The engine is more basic than what you are thinking. Think of playbooks and formations as an "if, then" statement in a program code. Here is an example, I will use the playbook and formations above.
[play begins]
[pass or run]
[where to target]
[check 1st and medium playbook]
[options are 2|12|48|30|8}
[computer picks 48 - medium]
[who to target]
[check formation for medium]
[options are 80|11|3|3|3]
[computer picks 80 - WR2]
[goto pass sub]
[attempt pass yes|no]
[new target|sack|throw away|force pass]
[new target]
[goto where to target sub]
I am fairly confident in this model.
Good luck.
nitros (James)
What will my QB do if the formation sends all receivers Deep, but the playbook says to throw very short? (andyjoemich - Hall of Famer - 2:55 PM)
good question. The playbook target number will determine where to target and the decision on which player to select for location is based on the formation number. In this case, since there will be nobody running the short route, all of the players have an equal percent chance to run that route, and it will choose one of the players slotted for the deep pass. Logically this is what appears to be happening. I'll have to run this test in my test games to know for certain.
In the pass progression, I notice sometimes the QB will look off a medium pass and progress to long, short etc. What determines this? (ronm605 - Hall of Famer - 2:48 PM)
Pass attempts are determined based on the QB rating and the coverage unit. A QB will determine if the pass coverage is too strong based on his rating at reading the play and will determine if he should make the attempt. If it is determined that he will not attempt the pass, the play will move to the next step, the pressure from the line will be determined, and the QB will then see if he can find another target, throw the ball away, or scramble depending on the state of the play.
On a pass play, if the quarterback passes on his first option, what determines his second option? (slid64er - Hall of Famer - 7:49 PM)
Each new step of the play will calculate the targeted area. For basic uses, the targeted area will always chose an area based on the weighted distribution on the play. For example, if the play calls for a 50% chance of long and a 50% chance of deep each time a new target is calculated it will choose long half the time and deep half the time. There are other factors in this as well depending on the other things going on in the play. For instance, a QB cannot target a long or deep route early in the play. If the defense gets pressure on the QB the target will depend on the QB's ability to assess to the best target area.
9/4/2017 11:08 PM (edited)