TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

Everything all knows he learned in the 6th grade civics class. Nothing since then
12/22/2017 2:56 PM
"the option was HRC."

IF I only had a hundred bucks for every time I've had to say this........ I'd have some extra folding money..........

There were better options! As usual you demonstrate a lack of understanding about our system. Were there not other choices on your ballot for POTUS than Rep. and Dem.?? Most States ballots sure contained other options. IF you believe you are somehow limited to choosing between someone you detest (HRC?) and someone else you feel somehow not confidant in voting for for POTUS within those 2 choices------you've been duped!

By the very same folks giving you the two choices you don't like. And you go along with it and vote for one of those two every election.......... LOL!
Who's the dummy now? Not likely the powers that duped you into thinking they were going to change things......... damn. duped again.

Our Constitution sure didn't establish these two "parties" to be our only choices. Again, you demonstrate you don't know the governmental system you live in, and spout off about all the time. Still think we live in a democracy?
12/22/2017 3:08 PM
Posted by tangplay on 12/21/2017 10:15:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 12/21/2017 7:45:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 12/21/2017 1:32:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 12/21/2017 11:46:00 AM (view original):
Wow. You are clinically insane. Thank you for sharing.
Soooooooooooooooooo you are calling all practicing Christians insane? Thanks for sharing.
Just you. Are you saying all practicing Christians are pacifists? You moron. LOL
YES. Christianity is pacifism. Jesus was a pacifist.
Here you go Wylie
12/22/2017 3:40 PM
Posted by laramiebob on 12/22/2017 2:57:00 PM (view original):
Boris......... don't you claim that all Muslims are radical terrorists? As to DJT. I wish I could find something to admire about him. I have found every POTUS in my lifetime to have some very admirable qualities (Had to look kinda hard for Nixon's and Ford's I admit) until now. Heck even dogbreath Clinton navigated our way out of a budget deficit that had existed for decades, until the Repugs regained Control of Govmint, (IF we could have just eliminated the hot tub hijinx........) and had many policies that benefited this Country. I'm not insulting DJT.......... I'm just calling it as I see it. He's F'ing scary and may just be the Anti-Christ. Hope I'm wrong.
Our opinions differ and thats OK. I never said all Muslims. I proved to you that at least half are radical. Are you losing your memory? You asked me to prove it to you and I listed many Koran verses for you. Which you conveniently dismissed. Name me only mostly Islamic country that is socially progressive, militarily stable and economically viable. Just one.

Fact that you think DJT is the Anti Christ is fine but the fact that you belittle me for disagreeing with you and insult me for supporting him is bleh but also fine. But the fact that you get upset that I fire back is ridiculous.
12/22/2017 3:43 PM
Posted by laramiebob on 12/22/2017 3:10:00 PM (view original):
"the option was HRC."

IF I only had a hundred bucks for every time I've had to say this........ I'd have some extra folding money..........

There were better options! As usual you demonstrate a lack of understanding about our system. Were there not other choices on your ballot for POTUS than Rep. and Dem.?? Most States ballots sure contained other options. IF you believe you are somehow limited to choosing between someone you detest (HRC?) and someone else you feel somehow not confidant in voting for for POTUS within those 2 choices------you've been duped!

By the very same folks giving you the two choices you don't like. And you go along with it and vote for one of those two every election.......... LOL!
Who's the dummy now? Not likely the powers that duped you into thinking they were going to change things......... damn. duped again.

