Posted by MikeT23 on 5/12/2017 3:03:00 PM (view original):
I'm asking you to tell me a couple "important" lies he's told. After all, I believe you stated that virtually everything out of his mouth is a lie. Inform me.
Obama wire tapped him
He fired Comey because he mishandled the Clinton email investigation
Comey told him the FBI is not investigating him
Most electoral votes since Reagan
Millions voted illegally
Highest murder rate in years
Terrorism in europe not being reported
People being shot during Obama's speech
He never put out a 100 day plan
He has fullfilled most of his 100 day promises
Cummings told him he would be the greatest president
Gorsuch was #1 at Harvard
Dairy farmers are being killed by NAFTA allowing in Canadian milk
No such thing as terrorism when NATO was formed
Obama caused MS13
Many Democrats in Congress think the health care bill in incredible (this might be true if he meant incredible in the most literal sense, but he didn't)
Paul Manafort was not involved in the campaign
Mike Flynn was supposed to be vetted by Obama, not Trump
The Times apologized for election coverage
Podesta Russian Company
Obamacare has put truckers out of business
Had 25,000 people in an arena in Kentucky
NATO doesn't cover terrorism
Predicted Brexit
Many people are leaving the medical profession because of Obamacare
Obamacare covers very few people
Obama released 122 Gitmo prisoners
Should I keep going?