Posted by strikeout26 on 11/28/2017 9:21:00 PM (view original):
A) I'll agree with that. 429 pages is a lot. I wasn't saying actually read the whole bill, but there are plenty of cliff notes versions that are straight fact without a lean left or right
B) this is not a myth. There may be a few exceptions of single people with no kids that pay some, but quite a few of those have plenty of other deductions that keep them from paying any taxes. The current rate for that bracket is $1800 + 15% after $18,000 which is not very much and pretty easy to get to $0 with all of the deductions.
C and D) I'll cover in a second.
E) I'm indifferent to an inheritance tax. It brings in little revenue.
F) Obama is a socialist. He is for wealth redistribution. He just doesn't call it that. It was out of place for me to call you a socialist. We haven't discussed economics enough, but you have mentioned higher taxes on the wealthy many times which would indicate a socialist. That is wealth redistribution regardless of how you label it.
G) you know as well as me that most deductions, whether introduced by the left or right are not for societal benefits. They are for pandering. I agree that some benefit society, but nobody is entitled to any of them.
B) It is a myth. Not only did the exact figure that was cited (something like 48%) include students and retirees, but it was a spike due to the recession and has gone down significantly since then.
F) We have a progressive income tax system in the US. Arguing that it should be adjusted is not socialism. Think of it this way, we have two large, important programs (Medicare and Social Security) that are very clearly socialist. But arguing that those programs should not be eliminated or should be improved does not make the person arguing a socialist.