Posted by tangplay on 11/25/2017 10:47:00 AM (view original):
Posted by moy23 on 11/24/2017 6:29:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 11/24/2017 6:06:00 PM (view original):
Moy - Explain why pulling back net neutrality and raising the military budget is a good thing please.
Opens the internet up to free market forces and I can afford a 'fast lane'. There will be more structural innovation (i.e, faster WiFi, Fiber, etc) with ISPs in control and with less regulation. The rest of the internet will be just fine without net neutrality.
And a big military is how we show strength as a nation... Unlike that kumbaya, we lead from behind, oblunder bullshit.
It's that strength that buys us our daily freedoms that other countries don't have and it gets us a better seat at the bargaining table when we need it.
I would assume that pulling back net neutrality CLOSES UP the free market, because big companies can structurally block smaller ones. Net neutrality is what is great about the internet! Pulling it back removes the essence of what makes the internet unique.
We DO have a big military, and we do have a lot of strength! I am not complaining that we more than double China's military spending. But isn't it a BIT much when we spend more than the next 10 countries combined? And most of that goes to failed or failing uber-expensive projects that are realistically never actually going to be used. I HATE how much we spend on murder.
There are still laws (not net neutrality laws) that apply to ISPs that protect smaller companies. For instance there are laws regarding collusion, discrimination, etc. The internet was great well before net neutrality. The HUGE gains for removing net neutrality regulations are to the free market competitiveness that will take place for the infrastructure of the internet.... How and how fast it can be delivered, not what's delivered.
I'm all for spending defense money more wisely but if the government pays for anything this is the #1 most important thing to pay for. It's our military that allows us the freedoms we enjoy in this country and like I said earlier it also gets us the best seat at the bargaining table on world issues.
As far as paying more than the next 10 countries combined.... The same could be said about our healthcare spending yet I don't hear you clamoring about that. At least the defense spending is doing it's job, keeping us safe. The same can't be said about healthcare which has only gotten worse. We're ranked #1 in the world for military, #37 for healthcare.
11/25/2017 11:29 AM (edited)