TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

Posted by strikeout26 on 1/4/2018 10:02:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 1/4/2018 9:11:00 AM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 1/3/2018 11:49:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 1/3/2018 11:17:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 1/3/2018 10:34:00 PM (view original):
tangplay is incredible. Every time I prove something to him with facts, he argues back with idiotic emotions.

tangplay: What do you mean poor people should not have kids because they cannot afford them? That is so wroooooong.

Wait, so when I use something with facts, like say abortion (or was that strikeout) or all the info I gave to you with white privilege, it is fake news and you ignore it, but when YOU supposedly 'prove something' (You almost never do, usually you just call me an idiot and make flawed arguments), I am the one with the emotions. I truly think that saying that poor people should not have kids is a terrible thing to say. YOU. WOULD. NOT. BE. BORN. Neither would I.
We had the abortion discussion. Cccp is pro choice (I think).

There is nothing wrong with poor people having children as long as they are prepared to provide. My wife's father worked 3 jobs to provide. He didn't accept government assistance. He earned his way. If you have to rely on government funding to care for a child, you shouldn't be having them.
A lot of people just cannot provide. I would suggest actually helping these people on a local level.
You put way too much responsibility on government and I'm not sure why. Honestly, the group that has dropped the ball is the church. It's their biblical responsibility to help the indigent and most churches would rather spend money on elaborate sanctuaries. So, yes I agree that it needs to come from the local level, but not the local government. It needs to come from churches and other charities. As Truett Cathy said "it's not worth having money if you can't give it away."

Also, if you cannot provide, you shouldn't be having children.
100% agreed.
1/4/2018 10:30 AM
Trump-haters were expecting record lows over the summer?
Pretty sure last week, coupled with next week, will close greatly close that 3-1 gap being touted last page, and we still have the 2 coldest months of Winter remaining ahead.
Again, just another thing for those haters to try to criticize Trump about, that makes them look like raving loons.
1/4/2018 11:24 AM
1/4/2018 11:52 AM
1/4/2018 12:05 PM
1/4/2018 12:09 PM
Posted by tangplay on 1/3/2018 11:17:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 1/3/2018 10:34:00 PM (view original):
tangplay is incredible. Every time I prove something to him with facts, he argues back with idiotic emotions.

tangplay: What do you mean poor people should not have kids because they cannot afford them? That is so wroooooong.

Wait, so when I use something with facts, like say abortion (or was that strikeout) or all the info I gave to you with white privilege, it is fake news and you ignore it, but when YOU supposedly 'prove something' (You almost never do, usually you just call me an idiot and make flawed arguments), I am the one with the emotions. I truly think that saying that poor people should not have kids is a terrible thing to say. YOU. WOULD. NOT. BE. BORN. Neither would I.
That was not me. Try again. I gave you FACTS regarding white privilege and how it doesn't exist and you just clam up. At least you are finally educated on Islam.
1/4/2018 12:12 PM
Posted by tangplay on 1/3/2018 11:17:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 1/3/2018 10:34:00 PM (view original):
tangplay is incredible. Every time I prove something to him with facts, he argues back with idiotic emotions.

tangplay: What do you mean poor people should not have kids because they cannot afford them? That is so wroooooong.

Wait, so when I use something with facts, like say abortion (or was that strikeout) or all the info I gave to you with white privilege, it is fake news and you ignore it, but when YOU supposedly 'prove something' (You almost never do, usually you just call me an idiot and make flawed arguments), I am the one with the emotions. I truly think that saying that poor people should not have kids is a terrible thing to say. YOU. WOULD. NOT. BE. BORN. Neither would I.
My parents were not poor when I was born. They moved to this country when I was very young and DID NOT HAVE ANY MORE KIDS because they could not afford them. See. If you cannot afford kids DO NOT HAVE THEM!
1/4/2018 12:13 PM
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Posted by all3 on 1/4/2018 11:24:00 AM (view original):
Trump-haters were expecting record lows over the summer?
Pretty sure last week, coupled with next week, will close greatly close that 3-1 gap being touted last page, and we still have the 2 coldest months of Winter remaining ahead.
Again, just another thing for those haters to try to criticize Trump about, that makes them look like raving loons.
I have no idea why you are attributing people concerned with global warming to "Trump haters". The global warming crew has been around way before Trump was in office. People criticizing Trump do so because it's obvious he has no clue as to the difference between weather and climate.

