Trump: Worst President Ever? Topic

Are you still a journalist?
10/17/2017 2:00 PM
Do you still have me blocked?
10/17/2017 2:01 PM
Do you ever peek?
10/17/2017 2:01 PM
Posted by tangplay on 10/17/2017 1:56:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 10/17/2017 1:53:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 10/17/2017 1:50:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 10/17/2017 1:30:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 10/17/2017 1:07:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 10/17/2017 11:49:00 AM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 10/17/2017 11:47:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 10/17/2017 10:29:00 AM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 10/17/2017 10:02:00 AM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 10/17/2017 12:39:00 AM (view original):
the Holocaust happened. It is a fact and can be proven. Someone who says it didn't happen is not voicing an opinion. They are voicing a delusional view that can be disproven.
tangplay claims to be a journalist. Yet he did not know what an Ad Hominem was nor does he understand the difference between a fact and opinion. This explains why media outlets are going down the toilet. :)
What? I know what Ad Hominem is. I understand the difference between fact and opinion.

Holocaust happened: Fact.

Some people don't believe that fact: They have that opinion.
no those people are refusing to listen to the fact. If you don't wear sunscreen you can get a sunburn. That is a fact. If your opinion is that I am incorrect then go and tan w/o sunscreen and see you feel.


And you didn't know what an Ad Hominem was.
I agree with you. However their ignorance is their OPINION.
how can it be an opinion, when it can be factually proved or disproved? Can I have an opinion that aardvarks are the most beautiful animal in the world? Yes, it can not be proven or disproven. Can I have an opinion that aardvarks can fly? No, it can be proven that aardvarks can not fly, so it would not be an opinion, it would be me being stupid.
I am curious what the response here will be from Captain Lefty.
Their opinion is wrong, BUT IT IS THEIR OPINION.
No. They are just wrong because they don't know the facts. 2+2 cannot equal 5 no matter whose opinion it is. Ad Hominem time. You are a very stubborn person you NEVER listen. You only opine.
I have my opinion, you have yours. I agree that 2+2=4. That is a fact. However, someone could be of the OPINION that 2+2=5. Their opinion is wrong, but it is their opinion.
Well we need to agree that you and I have a different operational definition of what an opinion is. If I use your definition then yes an opinion could be wrong. If I use mine and just about everyone else's then no, an opinion cannot be wrong.
10/17/2017 2:02 PM
Posted by tangplay on 10/17/2017 1:54:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 10/17/2017 1:51:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 10/17/2017 1:49:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 10/17/2017 11:46:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 10/17/2017 10:26:00 AM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 10/17/2017 9:59:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 10/16/2017 8:52:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 10/16/2017 8:39:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 10/16/2017 5:20:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 10/16/2017 3:41:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 10/16/2017 2:53:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 10/16/2017 1:16:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 10/16/2017 11:00:00 AM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 10/16/2017 10:35:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 10/16/2017 9:25:00 AM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 10/15/2017 7:31:00 PM (view original):
Bernie Sanders logic: There are five people in the room, one has $5 and the rest have nothing. The person with the $5 should give everyone else $1 so that everything is equal. Aka he is for thievery. The people with nothing need to get a job and earn their money instead of asking for handouts from the wealthy. Success is not a curse. It is a blessing. Capitalism works. Socialism is a failure.

Under Bernie, just because I went to Harvard undergrad, then to Harvard Medical school and spent nearly $400k on my education I should just give my services for a low price because healthcare should be a right not a privilege. I should then pay higher taxes so those who are less successful than me benefit from my earnings.

Idiocy personified.
Cccp logic: Why should I donate too charity? Just because I am sucessful in not getting cancer means that I am privledged?

Why should I have to pay more taxes? Just because I am sucessful means that I should pay more taxes than the lazy? They should have to pay the majority of the taxes!

