TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

Posted by cccp1014 on 1/4/2018 8:52:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 1/4/2018 7:47:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 1/4/2018 7:09:00 PM (view original):
tagplay you are mentally ill because:
  1. You believe there is white privilege.
  2. You believe that poor people should be able to have kids even if they cannot afford him.
  3. You believe that we should all be pacifists and pray for world peace. AKA if a burglar breaks into your house you would rather pray than defend yourself.
  4. You opine on global warming when you do not know anything about it.
  5. You believe that Palestine is a place of peace.
  6. You believe that Islam is a religion of peace.

Shall I go on?

Mentally ill.
1. Yep. I posted plenty of stats and other arguments and you just basically called me an idiot and made ridiculous oversimplified statements and hyperbole.
2. I believe that poor people have that right, yes.
3. Soooo all practicing Christians are mentally ill?
4. I know more about it than you ever will. I care extremely deeply about the subject and my thoughts on it reflect that.
5. I never said that.
6. I retreated that statement after you proved me incorrect.
1) You did not. I POSTED the stats. That proved you wrong and asked you to list examples of racism. You listed something for 1997. Mentally ill.
2) And not be able to pay for them. So I should have had 4 kids when we can only afford 2? Mentally ill.
3) Nope but you do not speak for all and the fact that you think you do makes you mentally ill.
4) You are a writer and not a good one. You are not a scientist. You don't know anything and neither do I. But because you think you do. Well you are mentally ill.
5) You did and called them a "democracy". You are forgetful and mentally ill.
6) You did? Then I apologize but you still want them coming to the US....making you....MENTALLY ILL!!!

cut and paste it.
1. I would like a link of stats from you, I must have missed it. I would strongly suggest looking over the things I posted along the way, I can re-link them if you need. I listed a specific case of institutional racism (redlining) that still deeply affects the way that people live. It really doesn't get much simpler than that. White privilege goes beyond 'this person specifically was affected' and I don't think you understand that. I also don't think you bothered to read ANYTHING I posted over maybe 1 or 2 paragraphs.
2. There are certain limits of course. I was talking about the rights to perhaps having 1 or 2 kids. I never pretended to have a solution, because I know it's impractical in this case, and I know it's illogical in this case, and I know I am a logical person. However I just cannot bring myself to agree that poor people should not have kids. So basically I don't know. And unlike you I don't pretend to know.
3. I don't speak for all. Jesus does. I relay the teachings of Jesus to you. The fact that strikeout (The only other truly vocal Christian here) agrees with me on this means that I am fairly confident in my being right. You don't understand Christianity. Don't pretend to. Let's agree to disagree.
4. Oh no, I don't know anything about climate science. What I do know is that 95% of scientists agree with me. So does NASA. I am pretty confident in that, and I have passionate issues on the subject, and my views are backed by knowledge I have gained by reading up on the issue.
5 and 6. Well, then if I did I retract my statement. You made some good points and I agree with you, however you are wrong if you state that all Palestinians are dangerous. Radicalism is NOT terrorism, as your own resource said. Thus, I now believe that Islam-sponsored states are flawed, but most Islamic people are just people.
1/4/2018 10:26 PM
Ben Shapiro video-
About 10 minutes in, he has just started to make arguments on things that I actually argued about. So here are his arguments and my responses.

