Posted by drocman212 on 6/19/2017 4:58:00 AM (view original):
Man I agree with all of you. What the heck does an award show have to do with the entire league? If a guy's named De player of the year, does he get a 100% rating? And what about the others? How do they then determine who gets a 90, 80, 70, etc? Don't they already have whatever statistical info they need? And does a guy automatically get a 100% rating just because he wins DPOY? Perhaps even the best D player that season isn't even that good. And if not, why the hell the wait? This is all why I wonder if they're just trying to tick us all off enough that we'll go away so they can eliminate the sim. Perhaps it's a dead asset that's barely paying for itself & we just don't know. I felt for some time football was a dead world here so I left it long ago.
yes I believe DPOY does = 100 - if not it at least represents a significant boost to drating
B) being named to 1st or 2nd team also = rating boost
C) there is an algorithm that establishes Drating prior to any such boosts (I think it's heavily weight around blocks - used to be def rebounding played a big role too but they fixed that (because it lead to stupid results like Troy Murphy being an all world stopper))
As an exercise in thinking about how that algorithm might be constructed think about Andre Dummond's 12-13 season 89 rating vs his 15-16 52 rating - in the first season his real drtg was 99 and in the latter 98 but his block % in 12-13 was double that of this most recent season with all else pretty much equal so...? Yeah I got nothing - something something blocked shots something PG eligibles w above 90drtg not named Wade = rare birds indeed because? I guess Manute Bol or Mark Eaton something something etc)
anywho and in short they could (and previously have) release a 'first pass' of all the 16-17 player seasons that would for the large part stay fixed while the awards would impact the ratings of a select group of players that would need to be reset accordingly after the awards were announced (which would take less than 5 minutes I'm guessing)
6/20/2017 10:53 AM (edited)