Why should I tip? The waitress should get a better job. It's their fault that the owners of the resteraunt don't pay them minimum wage.
Nice try lefty. No one ever said anything about Charity. That is someone's right to donate if they so choose not forced by the Govt. If I make $100 and you make $10 and we both pay 20% then I pay $20 and you pay $2. I still pay more taxes. Why charge me 70%? Tip again is a choice not a forced action. You are losing this debate and badly.

Don't compare the US to the Nordic Countries who are for the most part homogeneous and pay next to nothing for military spend or innovation. What was the last innovative tool created by Finland. If you recall, Iceland recently went bankrupt.

Again if I get a medical degree from Harvard why should I be forced to give my services away for cheap. If I am a master plumber I charge what I want but as a MD I cannot? Illogical lefty nonsense.

Your argument is that because you are successful, you are hurt by the govt boris. By extending your logic, no one should give to charity because they are not blessed like you. On muly taxes point, you have too pay more than the lower class.same percentage, more money, so again that goes against your argument.

I was talking about finlands education system, boris. I never mentioned its military. I would much rather bankrupt my country helping my citizens than on weapons.

Everyone knows that medical treatment is too expensive boris. Take your first world problems somewhere else.
#1) we have the best education system in the world
#2) People can give if they like and most do. Many through their churches and temples.
#3) Medical treatment is too expensive? Says who? What is too expensive? Is plumbing too expensive? Are restaurants too expensive? You are being subjective. Another leftist trait. Deal in absolutes without any supporting facts.

Keep trying, lefty.
1. Laughable. People in lower class neighborhoods and schools dont get a good education. I can PERSONALLY attest to that. If you want, I could give examples.

2. Again, by your logic people should not give.


Keep trying, Boris. The truth hurts.
#1) BS - we give a ton of $$ to these schools. Fact is most don't have two parents that force the kids to go to school and do their HW. Think my kids would if I didn't force them

#2) People should have free will by my logic.

#3) I can post links too.
I personally don't mind paying more for stronger health benefits and care. If you want free, no hospital will turn you away. You never addressed my plumbing comparison. Why do we not regulate what plumbers make but we want to try to regulate what MDs can make?

Keep trying, Lefty.

I could go on here.

2. Your logic is that I should not help those who 'have not worked as hard as I have', correct?

3. We don't need plumbers to survive. Healthcare is a BIG deal. If there are two things that EVERYONE should have the right to have, it is education and healthcare.

Keep trying, Boris.
LOL w/o plumbers we don't have running water or toilets. Pretty unsanitary. Healthcare is dictated by your employer. Find a better job.

Keep trying, Lefty.

Tell me again how the Holocaust is an opinion and not a fact again. your expense.
Pretty sure that you are the only one here saying that it is 100% poor people's fault. Again, before you insult someone, walk a mile in their shoes. It kind of sucks being poor.

I was arguing that SOME PEOPLE have the OPINION that the holocaust did not happen.... and those people are idiots.
You are using terms that I don't get. What is a "poor person". Give me an example and tell me how they became poor. To me someone who is poor is someone who is bad with money. How many people that you know that are good with money are poor? You are again incorrect about what a fact is and what an opinion is.
OJT....go to Home Depot. Start at the bottom and work your way up. Start at 18 and by 28 you have management experience. You marry a fellow employee and by the age of 32 if you both make $45k per year, which is reasonable, combined you are at $90k and you have full benefits. Don't have 4 kids, have 1 or 2. You can live a comfortable life and by 45 you both may be in high management roles making $60k per year or $120k combined. You can do that at Lowe's, Target, a restaurant/bar, etc. Just get your HS diploma, get a job and don't be a single parent.

Have I drawn the map for you so that even you can understand it, Lefty?
Let me spell this out for you. Let's say you were born in a poor family. Your parents are on drugs. Your neighbors have a bad influence on you. Your school has poor teachers and barely enough equipment. You feel that school does not matter. You gravitate towards people similar to you, and get in the bad crowd. I think you know where I am going with this. It id a cultural issue, not a laziness issue.
Yep it is a cultural issue. Correct. We agree. But many break that chain. What is your solution to break that chain? Can it be a culture of laziness?