Our Constitution sure didn't establish these two "parties" to be our only choices. Again, you demonstrate you don't know the governmental system you live in, and spout off about all the time. Still think we live in a democracy?
No, there were NOT better options. HRC was always going to be the Democratic candidate. The DNC decided that well in advance of any primary and was always going to make sure of that outcome. What other Republican candidate was going to defeat HRC? None. Exactly! It was Trump or HRC. Voting for the only person who had a chance to beat HRC was FAR, FAR more important to me, and I'm guessing a few million or so other voters, than voting for someone who had zero chance to win. You saying any of this wasn't the 100 truth shows how clueless YOU are about how our Country runs. You're too busy trying to play semantics to see reality. Please take that lame sheit back to dino's Liberal safe thread.
12/22/2017 4:52 PM
Bought and sold by the two party only crowd. How does it feel to be a sheep? The Repugnant and the Demos haven't produced a leader in decades. Yet you claim they are the only choice. BS!. I don't vote for losers and idiots who don't put this Country first. Neither of the two parties do that any longer. Haven't for years. Keep bleating on but I know for a fact YOU don't even know what kind of government we have. How would you know HOW to "keep and protect" it?
12/22/2017 5:03 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 12/22/2017 3:40:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 12/21/2017 10:15:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 12/21/2017 7:45:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 12/21/2017 1:32:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 12/21/2017 11:46:00 AM (view original):
Wow. You are clinically insane. Thank you for sharing.
Soooooooooooooooooo you are calling all practicing Christians insane? Thanks for sharing.
Just you. Are you saying all practicing Christians are pacifists? You moron. LOL
YES. Christianity is pacifism. Jesus was a pacifist.
Here you go Wylie
Um, where does he say that all Christians are pacifists? He says Christianity is supposedly a pacifist religion. Those are two entirely different statements. Its like saying basketball players are tall. That doesn't mean every tall person is a basketball player.
12/22/2017 5:35 PM
The "YES" in capital letters is in response to my question of "are you saying all practicing Christians are pacifists".

12/22/2017 5:37 PM
Posted by laramiebob on 12/22/2017 5:03:00 PM (view original):
Bought and sold by the two party only crowd. How does it feel to be a sheep? The Repugnant and the Demos haven't produced a leader in decades. Yet you claim they are the only choice. BS!. I don't vote for losers and idiots who don't put this Country first. Neither of the two parties do that any longer. Haven't for years. Keep bleating on but I know for a fact YOU don't even know what kind of government we have. How would you know HOW to "keep and protect" it?
  • How does it feel to be a sheep = insult
  • Repugnant = insult
  • Losers and Idiots = insult
  • YOU don't know what kind of government we have = insult
Come on Bob. You throw a lot of daggers but complain when someone retaliates? Trump was neither a GOP nor Dem. He kind off ran on his own.
12/22/2017 8:39 PM (edited)
You can call it WTF you want: doesn't matter to me, or just about every other living soul. What does matter is that unfortunately, in most elections their are 2, and only 2 realistic choices. Yes, that s*cks, as I've said repeatedly. Just as I've said the current set-up s*cks and probably won't change until their is at least a 3rd "major" Party. Sorry you were too busy raving about semantics and labeling everything to see any of those posts. Also sorry you seem to have sheep so stuck on your mind - won't ask why.
If every voter who thought a candidate outside of HRC or Trump was the best choice had voted for that candidate, HRC would probably be POTIS. Keeping her from holding that position was the most important thing to them. Call them (and me) whatever you like (typical for those who have nothing better to say), but it doesn't change any of the previous facts (which I know ranters like yourself couldn't care less about).
Maybe try considering some of those "fact" thingies, and stop making incorrect assumptions about people before posting more of your ranting BS.
12/22/2017 5:42 PM
"until their is at least a 3rd "major" Party." Those are YOUR words. Can't you see...... until we reject the idea that there are only two legitimate sources and actually VOTE for a choice OTHER than the two... then you're just buying into it! It's the literal definition of insane (doing the same thing and expecting different results)........ it is nuts! (There can't BE a 3rd major party until we VOTE that way)
Finally (and for the last time for YOU)........ the type of Constitutional Government we were given by our Founders is NOT semantics.
Citizens who don't know that ARE the problem. If you are insulted by that (whoever you be!) I could care less!
Your ignorance is NOT of my concern and I don't have to tolerate ignorance beyond what I possess on my own. That's likely enough for any one body.

As Buddy Holly said............. on behalf our our given Freedom and liberties I will always..........

