The problem with second session recruiting Topic

Posted by MikeT23 on 10/8/2017 4:42:00 PM (view original):
I think it sucks but I'm not sure it's an issue. The "solution" would be to wipe the slate clean, meaning no credit or reduction of previous coach recruiting, but that's probably worse. I think most kids are swayed by the coach not the school.
how could it be worse? the current system takes said recruit completely off the board for the new coach with no possible recourse. a clean slate would be fantastic compared to having no chance at all.

ironically, had the previous coach opened up a scholarship but not used any visits, a new coach would be in better shape...they'd be able to go right at "late" preference recruits from the jump in session 2 then.
10/8/2017 5:21 PM
Posted by bathtubhippo on 10/8/2017 11:42:00 AM (view original):
so you guys are gonna have the same argument that's been going on for a year and people are just entrenched on their opinions on it.

while you do this, i'm still gonna go on complaining about this new coach recruiting reduction factor, because i feel like i've seen very little about this on the forums, and it's a unique problem to the topic at hand, the second recruiting session. so what sense does this make? it basically doubles down on the difficulty of changing jobs.

example: so i was VL on a guy the previous coach put in 20 HV, CV, almost 700 AP, and 15m promise. then there is this new coach reduction factor, whatever it is, but it doesn't erase the prior credit, only the effects of it. so i can't offer anything to this guy except minutes and a start. I offered 25 min and start and it didn't move the needle. the recruit was signed uncontested by another school with a lower prestige (and probably preferences that were a wash). this makes sense to everyone?
Had this discussion with someone in our conference chat. I feel confident that the 2nd round of recruiting uses the first round of recruiting prestige. When your prestige changes at the end of the season it doesnt go into effect until the season rolls over. Even if you recruit in the 2nd phase it will use the prestige you had before it rolled over.
10/10/2017 1:20 AM
Posted by plague on 10/10/2017 1:20:00 AM (view original):
Posted by bathtubhippo on 10/8/2017 11:42:00 AM (view original):
so you guys are gonna have the same argument that's been going on for a year and people are just entrenched on their opinions on it.

while you do this, i'm still gonna go on complaining about this new coach recruiting reduction factor, because i feel like i've seen very little about this on the forums, and it's a unique problem to the topic at hand, the second recruiting session. so what sense does this make? it basically doubles down on the difficulty of changing jobs.

example: so i was VL on a guy the previous coach put in 20 HV, CV, almost 700 AP, and 15m promise. then there is this new coach reduction factor, whatever it is, but it doesn't erase the prior credit, only the effects of it. so i can't offer anything to this guy except minutes and a start. I offered 25 min and start and it didn't move the needle. the recruit was signed uncontested by another school with a lower prestige (and probably preferences that were a wash). this makes sense to everyone?
Had this discussion with someone in our conference chat. I feel confident that the 2nd round of recruiting uses the first round of recruiting prestige. When your prestige changes at the end of the season it doesnt go into effect until the season rolls over. Even if you recruit in the 2nd phase it will use the prestige you had before it rolled over.
hey plague, i think you're right about that, but it's a totally different topic than this--we're talking about when you change jobs in HD3, players recruited by the previous coach who haven't signed yet get hit with a 'new coach recruiting reduction' which basically wipes out the prior effort but leaves the visits as if they occurred, thus blocking the new coach from that recruit altogether.
10/10/2017 8:38 AM
If they put a cap on D3 recruiting, it would not ruin the game. Putting a limit at D3 will be across the board and impact each team in the same way. They could do both D2 and D3 and as long it is across the board it really impacts only those who never sought D1 players and then only for a max of three seasons. After three seasons EVERY D3 team is on the same page again.

