RUSH: You know Samantha Power who was Obama’s last ambassador to the United Nations? She was very much involved in unmasking Americans, along with Susan Rice, toward the tail end of the Obama administration. Anyway, they had a big election in Italy this week, and it was almost a repeat of what happened in our elections in 2016.
A coalition of, quote-unquote, “conservatives and nationalists” just swept everybody out of the way, and it was a major, major win for center-right people in Italy and the added bonus was that it contains a great threat to the solvency of the European Union. One of the issues, one of the primary issues that determine turnout and vote was Italians are fed up with immigration. They’re fed up with their culture being diluted and wiped out. They’re fed up with their government caring more about migrants and illegals than about the native population.
Sound familiar?
Anyway, Samantha Power blamed it on the Russians!
The Russians stole the Italian elections, too — and this is where you just pull your hair out. Because now we’ve got an ongoing narrative and meme that anything that goes wrong for the Democrats, the Russians did it. And they take to the media and they seriously say this stuff. It is deranged. It’s beyond my ability to describe how literally insane and deranged, unhinged whatever this is. I ask myself — I really do — do they really believe this, or is this just something that they know or they think they can convince people is true just by saying it over and over?
You know, the jury is out. There’s a big part of me that thinks people have lost it so much that they really believe it. There’s a big part of me that believes they have been so poisoned by the hate that they contain within themselves each and every day that they have been rendered completely irrational. And the other part of me says, “They’re not this stupid! They can’t really believe the Russians stole our election and now the elections in Italy and they’re preparing to steal the elections in China…”
Oh, wait. There aren’t any. The elections wherever they are, the Russians are there? Folks, Russia… There’s another thing wrong. Russia is being portrayed as this gigantically powerful, omnivorous presence that is just dominating and swallowing and swarming everything, that the Russians are running the world. I’m here to tell you, the Russians still remain a Third World country, at best, with a First World military and intelligence operation. The Russians are not an economic superpower. They’re in no… They’re in no way.