Trump: Worst President Ever? Topic

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Posted by moy23 on 9/4/2017 4:23:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bronxcheer on 9/4/2017 2:00:00 PM (view original):
Those who know or watch President Donald Trump closely fear he is “coming apart” under the strain of his failed presidency and often aborted actions. “He’s grasping to achieve something, anything, to prove he’s up to the job,” says a longtime business associate of Trump. “He’s coming apart at the seams.” Some worry Trump will “to war” with North Korea in an attempt to prove he is an able commander-in-chief while others say he will “do something that he feels is courageous but will be incredibly risky and could threaten the security of America.” “He has lived on the edge most of his life,” says a former paramour of Trump. “I fear he’s gone over the edge and is plummeting.”
This is a load of crap. Aliens might have well said these things.
think about your guy

you got his back

he's kind of a Alien

a rich guy, never worked a day

got the backing of johnny reb though he be doodie yank

car salesman

rico doofus

bout to drop a bomb on korea, and i got his back. bet you don't

9/4/2017 8:25 PM
are you watching Biggie: the life of Notorious B.I.G. tonight bagchucker
9/4/2017 8:53 PM

9/4/2017 9:04 PM
your last post loked like rapping and i am watching that bio with my grandson
9/4/2017 10:26 PM

2 Fucktards.
9/5/2017 8:20 AM
From Dump's favorite TV show, "Fox and Friends"

Fox's Steve Doocy: “Is it a [political correctness] thing” that Nintendo’s Mario character is no longer a plumber?

Oh, the outrage. Expect a tweet storm soon.
9/5/2017 8:42 AM
WASHINGTON —Barack Obama used the occasion of Donald Trump’s Inauguration to viciously taunt the incoming President by writing him a letter riddled with multisyllabic words, sources revealed on Sunday. According to those familiar with the letter, Obama packed it with intentionally challenging words such as “reflections,” “adventure,” and “ladders,” in order to bewilder and infuriate Trump. Sources said Trump attempted to read the first line of the letter but, realizing that he was the victim of Obama’s cruel prank, crumpled and discarded it in a rage. Kellyanne Conway, the counselor to the President, said that the letter episode revealed a “very ugly side of Barack Obama.” ...
9/5/2017 4:42 PM
Hillary is now blaming Bernie and Barack for her loss. Good lord.

Every day Donald Trump is in office is a reminder of how lucky we are it wasn't Hillary that won.
9/5/2017 4:45 PM
Posted by moy23 on 9/5/2017 4:47:00 PM (view original):
Hillary is now blaming Bernie and Barack for her loss. Good lord.

Every day Donald Trump is in office is a reminder of how lucky we are it wasn't Hillary that won.
AMEN !!!
9/5/2017 4:50 PM

Trump Touts 'American Labor' With Photo Of Melania In Italian-Made Dress

9/5/2017 5:02 PM
9/5/2017 7:08 PM
Posted by bronxcheer on 9/5/2017 5:02:00 PM (view original):

Trump Touts 'American Labor' With Photo Of Melania In Italian-Made Dress

Blah, blah, blah. Nobody cares. Old *** argument.

Make better American products and people will buy them, including Melania Trump.
9/5/2017 7:09 PM
9/5/2017 7:10 PM
9/5/2017 7:11 PM
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Trump: Worst President Ever? Topic

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