Posted by bronxcheer on 3/20/2018 7:48:00 PM (view original):
An "Ashamed" Fox News Commentator Just Quit The "Propaganda Machine"
"Over my decade with Fox, I long was proud of the association," Col. Ralph Peters wrote in an email to colleagues. "Now I am ashamed."
Ralph Peters? REALLY!?!?!?
MY GOODNESS. You've talked so highly and positively about him in the past.
Practically every other post you make is about how great Ralph Peters is and how much you admire him. And why not?
This is the same Ralph Peters who was suspended by FOX in 2015 for melting down.
The same NEVER TRUMPER who hates Donald Trump.
The same guy who wants an assault weapons ban but attacks ANYONE who dares utter the words DEEP STATE.
The same Ralph Peters who voted for Hillary. Publicly denounced Trump and said he was voting for Hillary.
That Peters?