You're blind if you think Clinton was the only other choice.
Secondly, you Trumpie's ought to thank somebody the Dems were so stupid as to run Hillary.
Roughly half of the Trump vote was cast by folks who KNEW Trump was unfit and dangerous but still voted for him BECAUSE of their hatred for Hillary.
I understand that now, and did then (at the time of the campaign)........... tried to tell every Democrat I knew (very few) that they were setting the Country up for ruin by not offering the citizens a candidate without severe character/ideology issues. Trump is POTUS precisely because far too many think the only other choice was HRC. It was just not so. There were at least 2 other candidates (one on the right of BOTH candidates) who BOTH would have been preferable. Both had integrity and (some) experience. Both were fresh faces. NEITHER were beholden to the PARTIES and the "swamp" inhabiting DC.
I won't talk about who "wins", as I'm quite positive we citizens ALL lost with this last election.
The sooner you Trumpie "morons" wake up and admit you erred, the sooner we can all pull together and correct this problem by demanding his resignation or ouster by impeachment through our elected representatives!