Crime (Arguments relating to mine):
  • More white people are killed than black people - true but there are more white people. Now onto percentages.
  • Whites more likely to be killed on percentage basis - Blacks are less than 13% of the U.S. population, and yet they are 31% of all fatal police shooting victims, and 39% of those killed by police even though they weren’t attacking. I don't know where Ben got his info but I have multiple sources who have this information.
  • Police less likely to kill black people on the same circumstances - I don't know what warrant he had for this claim, and my earlier point would back my stance up. NEXT!
  • Murder rate in black community higher than in white community - We will get to this later, but black people make up a higher rate of poor people than white people do. Crime goes on more in poor neighborhoods so this statistic would make sense. Add that onto the fact that the 'war on drugs' ADMITTED to CREATING black communities then implanting drugs into them, and you have a recipe for a high crime rate!
  • Blacks 25% of speeders in NJ and 23% of people w/tickets - I don't know how this is measured? How do you measure how many people speed? This is probably a WILD guess at best. I will take my evidence earlier about false accusations by race.
  • Need more cops not less racism? - Yeah, we do. We also need to get the drugs out, invest in equality in education, help people in poverty, training, break generational poverty, give people hope, etc. Focus on what LEADS to the crime not 'well we need more police'. That's just ignorant and won't stop the problem.
Poverty (Arguments relating to mine):
  • Black people have higher dropout rate - Again, black people tend to live in poor communities (Redlining strikes again). The U.S. is one of only 3 of the 34 O.E.C.D. nations to give fewer resources and have lower teacher/student ratios in poorer communities than in more privileged communities. There is a TON of evidence that shows that the US does NOT invest equally into every student. This is a major issue. If you grew up in a school where plaster is crumbling, the roof is leaking, and you get almost no opportunities and bad teachers, then you are not gonna have motivation to do well in school either. This is not just a 'black' problem, and you certainly cannot pin this on poor people being lazy. It is state funding inequalities.
  • "Something needs to change in black community", personal responsibility - It's not the black community. It really isn't. Yeah, if you start out well, by not doing the three things you will find yourself in poverty most likely. BUT it does not work both ways, and the evidence supports this. Getting out of poverty is WAY harder than getting in in the first place and just saying 'work harder' DOES NOT WORK. My dad works with this every day, he helps run a local poverty training site called Circles of Hope that gives people in poverty relational and other skills and other things that can actually get people out of poverty and IT WORKS. But let's keep blaming poor people so we can continue this cycle. When will we learn.
If I were in charge I would equalize education funding first off, support local programs that actually HELP PEOPLE and invest in getting the drugs out and providing legitimate opportunity and help.

Wealth gaps are bigger than race ones in education, and somewhat in crime, it's just that the stereotype that most in power (Partially rightfully so, but also that people worked hard to make the stereotype become the reality) have that black and Hispanics are poor and to some extent they are, and partially that is not their fault at this point.

I enjoy Shapiro, it's good to hear another educated viewpoint but I disagree.

I watched your site, now you read mine. Here is where I got most of my info:
1/5/2018 9:01 AM (edited)
I read it but it is so one sided and the site is new progressive LOL.

You are reading from the ultra leftist website. People are poor because of circumstance but remain poor because they are bad with money. This country gives you every opportunity to succeed.
  1. Graduate High School
  2. Don't become a single parent
  3. Get a job

Seems simple to me. But Liberals find those three things impossible to attain. Makes me laugh. I am not saying graduate with all A pluses. You can get all Ds and still graduate. But #2 is critical don't have kids if you are too young and or cannot afford them. In reality wait until you are married. Jobs are prevalent. Those with a HS degree can make $75K here in MA fairly easily.

If I were in charge I would preach those three things over and over and over and over again to kids and their parents in ALL communities. I would not treat poorer kids differently than wealthier kids. I would STRESS #1 and #2 and if you do that #3 should happen on its own. If you graduate and don't have kids you will likely find a job and then you will NOT be poor.

Want to cure poverty do it this way.
1/5/2018 9:13 AM
Posted by cccp1014 on 1/5/2018 9:15:00 AM (view original):
I read it but it is so one sided and the site is new progressive LOL.

You are reading from the ultra leftist website. People are poor because of circumstance but remain poor because they are bad with money. This country gives you every opportunity to succeed.
  1. Graduate High School
  2. Don't become a single parent
  3. Get a job

Seems simple to me. But Liberals find those three things impossible to attain. Makes me laugh. I am not saying graduate with all A pluses. You can get all Ds and still graduate. But #2 is critical don't have kids if you are too young and or cannot afford them. In reality wait until you are married. Jobs are prevalent. Those with a HS degree can make $75K here in MA fairly easily.

If I were in charge I would preach those three things over and over and over and over again to kids and their parents in ALL communities. I would not treat poorer kids differently than wealthier kids. I would STRESS #1 and #2 and if you do that #3 should happen on its own. If you graduate and don't have kids you will likely find a job and then you will NOT be poor.

Want to cure poverty do it this way.
1. Progressives are not ultra liberal, and yes it is one-sided but so was the 'ultra-conservative' Shapiro. It shows a side of an argument. I went word for word with what Shapiro said, providing specific evidence for each. You clearly gave up.
2. Other way around. People fall into poverty because they don't follow those things. The thing that breaks your argument apart is that poverty is generational. So you will not get out of poverty simply by doing those three things but you will fall in.

The USA has not invested equally into every student and it shows. I can give you more evidence on this point because it is clear. Less resources means a worse education.

Please try again, with a little more effort this time.