What in your opinion is the root of such culture?
It is not a culture of laziness. There are many ways someone could originally get in poverty. Laziness is one of them. BUT poverty is generational. So we have children statistically doomed to enter poverty without the laziness issue and that is not fair. Do you understand my point?
No. Many children in fact grow up and break that cycle. Now we can argue how to better break it but the fact is it can be done. Schools need to do a better job of promoting not becoming single parents and the importance of finishing school. I agree on that part. My kids have a better advantage over some kids who have a single parent and grow up in a neighborhood with poor role models. The key is 2 parents! HS education! Job!

Those 3 equal you will not be poor. I don't care what generation, race, creed, gender you are. Way to get there is to stop giving out free money to single parents.

10/17/2017 2:07 PM
Posted by RCBracco on 10/17/2017 1:51:00 PM (view original):
Posted by DougOut on 10/17/2017 1:48:00 PM (view original):
Liberals use dicktionaries
This is why people ignore you Doug. I can not stick up for you any more

What can I do now?

Maybe page 591.
10/17/2017 2:23 PM
Posted by bad_luck on 3/16/2017 7:17:00 PM (view original):
If murdering your own child would somehow retroactively stop Hitler, would you do it?
That's creepy
10/17/2017 2:43 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 10/17/2017 2:02:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 10/17/2017 1:56:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 10/17/2017 1:53:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 10/17/2017 1:50:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 10/17/2017 1:30:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 10/17/2017 1:07:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 10/17/2017 11:49:00 AM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 10/17/2017 11:47:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 10/17/2017 10:29:00 AM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 10/17/2017 10:02:00 AM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 10/17/2017 12:39:00 AM (view original):
the Holocaust happened. It is a fact and can be proven. Someone who says it didn't happen is not voicing an opinion. They are voicing a delusional view that can be disproven.
tangplay claims to be a journalist. Yet he did not know what an Ad Hominem was nor does he understand the difference between a fact and opinion. This explains why media outlets are going down the toilet. :)
What? I know what Ad Hominem is. I understand the difference between fact and opinion.

Holocaust happened: Fact.

Some people don't believe that fact: They have that opinion.
no those people are refusing to listen to the fact. If you don't wear sunscreen you can get a sunburn. That is a fact. If your opinion is that I am incorrect then go and tan w/o sunscreen and see you feel.


And you didn't know what an Ad Hominem was.
I agree with you. However their ignorance is their OPINION.
how can it be an opinion, when it can be factually proved or disproved? Can I have an opinion that aardvarks are the most beautiful animal in the world? Yes, it can not be proven or disproven. Can I have an opinion that aardvarks can fly? No, it can be proven that aardvarks can not fly, so it would not be an opinion, it would be me being stupid.
I am curious what the response here will be from Captain Lefty.
Their opinion is wrong, BUT IT IS THEIR OPINION.
No. They are just wrong because they don't know the facts. 2+2 cannot equal 5 no matter whose opinion it is. Ad Hominem time. You are a very stubborn person you NEVER listen. You only opine.
I have my opinion, you have yours. I agree that 2+2=4. That is a fact. However, someone could be of the OPINION that 2+2=5. Their opinion is wrong, but it is their opinion.
Well we need to agree that you and I have a different operational definition of what an opinion is. If I use your definition then yes an opinion could be wrong. If I use mine and just about everyone else's then no, an opinion cannot be wrong.
Ok fair enough.
10/17/2017 2:45 PM
Posted by RCBracco on 3/23/2017 5:23:00 PM (view original):
What were you doing in Maryland Doug?
This is why I can't stick up for you anymore. You're a stalker.
10/17/2017 2:48 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 10/17/2017 2:07:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 10/17/2017 1:54:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 10/17/2017 1:51:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 10/17/2017 1:49:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 10/17/2017 11:46:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 10/17/2017 10:26:00 AM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 10/17/2017 9:59:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 10/16/2017 8:52:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 10/16/2017 8:39:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 10/16/2017 5:20:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 10/16/2017 3:41:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 10/16/2017 2:53:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 10/16/2017 1:16:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 10/16/2017 11:00:00 AM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 10/16/2017 10:35:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 10/16/2017 9:25:00 AM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 10/15/2017 7:31:00 PM (view original):
Bernie Sanders logic: There are five people in the room, one has $5 and the rest have nothing. The person with the $5 should give everyone else $1 so that everything is equal. Aka he is for thievery. The people with nothing need to get a job and earn their money instead of asking for handouts from the wealthy. Success is not a curse. It is a blessing. Capitalism works. Socialism is a failure.

