Some of you Chump guys kill me with claims that there's no 'evidence' of wrongdoing by the Chump campaign. First of all, none of us, including the American public, have no idea whatsoever what kind of 'evidence' Mueller has bc there's an active INVESTIGATION going on, and as with ALL criminal investigations, the actual 'evidence' isn't presented until trial.
More to the point, the fact that someone (presumably involved with Chump) has actually been criminally INDICTED tells you that Mueller (as well as a federal grand jury) believes there's in FACT 'evidence' of criminal conduct on the part of someone, and even moy would have to agree that an indictment isn't FAKE for the simple fact that people aren't indicted WITHOUT some kind of evidence!
While i, just like the rest of us, REALLY have no idea as to who did what bc we're not privy to what Mueller's investigation has thus far uncovered. However we do know for a FACT that members of Chump's goof troop for an administration have been caught with their pants down on a variety of issues and have lied or provided dubious and/or misleading excuses for their actions (e.g. the meeting with the russian lawyer), and that's what's called 'circumstantial' evidence, something that people get convicted on everyday in our criminal justice system, including for murder.
I'm not saying either way whether there was collusion or not, bc i don't know. But from the circumstantial evidence that we know for a fact isn't FAKE (due to Chump's team admitting to it), as well as the FACT that there's been an actual indictment, it just doesn't look good!
So when people say there's no 'evidence' of any wrongdoing, that's just not true.