TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

Eh....I don't think any debate is bad so long as it is civil to a point. I call bad_luck dumb because he said Ben Shapiro was a white supremacist. Ben Shapiro is an orthdox JEw.
1/5/2018 11:36 AM
Posted by laramiebob on 1/5/2018 11:21:00 AM (view original):
Can't say I like all the hatred and division amongst Americans. I will say as long as it accomplishes something I'll be all for it in the end. Could be the sheep end up learning to not be so blindly sheep-like! Depends on what the truth is. It will come out. Always does. I'm waiting to see what blind fools like All3 say then.......... IF they're even real voters and not internet Russkie trolls LOL.
You say you hate all the hatred, yet you spread it around extremely freely. The hatred you have for Trump, for whatever reason, makes you blind to what others are even trying to say. Calling me a "sheep" is simply stupid, based on the reasons I have continually explained as to why I support giving Trump a fair chance. It has been noted over and over and over that I am much, much more of a HRC hater (the 1 and only other "true" candidate last election due to Democratic Primary rigging and the fact no other Republican had a shot of beating her) than I'll ever be a Trump supporter. I also believe that whoever is the President of this Country deserves the respect of it's people. That person has earned it, whether everyone likes it or not. Don't like Trump? That's fine, and understandable. Think HRC would have been "better"? You're crazy. Think there was another option? Not in today's USA. Is that ever going to change? Not if people like you want to rake every non-politician for life over the coals when they win. You say you support changing the system and the status quo - then start acting like it.
1/5/2018 11:40 AM
Posted by cccp1014 on 1/5/2018 10:36:00 AM (view original):
Lazy people exist dude
But laziness is not generational.
1/5/2018 11:41 AM
Posted by cccp1014 on 1/5/2018 10:47:00 AM (view original):
Old saying fish for a man and feed him for a day. Teach the man to fish and feed him for life. Your dad is fishing for the man. Noble. We need to teach to fish.
He is teaching the man to fish. Read the last part of my statement
1/5/2018 11:42 AM
Perfect example of hate: Riots in Baltimore.

Black city council, black police chief, black mayor, black attorney general, black POTUS. Yet they protest and loot. BHO does nothing except throw fuel on the fire. Want to see the racial divide. Exhibit #1!
1/5/2018 11:43 AM
Posted by tangplay on 1/5/2018 11:42:00 AM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 1/5/2018 10:47:00 AM (view original):
Old saying fish for a man and feed him for a day. Teach the man to fish and feed him for life. Your dad is fishing for the man. Noble. We need to teach to fish.
He is teaching the man to fish. Read the last part of my statement
You agree that Govt created this mess but you want them to still fix it? Allow capitalism to fix it. Govt sucks at what it does.
1/5/2018 11:44 AM
Btw Bernie is technically an independent.... Just saying...
1/5/2018 11:45 AM
Posted by cccp1014 on 1/5/2018 11:36:00 AM (view original):
Eh....I don't think any debate is bad so long as it is civil to a point. I call bad_luck dumb because he said Ben Shapiro was a white supremacist. Ben Shapiro is an orthdox JEw.
People debating with all the "when this happens", or "when that happens" is what bothers me. Everyone has their believes about things that may or may not have happened. Until those become facts, they really shouldn't be part of the back-and-forth. Given today's Political and Media climates, we may never really know the "truth" about some things.

