Posted by moy23 on 10/24/2017 10:48:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 10/24/2017 9:59:00 PM (view original):
Posted by moy23 on 10/24/2017 8:17:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 10/24/2017 7:54:00 PM (view original):
Posted by moy23 on 10/24/2017 6:16:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 10/24/2017 5:52:00 PM (view original):
Moy please respond to my wall post.
I think you're wrong on all accounts. Good thing Trump is going to build a wall to prove you wrong.
I think I am objectively right. Why exactly should we not do my plan?
Don't build the wall. If you want, you could increase border security by adding detection systems and other tech... Cut the military budget significantly... Try an alternative solution for VISA overstays.... Try to make immigrants not want to come in the first place, by making Mexico more appealing... Reform education and healthcare systems.... Resr of the money goes to science.
^^^This is a joke imo. Basically it's take money from defense and national security to fund more global warming and other craptacular scientific studies. $22 billion BARELY dents education reform and healthcare reform. Healthcare is a trillion dollars a year. Education is something like $700 billion. You want to reform those.... Then get the federal government out of them. They'll be more successful that way. The only thing the government has EVER managed effectively (not efficiently) is our military.... And that's the one thing you want to stop spending on. Good lord... How can you reform healthcare and education (making them more attractive, right?) and then somehow make Mexico more appealing than the USA?
Build a wall AND increase the tech monitoring the border! Strengthen illegal immigration law big time for both deporting illegals and crippling businesses that hire illegals. For student overstays that get caught they lose their degree, and get deported. For worker overstays the business that brought them in gets fined big time. That'll make US citizens more attractable in the marketplace, especially in the tech industry. Any illegals that get deported will be blacklisted from ever coming to the US legally. No second chances.
1. Uhhhh Defense is the craptacular one here..
2. Ok, so maybe not healthcare. However, the department of education gets 68 billion per year. So let's say we cut the military budget by 100 billion. That is a SIGNIFICANT boost.
3. States are EXTREMELY corrupt in education. The reason the education system sucks right now is because of states.
4. Military spending is out of control. We NEED to cut it significantly. We would still spend 5X THE AMOUNT THAT CHINA DOES if we cut it by 100 billion.
5. I agree that we need to make the USA less appealing, however, your idea of hurting ourselves to make us less attractive is idiotic.
1) There's not a country on the planet with better military than the US. How's that for craptacular?
2) Education as a whole got $122 billion in Federal money last year, $300 billion in state money and $680 billion in local money. $22 billion won't do squat.
3) The reason the states are so bad at education is because the federal government is holding them hostage to common core and scoring test results as the end all be all. The other reason is because kids have too much time off of school. Why do you think kids at private schools are much more successful than those at public schools? Government intervention.
4) The federal government should do 3 things and 3 things only... DEFEND this country, act as a central bank, and enforce there law (not make the law) at the supreme Court level. Everything else should be left to the states.... They can do a better job than the federal government at spending taxpayers money.... Well most states at least.
5) My idea of hurting ourselves? That must be some liberal spin. No idea what you're talking about.
1. It makes us want to interfere in EVERYONE's conflicts. Most of our current foreign problems are partially caused by US intervention. Also, we spend 6x the amount as china does. We outspend everyone by FAR in military. It is ridiculous.
2. Again, we are now talking at least 122 billion with defense cut and that is substantial for a federal reform.
3. No. Private schools are able to get money because of property taxes. That is why states discriminate. My county just won a federal court case saying that the state is not giving them enough monry in education to have adequate resources.
4. Again, states are VERY corrupt. In Kansas at least, we NEED federal intervention.
5. I eas referencing you saying not to invest in education as to make the United States less appealing.