Trump: Worst President Ever? Topic

Trump: Respect the fact that Kim Jong-Un is respecting us

Spikes the football, looks the fool.
9/3/2017 11:53 AM (edited)
President Donald Trump has decided to end the Obama-era program that grants work permits to undocumented immigrants who arrived in the country as children, according to two sources familiar with his thinking. Senior White House aides huddled Sunday afternoon to discuss the rollout of a decision likely to ignite a political firestorm — and fulfill one of the president’s core campaign promises.
9/3/2017 10:05 PM
Buh bye DACA!!
9/3/2017 10:06 PM
Deport Barron and Melania
9/4/2017 3:55 AM
if they were illegal oh wait melania followed the law when she came here, bye bye DACA
9/4/2017 7:42 AM
Posted by rjj4191 on 9/4/2017 7:42:00 AM (view original):
if they were illegal oh wait melania followed the law when she came here, bye bye DACA
Liberal Haters hate facts more than anything. Wonder if they include themselves in their list of Hate Groups that should be banned.
9/4/2017 9:06 AM
Posted by moy23 on 9/3/2017 10:06:00 PM (view original):
Buh bye DACA!!
Another dumb decision by Trump.
9/4/2017 9:46 AM
chips in

he's all about that base
9/4/2017 10:00 AM
he aint the worst he aint done nothin

he can be the worst

all he gotta do is make a point

he got the button

the russia noose is closing

let's just drop a bomb on a foreigner

9/4/2017 10:09 AM
Not Lou Gramm!!!?
9/4/2017 10:59 AM
Posted by all3 on 9/4/2017 9:06:00 AM (view original):
Posted by rjj4191 on 9/4/2017 7:42:00 AM (view original):
if they were illegal oh wait melania followed the law when she came here, bye bye DACA
Liberal Haters hate facts more than anything. Wonder if they include themselves in their list of Hate Groups that should be banned.
9/4/2017 11:45 AM
Can't bring myself to read any of his lunacy today either, but I'm sure this still addresses it:
9/4/2017 11:52 AM
Those who know or watch President Donald Trump closely fear he is “coming apart” under the strain of his failed presidency and often aborted actions. “He’s grasping to achieve something, anything, to prove he’s up to the job,” says a longtime business associate of Trump. “He’s coming apart at the seams.” Some worry Trump will “to war” with North Korea in an attempt to prove he is an able commander-in-chief while others say he will “do something that he feels is courageous but will be incredibly risky and could threaten the security of America.” “He has lived on the edge most of his life,” says a former paramour of Trump. “I fear he’s gone over the edge and is plummeting.”
9/4/2017 2:00 PM
Posted by all3 on 9/4/2017 11:52:00 AM (view original):
Can't bring myself to read any of his lunacy today either, but I'm sure this still addresses it:
9/4/2017 2:10 PM
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Trump: Worst President Ever? Topic

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