When you are seeing record highs and record lows in the same year, I think one can start to rightfully look to abnormal disruptions in the natural order of things.
1/4/2018 12:41 PM
Here's the thing, like all3 said there's a very slim chance that anyone on this site can begin to understand climatology, But like Taint said, better safe than sorry. I have no idea the impact that humans have on the climate, but when I drive into Atlanta it's filled with pollution. There's no way that is good for our environment, so this leads me to believe that humans do have a pretty large effect on the climate.

A problem both sides run into are with extremists. The right has there group that says "climate change is a farce." Let's be real. Climate change is real. The causes and impact are up for debate, but it's real. The left has their extremists also that are hurting the cause. California is a great example of this. Both sides need to use some common sense on the issue.
1/4/2018 1:03 PM
Right wingers grasping at straws to blame liberals for everything. NEWSFLASH No liberals blame Trump for Climate Change!

Thinking humans of all stripes will blame the "fools" who ignored the obvious factual evidence because it didn't fit their political narrative.
Your OWN Grandchild will blame YOU for not believing the facts and attempting to mitigate a serious problem.
The taxpayers will blame the Repugs. when they are having to foot the bill for the relocation (and water resistant construction) of multiple military bases, and abandonment of seaside communities.

The region of No. Arizona (Colorado Plateau Region) just completed the driest quarter in recorded HISTORY on 12/31/2017.
Still no snow anywhere in sight in Flagstaff (one of the 10 snowiest cities in the U.S.--historically). The state just completed our 3rd straight warmest year record in a row!!
Non-acceptors of the FACT of climate change are self absorbed fools stealing from their Grandchildren.
Just like the Republican party stealing from their Grandchildren to give tax breaks to their benefactors!

The evil doers masquerading as middle class friendly Repugs. will pay the price quite soon!
Sheep are stupid. Not all humans are. SOME will wake up and realize they're being sheared.
When that occurs they wont stand for it. The shaky "governing alliance" now in place (out of necessity) between the fruit-cake WH and the traditional Repugs. still in Congress will bust into full fledged civil war delivering the Gov't in FULL measure to the Dumbocrats!!

That's when things really go bad!!
Don't you folks read history books?

BTW. Happy New Year!! We better enjoy every one we got left!
1/4/2018 1:04 PM
Posted by laramiebob on 1/4/2018 1:04:00 PM (view original):
Right wingers grasping at straws to blame liberals for everything. NEWSFLASH No liberals blame Trump for Climate Change!

Thinking humans of all stripes will blame the "fools" who ignored the obvious factual evidence because it didn't fit their political narrative.
Your OWN Grandchild will blame YOU for not believing the facts and attempting to mitigate a serious problem.
The taxpayers will blame the Repugs. when they are having to foot the bill for the relocation (and water resistant construction) of multiple military bases, and abandonment of seaside communities.

The region of No. Arizona (Colorado Plateau Region) just completed the driest quarter in recorded HISTORY on 12/31/2017.
Still no snow anywhere in sight in Flagstaff (one of the 10 snowiest cities in the U.S.--historically). The state just completed our 3rd straight warmest year record in a row!!
Non-acceptors of the FACT of climate change are self absorbed fools stealing from their Grandchildren.
Just like the Republican party stealing from their Grandchildren to give tax breaks to their benefactors!

The evil doers masquerading as middle class friendly Repugs. will pay the price quite soon!
Sheep are stupid. Not all humans are. SOME will wake up and realize they're being sheared.
When that occurs they wont stand for it. The shaky "governing alliance" now in place (out of necessity) between the fruit-cake WH and the traditional Repugs. still in Congress will bust into full fledged civil war delivering the Gov't in FULL measure to the Dumbocrats!!

That's when things really go bad!!
Don't you folks read history books?