Under Bernie, just because I went to Harvard undergrad, then to Harvard Medical school and spent nearly $400k on my education I should just give my services for a low price because healthcare should be a right not a privilege. I should then pay higher taxes so those who are less successful than me benefit from my earnings.

Idiocy personified.
Cccp logic: Why should I donate too charity? Just because I am sucessful in not getting cancer means that I am privledged?

Why should I have to pay more taxes? Just because I am sucessful means that I should pay more taxes than the lazy? They should have to pay the majority of the taxes!

Why should I tip? The waitress should get a better job. It's their fault that the owners of the resteraunt don't pay them minimum wage.
Nice try lefty. No one ever said anything about Charity. That is someone's right to donate if they so choose not forced by the Govt. If I make $100 and you make $10 and we both pay 20% then I pay $20 and you pay $2. I still pay more taxes. Why charge me 70%? Tip again is a choice not a forced action. You are losing this debate and badly.

Don't compare the US to the Nordic Countries who are for the most part homogeneous and pay next to nothing for military spend or innovation. What was the last innovative tool created by Finland. If you recall, Iceland recently went bankrupt.

Again if I get a medical degree from Harvard why should I be forced to give my services away for cheap. If I am a master plumber I charge what I want but as a MD I cannot? Illogical lefty nonsense.

Your argument is that because you are successful, you are hurt by the govt boris. By extending your logic, no one should give to charity because they are not blessed like you. On muly taxes point, you have too pay more than the lower class.same percentage, more money, so again that goes against your argument.

I was talking about finlands education system, boris. I never mentioned its military. I would much rather bankrupt my country helping my citizens than on weapons.

Everyone knows that medical treatment is too expensive boris. Take your first world problems somewhere else.
#1) we have the best education system in the world
#2) People can give if they like and most do. Many through their churches and temples.
#3) Medical treatment is too expensive? Says who? What is too expensive? Is plumbing too expensive? Are restaurants too expensive? You are being subjective. Another leftist trait. Deal in absolutes without any supporting facts.

Keep trying, lefty.
1. Laughable. People in lower class neighborhoods and schools dont get a good education. I can PERSONALLY attest to that. If you want, I could give examples.

2. Again, by your logic people should not give.


Keep trying, Boris. The truth hurts.
#1) BS - we give a ton of $$ to these schools. Fact is most don't have two parents that force the kids to go to school and do their HW. Think my kids would if I didn't force them

#2) People should have free will by my logic.

#3) I can post links too.
I personally don't mind paying more for stronger health benefits and care. If you want free, no hospital will turn you away. You never addressed my plumbing comparison. Why do we not regulate what plumbers make but we want to try to regulate what MDs can make?

Keep trying, Lefty.

I could go on here.

2. Your logic is that I should not help those who 'have not worked as hard as I have', correct?

3. We don't need plumbers to survive. Healthcare is a BIG deal. If there are two things that EVERYONE should have the right to have, it is education and healthcare.

Keep trying, Boris.
LOL w/o plumbers we don't have running water or toilets. Pretty unsanitary. Healthcare is dictated by your employer. Find a better job.

Keep trying, Lefty.

