Posted by bad_luck on 6/2/2017 12:11:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tecwrg on 6/2/2017 11:56:00 AM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 6/2/2017 11:19:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tecwrg on 6/2/2017 6:16:00 AM (view original):
Forget about climate change, global warming, all that bullshit which is backed by questionable "science" at best for the moment.
Why would we want to continue to harvest and consume fossil fuels, of which there's only so much left in the ground, and which humans are consuming at an unsustainable rate, and which is known to pollute both the water and the air when harvested and burned?
Why wouldn't we want to make a directed effort towards turning to renewable energy, such as solar and wind, which has significantly less impact on the environment when both harvested and consumed?
No, no. We should not forget about climate change, you flat-earther. It's real and backed by real science.
I misspoke.
Climate change is not bullshit. It's real.
The bullshit part is the claims that it's mostly influenced by human behavior. The "science" behind that is questionable, and ignores a ****-ton of facts that show that it's natural and cyclical, and would be occurring anyways whether or not humans existed.
We know it's man-made. It's backed by scientific evidence in many different fields.
Wrong. We don't "know" it's man-made. The "scientific evidence in many different fields" is basically the product of grant-based research. One of the goals of grant-based research is to come to findings that encourages additional grant-based research.
Which of the following kinds of findings would have more potential to lead to more funding for further research:
a) Nope, nothing to see here. Everything is working as it always has.
b) OMG!!! We are destroying our planet!!! We need to do something, or we're doomed!!!!!
There is plenty of hard science that backs the idea that climate change is constant, natural, and cyclical. Yet it's ignore by the "OMG, WE'RE DOOMED!!!" people such as yourself.
Critical thought is your friend. Or at least would be, if you were capable of critical thought.