Posted by strikeout26 on 12/13/2017 12:06:00 PM (view original):
Posted by laramiebob on 12/13/2017 10:28:00 AM (view original):
Calling those that support a woman's right to choose WHEN, HOW, and IF to birth a child a "baby killer" is exactly the problem we have in this country. Divisiveness and vilification. A fetus is BY LAW not a baby (until some point of viability---which varies from State to State depending on the LAW therein).
Just because YOU think otherwise doesn't make it so! Calling people killers is unacceptable........ it leads to folks saying ALL religious extremists and fanatics are "killers" and ought to be publicly hanged. When you define someone as a killer because YOU don't like their choice (because it violates YOUR belief) you become dangerously close to alignment with folks like the Taliban!!
Funny that American believers fail to understand such a simple premise........... well, no, it isn't funny at all is it?
You are way off base. Allowing unborn babies is one example of what's wrong with this country. The moral compass in our country has been corroding since Roe vs. Wade. Protecting the unborn is nothing like the Taliban you moron.
I don't give a **** what liberal states define a baby as. If you have a heart beat and limbs in the womb you're a living baby. Anybody who supports the killing of these innocent babies is a baby killing scum.
whats ironic is that you say you're not a liberal, but you probably have the most liberal views on here you liar.
You act like it's black and white when it isn't.
No one argues that getting an abortion is a good thing. But, because our constitution guarantees certain freedoms and autonomy, we allow women to decide what does or does not grow inside their bodies,.
In the case where a fetus is growing inside a woman who does not want that fetus inside her, she has the right to remove it.