"He hasn't done a damn thing since he's been in office except engage in Twitter battles with anyone who says anything negative about him, bully and threaten people, and made knowingly false accusations. People can claim he supposedly created all of these jobs, but i can't tell, and the unemployment rate was already at its lowest when Obama left office. The fact remains that almost a full year in, Trump hasn't signed a single piece of major legislation, i.e. legislation that the vast majority actually care about."
Bingo! And add in the reality that within his 1st year in office an investigation is well under way that COULD (I said could) lead to his downfall as POTUS and allows usage of the word impeachment without loss of credibility EVEN in a Republican controlled Congress is nothing short of amazing. You can call it accomplishment if you like, but I call it an amazingly arrogant incompetence by a vacuous moron. Potato Potahto.
11/6/2017 12:00 PM (edited)