I personally feel that if Seble improves the D1 Sim recruiting logic it will do the same. As it stands now, too many players are never found by Sim, and that is a mystery to me how you hide D1 recruits from the Computer they all live in. So create better logic at D1 level for Sim recruiting, and then will only have the rare diamond in the rough.
10/10/2017 11:10 AM
So throw away three seasons at D3? Sounds like fun.
10/10/2017 11:24 AM
Posted by wvufan76 on 10/10/2017 11:10:00 AM (view original):
If they put a cap on D3 recruiting, it would not ruin the game. Putting a limit at D3 will be across the board and impact each team in the same way. They could do both D2 and D3 and as long it is across the board it really impacts only those who never sought D1 players and then only for a max of three seasons. After three seasons EVERY D3 team is on the same page again.

I personally feel that if Seble improves the D1 Sim recruiting logic it will do the same. As it stands now, too many players are never found by Sim, and that is a mystery to me how you hide D1 recruits from the Computer they all live in. So create better logic at D1 level for Sim recruiting, and then will only have the rare diamond in the rough.
I've noticed something with D1 Sim recruiting (I'm at Bowling Green in Tark). In each of the past three recruiting seasons, I've had to go searching for a backup target when my primary one falls through. I'll find a guy with decent potential and look at his considering list and see that he is considering no one. Not even a D3. I put some APs into him and at the next recruiting cycle, I'll have a minimum of 2 D1 SIMs also recruiting him and within two more cycles, 6-8 D1 SIMs will be on him. It doesn't happen on every single guy (I've had at least one player where no SIM jumped in, but he was an ineligible international player), but it happens often enough not to be a coincidence.

I think the SIMs may be programmed to, at least in part, target players that humans have targeted, probably on the idea that (1) mimic-ing human coaches makes the SIMs recruit smarter and (2) it increases the recruiting cost for human coaches to sign players by creating battles.
10/10/2017 11:51 AM
Posted by MikeT23 on 10/10/2017 11:24:00 AM (view original):
So throw away three seasons at D3? Sounds like fun.
Luckily it only impacts 25% of the total teams.

besides, teams aren't any better with or without a cap. Right?
10/10/2017 12:23 PM
Posted by Benis on 10/10/2017 12:23:00 PM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 10/10/2017 11:24:00 AM (view original):
So throw away three seasons at D3? Sounds like fun.
Luckily it only impacts 25% of the total teams.

besides, teams aren't any better with or without a cap. Right?
A) it affects 100% of the new users
B) I'd love to be the guy who had 6 openings on the last "open recruiting" season.

But, in season 6, after the redshirts are gone, it's an even playing field. And I still think making n00bs battle vets for recruits is the worst idea in the history of ideas.

I prefer to remove level designations and let it sort itself out. As I said in another thread, it turns D3 into a local game. Which, IMO, it should be.
10/10/2017 12:31 PM
Make it so the lower divisions can't even start accumulating AP on the upper level recruits until the actual recruiting period they will sign in.

D2 can only start applying AP on D1 level recruits at the beginning of RS2.
D3 can only start applying AP on D2 level recruits at the beginning of RS2.

All recruits would be open (all actions) in the final 24 hours (including D1 level recruits to D3 coaches).

This would allow Seble to remove the red-light restrictions as lower divisions won't be in a position to sign higher level recruits anyway until they can put in the schollie offer.
10/10/2017 12:41 PM (edited)
Posted by buddhagamer on 10/10/2017 12:41:00 PM (view original):
Make it so the lower divisions can't even start accumulating AP on the upper level recruits until the actual recruiting period they will sign in.

D2 can only start applying AP on D1 level recruits at the beginning of RS2.
D3 can only start applying AP on D2 level recruits at the beginning of RS2.

All recruits would be open (all actions) in the final 24 hours (including D1 level recruits to D3 coaches).

This would allow Seble to remove the red-light restrictions as lower divisions won't be in a position to sign higher level recruits anyway until they can put in the schollie offer.
Not bad but it makes for one session almost to d2, d3.
10/10/2017 12:42 PM
Posted by MikeT23 on 10/10/2017 12:31:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Benis on 10/10/2017 12:23:00 PM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 10/10/2017 11:24:00 AM (view original):
So throw away three seasons at D3? Sounds like fun.
Luckily it only impacts 25% of the total teams.

besides, teams aren't any better with or without a cap. Right?
A) it affects 100% of the new users
B) I'd love to be the guy who had 6 openings on the last "open recruiting" season.

