Posted by The Taint on 12/4/2017 8:58:00 PM (view original):
One of the women who said Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore pursued a relationship with her when she was a teenager has provided The Washington Post with new evidence of their courtship. Debbie Wesson Gibson, who previously told the Post that she and Moore dated publicly when she was 17 and he was a 34-year-old district attorney, came forward Monday with a handwritten card that she says shows Moore congratulating her on her high school graduation.
The card, which Gibson said she found along with a scrapbook from her senior year of high school, reads: "Happy graduation Debbie. I wanted to give you this card myself. I know that you'll be a success in anything you do. Roy." A forensic examiner contacted by the Post said the writing on Gibson's card does "appear to be similar" to "the style of writing, as well as certain letter features," of an affectionate note one of Moore's other accusers said he wrote in her high school yearbook.
Gibson told the Post the scrapbook contained other relics of her relationship with Moore:
On a page titled "commencement," under "My own guests," she had written "Roy S. Moore," just above "mom" and "dad." [...]
On a page titled "the best times," she had written: "Wednesday night, 3-4-81. Roy S. Moore and I went out for the first time. We went out to eat at Catfish Cabin in Albertville. I had a great time." She had underlined "great" twice.
The scrapbook also contained a photo of Gibson as a high school senior, and when she saw it, she said, she thought to herself, "That’s the age I was when I dated Roy Moore, because my braces were off." [The Washington Post]
Gibson said she was moved to contact the Post again after Moore claimed unequivocally last week that he "did not know any" of the women who have accused him of improper conduct, including Gibson. "Roy Moore made an egregious mistake to attack that one thing — my integrity," she said.
That's all you got... A card that says happy graduation? Wow!