Tell me again how the Holocaust is an opinion and not a fact again. your expense.
Pretty sure that you are the only one here saying that it is 100% poor people's fault. Again, before you insult someone, walk a mile in their shoes. It kind of sucks being poor.

I was arguing that SOME PEOPLE have the OPINION that the holocaust did not happen.... and those people are idiots.
You are using terms that I don't get. What is a "poor person". Give me an example and tell me how they became poor. To me someone who is poor is someone who is bad with money. How many people that you know that are good with money are poor? You are again incorrect about what a fact is and what an opinion is.
OJT....go to Home Depot. Start at the bottom and work your way up. Start at 18 and by 28 you have management experience. You marry a fellow employee and by the age of 32 if you both make $45k per year, which is reasonable, combined you are at $90k and you have full benefits. Don't have 4 kids, have 1 or 2. You can live a comfortable life and by 45 you both may be in high management roles making $60k per year or $120k combined. You can do that at Lowe's, Target, a restaurant/bar, etc. Just get your HS diploma, get a job and don't be a single parent.

Have I drawn the map for you so that even you can understand it, Lefty?
Let me spell this out for you. Let's say you were born in a poor family. Your parents are on drugs. Your neighbors have a bad influence on you. Your school has poor teachers and barely enough equipment. You feel that school does not matter. You gravitate towards people similar to you, and get in the bad crowd. I think you know where I am going with this. It id a cultural issue, not a laziness issue.
Yep it is a cultural issue. Correct. We agree. But many break that chain. What is your solution to break that chain? Can it be a culture of laziness?

What in your opinion is the root of such culture?
It is not a culture of laziness. There are many ways someone could originally get in poverty. Laziness is one of them. BUT poverty is generational. So we have children statistically doomed to enter poverty without the laziness issue and that is not fair. Do you understand my point?
No. Many children in fact grow up and break that cycle. Now we can argue how to better break it but the fact is it can be done. Schools need to do a better job of promoting not becoming single parents and the importance of finishing school. I agree on that part. My kids have a better advantage over some kids who have a single parent and grow up in a neighborhood with poor role models. The key is 2 parents! HS education! Job!

Those 3 equal you will not be poor. I don't care what generation, race, creed, gender you are. Way to get there is to stop giving out free money to single parents.

I agree that it is possible. However, your solution is wrong. It would lead to damaged and harmful relationships. Divorce is a GOOD thing in some occasions.

We need to solve the problem by looking at the CAUSES of generational poverty instead of the EFFECTS.
10/17/2017 2:48 PM
Posted by DougOut on 10/17/2017 2:23:00 PM (view original):
Posted by RCBracco on 10/17/2017 1:51:00 PM (view original):
Posted by DougOut on 10/17/2017 1:48:00 PM (view original):
Liberals use dicktionaries
This is why people ignore you Doug. I can not stick up for you any more

What can I do now?

Maybe page 591.
I have 18 id's Doug. How many can you name?
10/17/2017 2:56 PM
This quote has gotten too long, stop quoting now.
10/17/2017 3:02 PM
Posted by RCBracco on 10/17/2017 2:56:00 PM (view original):
Posted by DougOut on 10/17/2017 2:23:00 PM (view original):
Posted by RCBracco on 10/17/2017 1:51:00 PM (view original):
Posted by DougOut on 10/17/2017 1:48:00 PM (view original):
Liberals use dicktionaries
This is why people ignore you Doug. I can not stick up for you any more

What can I do now?

Maybe page 591.
I have 18 id's Doug. How many can you name?
Tangplay for one.
10/17/2017 3:03 PM
Divorce is fine. I am talking about single parents as in people having kids too young. Divorce does not always equal a single parent, it equals shared parenting.

Man, are you obtuse.
10/17/2017 3:08 PM
Posted by tangplay on 10/17/2017 3:02:00 PM (view original):
This quote has gotten too long, stop quoting now.
10/17/2017 3:11 PM
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