"Rave On"

Merry Festivus to everybody.
Pray for peace.
12/22/2017 7:10 PM (edited)
I have voted for "minor" Party candidates many times, so please stop trying to "enlighten" me. This time, keeping HRC out of the WH was far more important to me. Millions shared that feeling. Sorry that's far too difficult for you to understand. Your obsession with what I, and numerous paid Political experts (who I have referenced before), instead of this Country's real problems is comical. Forgive me if I don't engulf the wisdom you think you have.
12/23/2017 8:58 AM
"Your obsession with what I, and numerous paid Political experts (who I have referenced before), instead of this Country's real problems is comical"

Not sure what you are trying to say here, but it's of little consequence. I do understand your "obsession" with keeping HRC OUT of the WH. I get it. What I don't get is why as She has been in there before with little long term damage to our democracy. I didn't and don't support her (or her dog Bill) now. But I fail to understand why anyone would think the guy in the WH now is a better gamble. He's clearly (in my view) not. I am NOT a paid political expert. Are you?

Edited to add: I must apologize IF I gave you the impression that I somehow think I have some sort of "wisdom" concerning things political. I can assure you I do not have such "wisdom". I used to vote for Republicans quite a bit which damn sure PROVES I'm not wise about political things. I'm also glad you have voted for minority candidates. So have I....... we keep doing it and convince a few more to do so and eventually we may get that 3rd major party you mentioned earlier. All I know for certain is that there ain't NOBODY in either party representing MY interests within the 2 parties that have taken control presently!
12/23/2017 10:53 AM (edited)
Here is why I did not vote for her:
  • She left the WH nearly broke or barely well off and now is worth over $100MM. Clinton foundation is dirty.
  • She claims to be for women's rights but she took a lot of $$ (pay for play) from Saudi and other countries as such who treat women worse than dogs.
  • Benghazi happened on her watch as she was sleeping
  • She is a terrible role model for my daughters, staying married to a cretin like Bill after he multiple times cheated on her and humiliated her.
  • My friend in Secret Service told me she is one of the worst human beings he ever met and she treated them as her servants. He said Bill could not stand her.
  • She and her cronies sabotaged Bernie Sanders. I am far from a Bernie fan but he deserved a fair shot.
  • She is a liar and thinks I am stupid enough to believe her lies.
12/23/2017 10:54 AM
Posted by cccp1014 on 12/23/2017 10:54:00 AM (view original):
Here is why I did not vote for her:
  • She left the WH nearly broke or barely well off and now is worth over $100MM. Clinton foundation is dirty.
  • She claims to be for women's rights but she took a lot of $$ (pay for play) from Saudi and other countries as such who treat women worse than dogs.
  • Benghazi happened on her watch as she was sleeping
  • She is a terrible role model for my daughters, staying married to a cretin like Bill after he multiple times cheated on her and humiliated her.
  • My friend in Secret Service told me she is one of the worst human beings he ever met and she treated them as her servants. He said Bill could not stand her.
  • She and her cronies sabotaged Bernie Sanders. I am far from a Bernie fan but he deserved a fair shot.
  • She is a liar and thinks I am stupid enough to believe her lies.
Boris. I'm unable to disagree with any of your bulletpoints. All true IMO!

I'm quite glad she is finished and out of govmint! She is clearly yesterday's news. An old beaten has been. GOOD!
Why do you right-wingers keep bringing her up!!! I'm sick of hearing her name and the ONLY people still talking about HRC is guys like you, ALT3, Moy, etc....... Get over her! I think you guys have so little to find to support about "your"so-called winner (whiner?) that you have to keep talking about HER! She was so bad that............ No one is saying different. Let her go away. please!

As to your final bullet point. I've ONLY done one thing to it and have re-posted it (below) Can you NOT agree that it applies just as equally to Trump!??

"He is a liar and thinks I am stupid enough to believe his lies.. "
12/23/2017 11:03 AM
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TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

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