It is great that we live in a Country where we are free to express our beliefs about such things, and so much more though. Many people will never have that freedom. Heck, many days I wish certain people in this Country didn't have that freedom. As much as some love to b*tch and complain about this Country, I don't see them leaving it (as some of them promised they would if Trump won) for somewhere else.
1/5/2018 11:47 AM
Posted by all3 on 1/5/2018 11:40:00 AM (view original):
Posted by laramiebob on 1/5/2018 11:21:00 AM (view original):
Can't say I like all the hatred and division amongst Americans. I will say as long as it accomplishes something I'll be all for it in the end. Could be the sheep end up learning to not be so blindly sheep-like! Depends on what the truth is. It will come out. Always does. I'm waiting to see what blind fools like All3 say then.......... IF they're even real voters and not internet Russkie trolls LOL.
You say you hate all the hatred, yet you spread it around extremely freely. The hatred you have for Trump, for whatever reason, makes you blind to what others are even trying to say. Calling me a "sheep" is simply stupid, based on the reasons I have continually explained as to why I support giving Trump a fair chance. It has been noted over and over and over that I am much, much more of a HRC hater (the 1 and only other "true" candidate last election due to Democratic Primary rigging and the fact no other Republican had a shot of beating her) than I'll ever be a Trump supporter. I also believe that whoever is the President of this Country deserves the respect of it's people. That person has earned it, whether everyone likes it or not. Don't like Trump? That's fine, and understandable. Think HRC would have been "better"? You're crazy. Think there was another option? Not in today's USA. Is that ever going to change? Not if people like you want to rake every non-politician for life over the coals when they win. You say you support changing the system and the status quo - then start acting like it.
Believe me, I am no HRC supporter, but you call people crazy if they think she would be a better president than Trump. There's no way to know that. You say we need to give Trump a chance to prove himself, but HRC doesn't deserve that same chance? Again, I really dislike her, but who knows what kind of president she would make? Not me, and not you. I don't hate Trump either, but he's done nothing to impress me in his year in office. he got a tax bill passed that helps him and his rich cronies much more than it helps anyone else. He's insulted people left and right. He's shown no dignity or compassion.
1/5/2018 11:52 AM
He's the Pied Piper of the foolish who are looking for easy answers and OTHER people to blame for the mess WE allowed the governing parties (two of them!) to create! "Damn the countries in a mess and it MUST be somebody else's fault (preferably colored somebody!), who is it can fix this? Must be that guy blaming immigrants and foreigners...... hey ain't he rich? He must be telling us truth..... cause he's saying what we wants to hear!"

Foolish, superficial, misguided SHEEP!
Asleep at the switch until way too late and then stampeding after that freaking wolf!
Right into catastrophe. I sincerely hope and pray I'm wrong about Trump!
All evidence demonstrates otherwise!
1/5/2018 12:01 PM
You're correct wylie. Guilty of stating my opinion as though it were a fact.
IMO, most "important things" (economy, immigration, foreign affairs) will end-up being better under Trump than they would have been under HRC. Yes, she wouldn't have been teating stupid things, but that's simply because she's too much the life-long politician and knows how to play the game, whereas I don't think Trump even cares about the game.
1/5/2018 12:01 PM
Posted by tangplay on 1/5/2018 11:45:00 AM (view original):
Btw Bernie is technically an independent.... Just saying...
So is DJT
1/5/2018 12:06 PM
I just would like for people to tell me what DJT has done policy wise that they disagree with. That’s all.
1/5/2018 12:07 PM
"...I don't think Trump even cares about the game."

Ridiculous. For Trump this IS a game! He gave instructions to staff (nearly immediately) to treat each news cycle as if this was a "reality TV show" did we win or lose today? The only person more delusional than Trump are his faithfully stupid backers!
1/5/2018 12:08 PM
Posted by wylie715 on 1/5/2018 11:52:00 AM (view original):
Posted by all3 on 1/5/2018 11:40:00 AM (view original):
Posted by laramiebob on 1/5/2018 11:21:00 AM (view original):
Can't say I like all the hatred and division amongst Americans. I will say as long as it accomplishes something I'll be all for it in the end. Could be the sheep end up learning to not be so blindly sheep-like! Depends on what the truth is. It will come out. Always does. I'm waiting to see what blind fools like All3 say then.......... IF they're even real voters and not internet Russkie trolls LOL.
You say you hate all the hatred, yet you spread it around extremely freely. The hatred you have for Trump, for whatever reason, makes you blind to what others are even trying to say. Calling me a "sheep" is simply stupid, based on the reasons I have continually explained as to why I support giving Trump a fair chance. It has been noted over and over and over that I am much, much more of a HRC hater (the 1 and only other "true" candidate last election due to Democratic Primary rigging and the fact no other Republican had a shot of beating her) than I'll ever be a Trump supporter. I also believe that whoever is the President of this Country deserves the respect of it's people. That person has earned it, whether everyone likes it or not. Don't like Trump? That's fine, and understandable. Think HRC would have been "better"? You're crazy. Think there was another option? Not in today's USA. Is that ever going to change? Not if people like you want to rake every non-politician for life over the coals when they win. You say you support changing the system and the status quo - then start acting like it.
Believe me, I am no HRC supporter, but you call people crazy if they think she would be a better president than Trump. There's no way to know that. You say we need to give Trump a chance to prove himself, but HRC doesn't deserve that same chance? Again, I really dislike her, but who knows what kind of president she would make? Not me, and not you. I don't hate Trump either, but he's done nothing to impress me in his year in office. he got a tax bill passed that helps him and his rich cronies much more than it helps anyone else. He's insulted people left and right. He's shown no dignity or compassion.
Tax bill will help business and significantly lessen corporate inversions. Doubling the standard deduction helps those who don’t make a lot. The plan has some positives.
1/5/2018 12:09 PM
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TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

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