Posted by cccp1014 on 12/14/2017 10:42:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 12/14/2017 10:26:00 AM (view original):
Pretty sure that I acknowledge the other side of the argument more than most - have you seen my discussions with strikeout? However for that to happen the other person must actually make a good argument.
Are you kidding me?
#1) I asked to name one mostly Islamic country that is tolerant socially, not a run by religious fanatics and not unstable politically. There are 53 total and NOT one falls in that category. You acknowledged this and stated the Governments are corrupt but people are fine. As if Governments are made up of sheep and aliens not the same people who are NOT fine.
#2) You state that Palestine is NOT a terror state but they are run by Hamas and Fatah, both recognized terror groups. How the F can they not be a terror state? You equate them to Israel, which is a progressive democracy. Again making you look like an idiot.
#3) You acknowledged that you have zero finance background and cannot intelligently opine on the economy. Which is fine. But you stated that you were a journalist. A journalist who had no idea what an ad hominem was. You are a moron.
#4) You are pro immigration and don't care about the vetting process. Which again is fine. But you refuse to admit that in fact that sort of immigration has had and will continue to have dire effects on this country.
#5) Lastly you blamed US policies for the Islamic states hating us and trying to kill us. Yet you refused to discuss how European countries have been very welcoming to the people from these states and yet they get absolutely smashed by them. Remember Je Suis Charle? All those pointless deaths over a f*cking cartoon.
You sir are a troll. I will mock you incessantly. I do not respect you and to me you are the epitome of what is wrong with this country.
Have a Great Holiday Season!
#1) I, again, acknowledged that that was a good point, however, governments do not necessarily share the values of the people. However you did change some of my beliefs on this point, and I thank you for that.
#2)I disagree that Palestine is 'run' by Hamas and Fatah, as I did some research on that and found nothing that states that. I still prefer Israel over Palestine, however I can still advocate for a two-state solution.
#3)I did say that I have zero experience in finance, or at least the economy. Which is why I don't usually opine on that. I am not a political journalist, I am an athletics journalist. I can still have opinions on politics, however I am not an expert by any means. I have known since the beginning what ad hominem was. You keep claiming that I don't but I don't know where you would get that from.
#4)That is an OPINION. We have differing OPINIONS. There is evidence on both sides. There are pros and cons to both sides. I acknowledge your argument and where you are coming from however I have a DIFFERENT OPINION.
#5)Good point, however I also think it cannot be denied the US policies caused the outrage in the Middle East that caused 9/11. Of course, I don't agree with 9/11 or any of that, but I can see why the people who did 9/11 would be upset with the US.
You may have that opinion, however I wish to keep these threads civil like grown adults should be. Thank you sir!