Posted by DodgerDon on 1/13/2019 10:13:00 AM (view original):
May be a stupid question.
How does Sim factor the usage points at the beginning/end of a tier?
Tier 2: 13.7-17.5 (1)
Tier 3: 17.5- 22.1 (2)
Player has usage # 17.5 is he a 1 or a 2?
Great read.
That's a really good question.
If a player has 17.5 % usage, go to the draft center and for your filters put 17.5 as a lower bound. If the player still shows up, then he has more than 17.5 and if he doesn't, then he has less. WIS rounds everything so it is most likely that a player doesn't have exactly that amount of usage. If the player does have exactly that amount, I believe they are put into the higher tier, but using the filter will make sure you know for sure.