Posted by tangplay on 3/12/2018 1:39:00 PM (view original):
It is kind of strange because Trump is resonating with me far more recently... if he does something on gun control, good. If the North Korea thing goes well, HUGE win. If he does both those things, I may have to shift my opinion.
im sorry..i must need to get my eyes and ears checked...he already failed on gun control.....have you been following the news ?
areal president would have reccomended legislation on -
1. banning bump stocks - he did NOT
2. raising age on rifles - he did NOT
3. strict effective background checks - he did NOT
4. reasonable waiting periods - he did NOT
5. close gun show loop holes - he did NOT
all he did was set up a fake news commission - to do nothing ...waste time...fake out the fools.
i didnt even include banning assault weapons.
he deserves absolutely nothing but scorn....
he is the president...could NOT rise to the crisis..the challenge..only bowed to the killers - the nra.