Posted by all3 on 1/20/2017 5:25:00 PM (view original):
Posted by warrior0510 on 1/20/2017 5:10:00 PM (view original):
Just heard and saw Trump's inaugural speech. ..... Oh, my god .......
If you didn't see that white-haired man, you would have been thinking, this might be a 12year old kid. Just stumbling and mumbling "america first" (why? by the way, the USA is already the most powerful country of the world; are US-americans any better than any other country or people in the world? do they deserve better than others? again, why?) "Make america great again" (the most powerful country of the world; an economical giant???) People applauding a guy who makes them believe their country is down and weak ... wavering between inferiority and hubris; calling the Washington elite corrupt and then going to lunch with them. I fear in 4 years someone else will really have to make the USA great again.....
Are you Austin Powers? Have you been frozen for the last 30 years? Comments like "most powerful country of the world" (twice) and "an economical giant" sure make it seem so. Those things haven't been true since Politician because a lifetime job. Now that we finally have a bunch of businessmen back in charge, we'll see things get done, and those statements will hopefully be true again.
I guess you meant to write became not because.
Otherwise your post just confirms what I was pointing out about the mentality of many people in the US. Just ignore the facts because they are different from what I 'feel'. I want to feel bad. And I want to feel bad!
Please consider also that businessmen - that is just the name of the game - .are looking to maximize their own benefit, not that of the community. So to rely on them to govern your country is a bit simple and naive, you know?