But, in season 6, after the redshirts are gone, it's an even playing field. And I still think making n00bs battle vets for recruits is the worst idea in the history of ideas.

I prefer to remove level designations and let it sort itself out. As I said in another thread, it turns D3 into a local game. Which, IMO, it should be.
New users are already behind the 8 ball. Maybe it sets them back 1 or 2 seasons (depending on when they join).

If given the choice of impacting new users for the next 2-3 seasons or impacting new users for the next 200-300 seasons, I'm going with the former.

2 years ago the D3 populations were double what they are now. Noobs battling vets for recruits wasn't a problem back then.
10/10/2017 12:43 PM
Posted by zorzii on 10/10/2017 12:42:00 PM (view original):
Posted by buddhagamer on 10/10/2017 12:41:00 PM (view original):
Make it so the lower divisions can't even start accumulating AP on the upper level recruits until the actual recruiting period they will sign in.

D2 can only start applying AP on D1 level recruits at the beginning of RS2.
D3 can only start applying AP on D2 level recruits at the beginning of RS2.

All recruits would be open (all actions) in the final 24 hours (including D1 level recruits to D3 coaches).

This would allow Seble to remove the red-light restrictions as lower divisions won't be in a position to sign higher level recruits anyway until they can put in the schollie offer.
Not bad but it makes for one session almost to d2, d3.
Well they could also use their resources in RS1 for the recruits in their *own* level (and I'm guessing most would and possibly save some for higher level recruits which slip through but that would be a strategic risk/reward).
10/10/2017 12:46 PM
n00bs battling vets for recruits will ALWAYS be a problem. Who is better at HD? What level must all n00bs start?
10/10/2017 1:57 PM
Posted by MikeT23 on 10/10/2017 11:24:00 AM (view original):
So throw away three seasons at D3? Sounds like fun.
Mike, I realize that you must argue about everything. The truth is if 100 percent of ALL D3 Coaches are impacted by new standards for ratings, the same guys who dominate now, will dominate during those same three seasons. Nobody will throw any seasons away, and your World, your Conference, and your personal ability will not be impacted. If you can produce winning teams now, as you have demonstrated, a freeze or cap on D3 recruiting will not impact you in the slightest. Guys who sign up for HD will not stay or go just because they have to recruit players destined for a D3 Team. People stay or go because of the many other options of where to waste money and not because the best player signed in a D3 Conference is a 455 rating point guard. But one thing that does blow people out the door is old vets like you and I who do play the system and luck into a 724 rating PF, and all they see on their squad are players from 388 to 478 and not explanation as to the why. They for the most part will leave before they ever ask the first question. Human nature tells me that, because people do not like coming across as dumb.
10/10/2017 2:30 PM
Posted by buddhagamer on 10/10/2017 12:41:00 PM (view original):
Make it so the lower divisions can't even start accumulating AP on the upper level recruits until the actual recruiting period they will sign in.

D2 can only start applying AP on D1 level recruits at the beginning of RS2.
D3 can only start applying AP on D2 level recruits at the beginning of RS2.

All recruits would be open (all actions) in the final 24 hours (including D1 level recruits to D3 coaches).

This would allow Seble to remove the red-light restrictions as lower divisions won't be in a position to sign higher level recruits anyway until they can put in the schollie offer.
buddhagamer I actually think you are on to something! I like this, and if you improve the Sim D1 recruiting logic, I think you have corrected almost all of what is wrong with recruiting.

I also think, that players who are going EE need to send an email to the team stating the intent to leave earlier then notification now.
10/10/2017 2:38 PM
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The problem with second session recruiting Topic

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