too much on usage (ooops, I did it again this draft)... So, while I did call out the evaluator for not being accurate about the draft positions of my players-- I openly told him that he was being too favorable to my team in the evals (nobody ever mentions that when they claim I'm so sensitive to bad evals).. in the end, he was basically right.. I won 45-46 games as predicted....
Is this about Hinrich? Haha
Well he's undrafted & shouldn't be mentioned- but him along with 1 more guy in particular... but I think every pick from the 3rd round on was 'too high'. I ultimately didn't like my team, so I obviously made mistakes in the draft- but I couldn't have drafted the guys I did- or even similar players 'later' as claimed.. I accurated stated that-- and got some heat for it... u were right about my team in your eval. U were.. but not so much on when i could have gotten my guys.. i don't want to have that discussion again. At all. Bc I know I'll just get accused of **** that isn't true. I'm guilty of having a good memory when it comes to these things- it doesn't mean that I hold grudges with them or anything else.... just pointing out that I agree with Ash, that inaccuracies in owners comments are what really irritates me-- not 'opinions'... an opinion is 'the guys u drafted won't fit together and u will lose'-- that's fine. Bring it if u think it.. but when there are 60+ previous seasons (however many since the salary change- and the influx of new players changes things each year) there is data to determine whether stating a player can be had a round or even 2 later is accurate or not- meaning it isn't an opinion, and disputing it with facts shouldn't be looked down upon...
3/21/2018 10:49 PM
Posted by milest on 3/21/2018 10:49:00 PM (view original):
Posted by benhoidal on 3/21/2018 10:20:00 PM (view original):
Posted by milest on 3/21/2018 10:19:00 PM (view original):
One more thing... By the end of the draft that the evaluator told me I drafted my players too high, I was ultimately given a favorable eval--- which i disagreed with.. I stated that I screwed up and despite having the players I had, I will not be as strong as it appeared on the boards and that I had spent too much on usage (ooops, I did it again this draft)... So, while I did call out the evaluator for not being accurate about the draft positions of my players-- I openly told him that he was being too favorable to my team in the evals (nobody ever mentions that when they claim I'm so sensitive to bad evals).. in the end, he was basically right.. I won 45-46 games as predicted....
Is this about Hinrich? Haha
Well he's undrafted & shouldn't be mentioned- but him along with 1 more guy in particular... but I think every pick from the 3rd round on was 'too high'. I ultimately didn't like my team, so I obviously made mistakes in the draft- but I couldn't have drafted the guys I did- or even similar players 'later' as claimed.. I accurated stated that-- and got some heat for it... u were right about my team in your eval. U were.. but not so much on when i could have gotten my guys.. i don't want to have that discussion again. At all. Bc I know I'll just get accused of **** that isn't true. I'm guilty of having a good memory when it comes to these things- it doesn't mean that I hold grudges with them or anything else.... just pointing out that I agree with Ash, that inaccuracies in owners comments are what really irritates me-- not 'opinions'... an opinion is 'the guys u drafted won't fit together and u will lose'-- that's fine. Bring it if u think it.. but when there are 60+ previous seasons (however many since the salary change- and the influx of new players changes things each year) there is data to determine whether stating a player can be had a round or even 2 later is accurate or not- meaning it isn't an opinion, and disputing it with facts shouldn't be looked down upon...
Look... this is going to come off like an ******* statement. I need to know though: why do you write like this? Why can’t you just use proper words, case, spacing, indentation, etc.

I mean I am far from the grammar police. I often don’t proofread. I post drunk on wine sometimes. Your posts though... they are impossible to read. If you did something simple, like spelled you instead of u even, that would go a long way.

Just my personal opinion as someone pseudo on the spectrum. It would go a long way to helping your case.
3/21/2018 11:07 PM (edited)
Of course, I am 36. I can’t decipher sh**. Maybe I am the problem and I don’t realize it.
3/21/2018 10:58 PM
If you want to know why people say you take evals too personally just go read those evals. I loved 6 of your 7 picks and was lukewarm on one of them. You jumped down my throat and called me a liar because I said there were better players available than the one player.
3/21/2018 11:02 PM
Posted by robusk on 3/21/2018 10:57:00 PM (view original):
Posted by milest on 3/21/2018 10:49:00 PM (view original):
Posted by benhoidal on 3/21/2018 10:20:00 PM (view original):
Posted by milest on 3/21/2018 10:19:00 PM (view original):
One more thing... By the end of the draft that the evaluator told me I drafted my players too high, I was ultimately given a favorable eval--- which i disagreed with.. I stated that I screwed up and despite having the players I had, I will not be as strong as it appeared on the boards and that I had spent too much on usage (ooops, I did it again this draft)... So, while I did call out the evaluator for not being accurate about the draft positions of my players-- I openly told him that he was being too favorable to my team in the evals (nobody ever mentions that when they claim I'm so sensitive to bad evals).. in the end, he was basically right.. I won 45-46 games as predicted....
Is this about Hinrich? Haha
Well he's undrafted & shouldn't be mentioned- but him along with 1 more guy in particular... but I think every pick from the 3rd round on was 'too high'. I ultimately didn't like my team, so I obviously made mistakes in the draft- but I couldn't have drafted the guys I did- or even similar players 'later' as claimed.. I accurated stated that-- and got some heat for it... u were right about my team in your eval. U were.. but not so much on when i could have gotten my guys.. i don't want to have that discussion again. At all. Bc I know I'll just get accused of **** that isn't true. I'm guilty of having a good memory when it comes to these things- it doesn't mean that I hold grudges with them or anything else.... just pointing out that I agree with Ash, that inaccuracies in owners comments are what really irritates me-- not 'opinions'... an opinion is 'the guys u drafted won't fit together and u will lose'-- that's fine. Bring it if u think it.. but when there are 60+ previous seasons (however many since the salary change- and the influx of new players changes things each year) there is data to determine whether stating a player can be had a round or even 2 later is accurate or not- meaning it isn't an opinion, and disputing it with facts shouldn't be looked down upon...
Look... this is going to come off like an ******* statement. I need to know though: why do you write like this? Why can’t you just use proper words, case, spacing, indentation, etc.

I mean I am far from the grammar police. I often don’t proofread. I post drunk on wine sometimes. Your posts though... they are impossible to read. If you did something simple, like spelled you instead of u even, that would go a long way.

Just my personal opinion as someone pseudo on the spectrum: it would go a long way to helping your case.
Maybe he's posting on a phone. That **** is exponentially more annoying to type on a phone. I, too, am a fan of (somewhat) proper grammar & spelling, but ****, man, I hate typing on my phone. I hate it with the hatred that monkee has for seble. Maybe more.
3/21/2018 11:04 PM
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ODL67 Completed Trades & Commentary Topic

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