BTW. Happy New Year!! We better enjoy every one we got left!
I'm a big believer in climate change. The next big Ice Age is coming. These warm spells only last about 20,000 years.
1/4/2018 1:41 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 1/4/2018 12:15:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 1/3/2018 11:49:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 1/3/2018 11:17:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 1/3/2018 10:34:00 PM (view original):
tangplay is incredible. Every time I prove something to him with facts, he argues back with idiotic emotions.

tangplay: What do you mean poor people should not have kids because they cannot afford them? That is so wroooooong.

Wait, so when I use something with facts, like say abortion (or was that strikeout) or all the info I gave to you with white privilege, it is fake news and you ignore it, but when YOU supposedly 'prove something' (You almost never do, usually you just call me an idiot and make flawed arguments), I am the one with the emotions. I truly think that saying that poor people should not have kids is a terrible thing to say. YOU. WOULD. NOT. BE. BORN. Neither would I.
We had the abortion discussion. Cccp is pro choice (I think).

There is nothing wrong with poor people having children as long as they are prepared to provide. My wife's father worked 3 jobs to provide. He didn't accept government assistance. He earned his way. If you have to rely on government funding to care for a child, you shouldn't be having them.
I am pro choice. tangplay is grasping at straws now. Hilarious. I am not a conservative. I am pro choice, an atheist and anti high salaries for CEOs who get rid of 25 year employees. Again I am logical not conservative. But I am also for free speech and idiot Liberals rally against anyone coming to their university with an opposing point of view. Stupid *** kids.
You make such a big deal about being Jewish, but you're an atheist???
1/4/2018 1:42 PM
Posted by The Taint on 1/4/2018 12:41:00 PM (view original):
Posted by all3 on 1/4/2018 11:24:00 AM (view original):
Trump-haters were expecting record lows over the summer?
Pretty sure last week, coupled with next week, will close greatly close that 3-1 gap being touted last page, and we still have the 2 coldest months of Winter remaining ahead.
Again, just another thing for those haters to try to criticize Trump about, that makes them look like raving loons.
I have no idea why you are attributing people concerned with global warming to "Trump haters". The global warming crew has been around way before Trump was in office. People criticizing Trump do so because it's obvious he has no clue as to the difference between weather and climate.

When you are seeing record highs and record lows in the same year, I think one can start to rightfully look to abnormal disruptions in the natural order of things.
BHO was beyond reproach but he made many mistake in his eight years. At least in my opinion he did. Why do you think he was not criticized publicly? Double standard?
1/4/2018 1:59 PM
Posted by wylie715 on 1/4/2018 1:42:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 1/4/2018 12:15:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 1/3/2018 11:49:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 1/3/2018 11:17:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 1/3/2018 10:34:00 PM (view original):
tangplay is incredible. Every time I prove something to him with facts, he argues back with idiotic emotions.

tangplay: What do you mean poor people should not have kids because they cannot afford them? That is so wroooooong.

Wait, so when I use something with facts, like say abortion (or was that strikeout) or all the info I gave to you with white privilege, it is fake news and you ignore it, but when YOU supposedly 'prove something' (You almost never do, usually you just call me an idiot and make flawed arguments), I am the one with the emotions. I truly think that saying that poor people should not have kids is a terrible thing to say. YOU. WOULD. NOT. BE. BORN. Neither would I.
We had the abortion discussion. Cccp is pro choice (I think).

There is nothing wrong with poor people having children as long as they are prepared to provide. My wife's father worked 3 jobs to provide. He didn't accept government assistance. He earned his way. If you have to rely on government funding to care for a child, you shouldn't be having them.
I am pro choice. tangplay is grasping at straws now. Hilarious. I am not a conservative. I am pro choice, an atheist and anti high salaries for CEOs who get rid of 25 year employees. Again I am logical not conservative. But I am also for free speech and idiot Liberals rally against anyone coming to their university with an opposing point of view. Stupid *** kids.
You make such a big deal about being Jewish, but you're an atheist???
Jewish is the culture to me not the religion.
1/4/2018 1:59 PM
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TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

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