Btw I doubt you even read the article, but you are an ignorant illlgical fool who will not listen to an opposing viewpoint. There is nothing I can do to change your mind. You had a chance with Shapiro but his argument fell apart.
1/5/2018 9:28 AM
If everyone has an equal opportunity and we should treat poor people the same then WHY DOES GENERATIONAL POVERTY EXIST.
1/5/2018 9:33 AM
Because people are influenced by their environment too much. They CHOOSE to follow the path of their parents. It's not the governments responsibility to fund people who do this.
1/5/2018 9:55 AM
Tang, I feel like you completely ignore personally responsibility. I have heard you blame institutional racism, white priviledge, and poor funding in schools along with a few other things, but you have yet to realize that people make their own choices and often times CHOOSE poorly.
1/5/2018 9:58 AM
Posted by tangplay on 1/5/2018 9:33:00 AM (view original):
If everyone has an equal opportunity and we should treat poor people the same then WHY DOES GENERATIONAL POVERTY EXIST.
Why do many get out of poverty? Follow the three steps and you won't be poor. Not sure how much more clearly I can state that.
1/5/2018 10:02 AM
Posted by strikeout26 on 1/5/2018 9:58:00 AM (view original):
Tang, I feel like you completely ignore personally responsibility. I have heard you blame institutional racism, white priviledge, and poor funding in schools along with a few other things, but you have yet to realize that people make their own choices and often times CHOOSE poorly.

tangplay blames the Govt not the actual people. LOL

As I said 20% of blacks were single parent in the 60s and today its 70%. I doubt we are more "racist" now. It is a cultural issue. Period. Personal responsibility 101.
1/5/2018 10:03 AM
Tang, I disagree with cccp in one area. I think you're pretty smart. I am going to wager that you're young, 27 or younger, and have been heavily influenced by someone who is very liberal; either a parent or a teacher. You said earlier that you're logical, which you are not in the slightest. That's okay. Because you are emotion driven, you are a very compassionate person who wants to help people. The problem is that you don't understand what true "help" is. Sometimes doing less is better for people. I have an aunt who is in her mid-60's. She is single and my grandparents have subsidized her her whole life. Because she wasn't forced to stand on her own two feet, she has a fiscal maturity level of a teenager. Our government has created a whole generation of these people.
1/5/2018 10:05 AM
Posted by strikeout26 on 1/5/2018 9:55:00 AM (view original):
Because people are influenced by their environment too much. They CHOOSE to follow the path of their parents. It's not the governments responsibility to fund people who do this.
I thought the environment did not affect you?
1/5/2018 10:14 AM
Posted by strikeout26 on 1/5/2018 9:58:00 AM (view original):
Tang, I feel like you completely ignore personally responsibility. I have heard you blame institutional racism, white priviledge, and poor funding in schools along with a few other things, but you have yet to realize that people make their own choices and often times CHOOSE poorly.
Yes, to go into poverty, not to get out.
1/5/2018 10:16 AM
Posted by tangplay on 1/5/2018 10:14:00 AM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 1/5/2018 9:55:00 AM (view original):
Because people are influenced by their environment too much. They CHOOSE to follow the path of their parents. It's not the governments responsibility to fund people who do this.
I thought the environment did not affect you?
You can CHOOSE to be influenced by your environment. Everything you do in life is a choice.
1/5/2018 10:23 AM
Posted by tangplay on 1/5/2018 10:16:00 AM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 1/5/2018 9:58:00 AM (view original):
Tang, I feel like you completely ignore personally responsibility. I have heard you blame institutional racism, white priviledge, and poor funding in schools along with a few other things, but you have yet to realize that people make their own choices and often times CHOOSE poorly.
Yes, to go into poverty, not to get out.
It all works the same way. The statistics are skewed because higher percentages in some cultures are making poor choices.
1/5/2018 10:25 AM
Posted by cccp1014 on 1/5/2018 10:02:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 1/5/2018 9:33:00 AM (view original):
If everyone has an equal opportunity and we should treat poor people the same then WHY DOES GENERATIONAL POVERTY EXIST.
Why do many get out of poverty? Follow the three steps and you won't be poor. Not sure how much more clearly I can state that.
People get outnof poverty by getting out of survival mode, getting connections, and making a future plan. Investjng in equal education and other things helps too.

That's like telling someone who can't swim to just kick and they will start swimming.
1/5/2018 10:30 AM
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TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

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